Countertides were an extremely dangerous phenomenon in the Retrograde Space. If the Retrograde Space was a sea, then a countertide would undoubtedly be a tsunami. Every planet could only be regarded as a small fish in the sea. Therefore, the destruction brought about by every countertide was almost devastating.

Every time the reverse tide washed in the Retrograde Space, it would cause the displacement and destruction of various celestial bodies on a large scale. The gravitational force that maintained the stability of the galaxy was like the arm of a mantis trying to stop a car in a countertide. It would be torn to pieces in an instant. Moreover, after every countertide, it would take a long time for a new galaxy to condense and take shape.

Humans, on the other hand, were even more insignificant in a countertide. A countertide contained a large amount of spatial energy that could instantly tear most living things into pieces. Only those with extremely strong physical strength could survive. Even so, they would be swept away by the countertide and washed far away. Even Heavenly God-Level powerhouses would choose to avoid it.

"The Retrograde Space is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government. If a countertide occurs, they should notify us in advance, right?"

As a businessman, Faust had dealt with the Federal Government many times over the past few years and had heard of such things.

"It won't be that fast. The Federal Government's early warning mechanism has a process. Before executing the process, they must be sure that the shock will indeed cause a countertide and not make a false alarm." Neptune was very familiar with the Federal Government's workflow.

"Can you determine the strength level and direction of this countertide now?" Gu Ding looked at Neptune.

"The shock is still in the brewing stage, so we can't be sure yet. I hope it's not a countertide above Level 10. Otherwise, it will be very troublesome." Neptune was also a little worried about this.

The strength of a countertide was usually divided into twelve levels.

Level 1 to Level 3 were basically non-threatening and would only form an ordinary countertide. As long as the spaceship was strong enough and had sufficient energy, it would not be affected too much. However, it would be like a river flowing in the opposite direction and would be greatly slowed down.

Level 4 to Level 6 countertides were something that most spaceships would have to avoid because the power of most spaceships would not be able to withstand the impact of such a countertide and would not be able to move forward at all.

Level 7 to Level 9 countertides were quite dangerous. The energy was strong enough to cause damage to the trajectory of various celestial bodies. Spaceships had to avoid the impact range of the countertide to be safe.

Above level ten, the energy of the impact was even stronger, and its range was at least one-third of the entire Retrograde Space. This was especially true for a level-12 Defying Tide. Once it descended, the entire Retrograde Space would be shaken, and no place would be safe.

"The eruption speed of the reverse tide is very fast. Once the preparation is complete, the energy accumulated to the peak will quickly erupt. If it was a large-scale tide, it would be too late for the federal government to notify them. So, no matter what the level and direction of the tide is, we'd better respond as soon as possible. That's because a tidewater of grade seven or above would be a serious hindrance to our journey, "Mikko suggested.

"Miko's right. Based on the power of our ship, we'll lose control of the ship if we encounter a tide-tide of level eight or above. We'll have no choice but to drift with the current. I don't know where we'll end up." Robert gave his calculations.

"But we don't even know the direction of the tide. How are we supposed to go around it?" Gu Ding raised his doubts.

"There's no way to go around it without knowing the direction of the tide, but what we need to do is not to go around it," Neptune explained. "We just need to find a supermassive black hole to hide in. This way, the spaceships can largely avoid being directly impacted by the energy of the tide. Under the absorption of the black hole, the spaceships can avoid ninety-nine percent or more of the impact, minimizing the damage."

"A tide can't affect a black hole?" Gu Ding had never heard of such a thing.

"Of course not, ordinary black holes. When the tide is strong enough, it can tear a black hole. However, a black hole with enough mass can't be torn apart. At most, it can only cause a certain degree of displacement, which is much better than the spaceships bearing the impact alone, "Neptune continued to explain.

"There's a supermassive black hole three hundred and twenty light-years away. According to my calculations, that's the most massive black hole we can reach before the tide erupts." Neptune looked at Gu Ding. "It's up to you whether you want to go or not."

"Let's change course and set off. For now, this seems to be the safest way." Under normal circumstances, Gu Ding would not raise any objections to Neptune and the others when it came to decisions that required professional knowledge. After all, the opinions of professionals were much more reliable. There was no need for him to meddle blindly. At most, he could give some hypothetical suggestions.

On the other hand, Neptune and the others respected Gu Ding's decision-making authority as the captain, so they needed him to give instructions. This was because they knew that if everyone made decisions according to their own ideas, it would be a mess.

Mutual respect was also the basic principle of the Gu Ding Pirate Crew.

After receiving Gu Ding's instructions, Neptune controlled the spaceship and flew toward the black hole at top speed.

Just as the group reached the periphery of the black hole, the Federal Government's announcement was finally issued.

[Emergency Announcement: A large-scale tide is about to erupt in the Retrograde Space. The current level is estimated to be at least Level 8 or above! Please prepare for avoidance as soon as possible! Safe navigation is ensured!]

"Level 8, I'm afraid it's more than that. Based on the current situation, the energy pile is still accumulating energy, and there are no signs of an eruption. I estimate that this tide is at least Level 9 or above. "Neptune gave his opinion after projecting the Federal Government's announcement.

"If it's Level 9 or above, it will cause panic, which is something the Federal Government wants to avoid. Moreover, they're very careful with their words. It's not difficult for those who know the Federal Government to guess that this figure is a conservative estimate. "Although Miko could not see the text, she could hear the voice broadcast.

Becca looked at the two minors in front of him, and the more surprised he became, the more he realized that everyone in the Gu Ding Pirate Crew was not simple.

"Alright, the spaceship is about to enter the black hole's sucking area. I'll try my best to keep the spaceship operating smoothly. However, under such strong gravity, the spaceship's turbulence is inevitable. Don't panic, everyone. "Neptune's eyes were fixed on the projection screen.

It was obviously not an easy task to maintain stable operation inside the black hole. It was necessary to maintain a balance between the spaceship's power strength and the black hole's gravitational force, which was also very costly to the spaceship's energy.

The spaceship soon entered the turbulence phase, which lasted for nearly two hours before it stopped.

"Alright, the spaceship has completely stabilized. We've entered the black hole's inner area. It should be safe here." Neptune's voice finally came. "However, in the black hole, our communication with the outside world is also cut off. Signals can't reach here, and they'll be torn apart by the strong gravity here. We'll be in a state of loss of contact with the outside world. "

"Do you know when the tide will end?" Lilliath was a little worried.

"During the tide, the black hole will have an abnormal reaction. Once the tide ends, the abnormal reaction of the black hole will also end soon. Don't worry," Neptune explained.

"Then wait patiently. We'll leave as soon as the tide ends." Gu Ding nodded.