With Huck's return and Becca's addition, the Gu Ding Pirate Crew, which had been in a slump for the past few months, finally became active again.

On the Dream, the delicacies that Biggie had been busy preparing for the whole day finally came in handy in the evening.

Everyone gathered together and enjoyed the delicacies while talking about the interesting things that had happened in the past few years. The atmosphere was joyous.

Seeing that Becca was having a hard time fitting in, Lilliath let go of the past and walked over. "Your earrings are pretty good. Where did you buy them?"

"I didn't buy them." Becca smiled and shook her head. "These earrings aren't decorative either. They're used for sealing purposes."

"Sealing?" Lilliath looked at Becca strangely.

"I was born with an abnormal perception of sound. Even the slightest sound will be magnified countless times when it enters my ears. Therefore, these earrings are used to seal my hearing, "Becca explained.

"In other words, the sounds you're hearing now are sounds that have been weakened countless times after your hearing was sealed?" Lilliath guessed.

"Actually, since my hearing is sealed, I can't hear anything. However, I can see the information transmitted by various fluctuations, so I can understand what you're talking about. " Becca did not use voice transmission to explain this. Everyone, including Gu Ding and the others, heard it and immediately gathered around in surprise.

"Becca, you're joking, right?" As a doctor, Dockett did not quite believe Becca's special constitution.

"I'm not joking. I get information through fluctuations. Therefore, except for a few special languages, I can decipher most languages. It doesn't matter if these languages are human or other species'. "Becca's words were a little unbelievable to everyone.

"Howl …" Tagore suddenly let out a low growl at Béka.

"You're saying, 'I don't believe you can decipher our tribe's language.'" Becca raised an eyebrow and translated the meaning of Tagore's growl.

"He can indeed decipher my language." Tagore looked at Becca with a flash of surprise in his eyes, but he did not pay too much attention to the matter. Instead, he turned back to the sofa, curled up, and continued to pretend to sleep.

Hearing Tagore's words, everyone finally believed that Béka had this strange ability.

"You can even decipher the languages of other species. What kind of special languages are you referring to when you said you can't decipher them?" Liliath asked curiously.

"Some special languages don't produce waves. In this case, I can't decipher it. Another situation was an encrypted language. They could produce fluctuations, but they had an extremely complicated encryption system. Without the correct decryption method, it was impossible to understand the meaning. Even if I can read the waves in this language, I won't be able to decipher the secrets hidden within the waves, "Becca explained.

"If that's the case, you wouldn't be able to decipher even if it were words, because words are static and don't produce any fluctuations." It was Dockett who raised the question. He was obviously very interested in Becca's ability.

"Words are static, this sentence itself is wrong. Words also carried fluctuations, and not only did they carry the meaning of the words themselves, but they also contained the emotions and other things carried by the writer. Sometimes, words are more real than words because many species lie when they use words. "Becca's words completely subverted everyone's understanding.

"So, you can decipher a lot of the languages of various species through the fluctuations?" Dockett continued to ask.

"As long as the fluctuations aren't weakened to the point where I can't decipher them, I can basically decipher them. However, just like languages, words are also complicated and encrypted. I can't decipher these kinds of words. There's also a special type of language that has Heavenly Lines added to it. The fluctuations they emit are unusually vast, and to me, it's like an ordinary person looking directly at the sun. I can't decipher them either, "Becca explained patiently.

"I have another question, but I'm not sure if you'll be angry if I ask it." Dockett's eyes were full of anticipation as he said this.

"Ask away, it's fine. I'm not that petty," Becca said generously.

"You said that your hearing is abnormal, so it's sealed. What would happen if the seal was lifted?" Dockett did not mean anything by it. As a doctor, he was very interested in people with special physical conditions.

"If the seal is lifted, I'll receive all kinds of sounds, but most of them are ear-piercing noises to me. However, due to my body's sensitivity to sound, I'll go berserk when there's a lot of noise. Moreover, when the stimulation of the noise reaches a certain level, my main consciousness will enter a dormant state, and my body will be dominated by my battle-hungry second consciousness. When that happens, it'll only cause a huge disaster. "Becca did not shy away from this question and answered it very calmly.

"Second consciousness? So, you know that there are two consciousnesses coexisting in your body? "Robert was a little puzzled by this point.

"Yes, Master and the others told me. This second consciousness isn't something external, but something that my body automatically condensed to protect itself, "Becca continued to explain.

"I understand …" Dockett took out a notebook and seemed to be recording something. He seemed to be in a good mood.

"Now that Huck has been rescued, and there's a new member, Becca, joining us, all we have to do is wait for this part of the Retrograde Space to pass, then we can enter the Grand Cosmic Sea!"

Gu Ding seemed to be in high spirits. "In seven days, this part of the Retrograde Space will be over. Due to the uniqueness of the Retrograde Space, our spaceship can't stop for long, so we'll have to wait until we enter the Grand Cosmic Sea to replenish our supplies and rest. "Neptune had already planned this out.

"Didn't you say that the Retrograde Space is dangerous and that we'll encounter a tide reversal? Our journey here was quite smooth, "Dockett said with a smile.

"Hey, you, don't jinx it!" Lilliath glared at Dockett when she heard this.

"Alright, there's nothing else, everyone can go back to your rooms. Go back to your rooms and rest up, "Gu Ding said and was the first to turn around and leave.

"Wait a minute, I just detected an obscure vibration coming from the Retrograde Space …" Neptune suddenly shouted. "This kind of vibration is likely a precursor to a tide reversal …"

As soon as he said that, the others looked at Dockett, who had jinxed him earlier, with a slightly disdainful gaze.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. I was just asking casually, it's none of my business," Dockett quickly waved his hand.