As I get to work, remembering to act normal. We start our day like every day, after briefing him on his schedule, I let him know I have to tell him about something I 'saw' last night, and him reassuring I'm not fired for being two minutes late with a hearty laugh, we continue our day.
As it nears lunchtime, Buford asks me to order lunch for two. I do as asked, and when it arrives, I bring it to him as normal. He waves me in the office, closing the door behind me "Sit down Acadia, now that you know the truth, we probably need to spend a little more time together"
Nervously I put the food on his desk and dish out the portions for us both "What was it that you wanted to tell me? You can speak freely here, the walls are soundproof if you haven't noticed" he said with a wink.
Is he flirting with me, I blush a little, as this is the second guy to make me do so in the past two days. I know I've worked for him for a long time, but I guess him keeping a low profile and eye on my magic abilities, he never talked with me like this before, and I believe I like it.
"Yes, I had another vision or maybe it was a dream last night, it's the first time I've had this" I started telling him about my dream, he looks at me intently and focused on every word I say, once finished, he rakes his hand through his hair with a sigh.
"I'm so sorry that happened to you, I wish there was something I could do to make it better, but on a good note, this is a development in your abilities" Looking up sharply and curios, he notices and explains further "It seems your abilities are getting stronger, and you can see more than the future, you can see the past as well, were you thinking of anything before you went to sleep? And are you sure she made the wall come down or someone else? And the orb as well?"
Blushing even more "Yes I was thinking of my date today, well the person I'm going with really"
His eyebrows rose up a bit with a little smile at the corner of his mouth "Nothing to warrant the dream of my mother, or maybe it was everything I learned yesterday. And yes, it was her, I watched her hand go towards the wall and she flicked it towards where the wall fell. As well as the orb like the guy in the alley"
He stared at me for a few seconds mumbling something about impossible, can't be, and there's no way. Finally, he asked "Did she happen to say the name of the man chasing her?" looking at me intently.
I shake my head no, wondering who it was myself. He breathes a breath of relief and smiles again "The reason I ask, is that it′s not normal to have more than one power unless you are an heir. If she did the orb and the wall, maybe she just did it with another orb. I thought maybe for a second you could be Z'havias daughter. But she never had precognition, and the note your mother left on you, doesn't make sense with the name Acadia. The heir's name was Adaline"
For a split second my heart constricted, but he's right, it doesn't fit with what I've been told. We continue talking and eating, him telling me about how the group is scattered all throughout different states, but the people on the council stay in New Orleans.
They are mixed with different races, and magic and all kids born with magic must come from two magic people. He says most people decide to do that, as it's hard not to be able to be themselves with a human family.
They do get together for holidays and meetings regularly, keeping up with each other consistently, as everyone is responsible for the safety of humans and keeping taps on any Merdique.
Taking in all of this as if it were part of my normal day, I listen and hope to meet some of the others, curious as to what magic is out there.