Jim is a senior editor of British screen magazine. He has been to Cannes town for many years and is responsible for the reporting of the film festival.

At noon, he learned from his friends that a Chinese film broadcast in a bar last night was full of suspense and a rare murder case in the style of "Agatha Christie".

Agatha Christie is the pride of Britain, and the number of her works is second only to Shakespeare.

She created the "country villa school" of detective novels, that is, the murder took place in a specific closed environment, and the murderer was also one of several specific stakeholders. Therefore, it is known as the "Queen of reasoning". Many works have been moved to the big screen, forming a unique style and affecting many detective works in Europe, America and even Japan.

Jim expressed doubts about the Chinese film in the style of "Agatha Christie". The Chinese films in his impression stay more in the ancient mystery of the East and the magical Kung Fu that can fly from eaves to walls.

At more than 10 p.m., he came to the mbiwa bar alone, sat on the bar, tasted the bar's signature cocktails, and chatted freely with the bar waiter and nearby drinkers.

"I heard the bar showed a movie last night?"

"Yes. I've lived here for 33 years. It's the first time I've met a movie in a bar."

"Is it still on tonight?"

"Then ask our boss."

"Is the movie good?"

The drinker next to me added, "my friend said that the suspense was strong, and the ending surprised him."

"So you came to the bar for the movie?"

"Why not? I just need to buy a cocktail to watch a movie that may be good. It's much cheaper than the cinema."


In the Mongolian big3 exclusive card seat, many acquaintances came tonight.

In addition to Huang Lei, who said hello to him, bringing friends, there are also Li Bingyu and senior executives of Yihua. Lin Zhiling has returned home after attending the premiere of Taiwanese films, but Stewart came and sat next to Mai Xiaoyu, breaking his eyes.

Everyone has his own purpose.

Huang Lei and his colleagues came here. First, they wanted to join the fun to see the quality of Meng Ren's new film. Second, they were curious about Mai Xiaoyu's routine.

The motivation of Yihua people is very simple, which is to verify whether Mai Xiaoyu can succeed in seeking overseas distribution in this wonderful way, and if so, whether he can learn from it. Although they are not familiar with Mai Xiaoyu, they are introduced by Li Bingyu, aren't they?

As for Stewart, he just wants to know as much as possible about Mai Xiaoyu and increase his confidence in his gambling.

"I've convinced you. Can't you go back to the ordinary way?" Huang Lei said jokingly.

In this regard, Mai Xiaoyu is very innocent: "if I can show it in the cinema, why should I make such a bad decision?"

"It's not a bad idea, is it? Many foreign stars have posted group photos with their necks and faces on twitter, and the domestic media are also advertising that they are very popular abroad; mlgb band is also your people. I remember they used to play underground band, and they made a successful comeback this time. As well as the identity of little fish, the crew of struggle has been in the newspapers frequently, which is a TV play invested by your company."

As Huang Lei said, for the overseas release of deadly ID, the routine designed by Mai Xiaoyu has a taste of inadvertently inserting willows into the shade. We haven't contacted the publisher yet, but there are many other benefits.

If the overseas distribution is finally completed, it will be a bumper harvest with a perfect ending.

"In fact, I think if this film is broadcast in the cinema or held a film viewing meeting for the media and publishers, the effect will be better. Maybe some publishers have contacted you." Ye Chu is talking. After watching fatal ID last night, he held a positive attitude.

"I want to, but we are 'black households', we can't do it."

Of course, Mai Xiaoyu knows that ye Chu is right, but the films participating in the exhibition can not be broadcast in the cinema, not to mention his "Black family"? As for the film watching meeting... He can invite the media and publishers, but you are not famous at all. Will people come?

"You mean, what you're doing now is a last resort?"

Yihua's executives are crazy. I thought we could refer to Mengren's alternative overseas distribution method. Now I understand that Mai Xiaoyu is looking for a formal way and is forced to take the wrong side of the sword.

In Madi, we Yihua have been operating overseas distribution through formal channels, but it is difficult!

Stuart touched Mai Xiaoyu and whispered, "look over there, Mr. Friedrich and Mr. McDonald are coming."

"Is that MacDonald the publisher?"

"No, he's Fox's senior manager."

Tonight, Mai Xiaoyu will definitely not be on the stage again. He has been walking in space for two nights in a row, which has given foreigners enough face. From tonight, only mlgb band will perform as the finale, and the dance will be performed by local lovers in France.

Just like last night, when "deadly ID" was broadcast at 11:30, the bar encountered another storm of drinkers, but it was much less than last night. The number of people who seriously watched the film changed from very few last night to very few.

After the movie is played, Diao Yi and his little friends appear on the stage, and the crazy hi atmosphere is restored in the bar.

Huang Lei, ye Chu, Yao Xiaoxing and others were discussing the plot structure of the film. Yihua executives left on the pretext of attending the event tomorrow morning. Li Bingyu responded with an apologetic look.

After a while, mbiva came with Jim.

"Mike, he said he was the editor of screen and wanted to meet the director of the film."

Jim came with a questioning mind and looked at the film critically. However, after watching the film, he found that the actors in "deadly ID" were not brilliant. He could only say that they were in line with the rules, but the rhythm of the plot... He really understood the essence of the style of "Agatha Christie" murder!

Not only that, behind the murder, there is a profound discussion on human nature and psychology, and films with human nature theme, even in the main competition unit, are also the most popular theme!

He was curious and wanted to meet the Chinese director who made the film. Immediately find the bar owner mbiwa and follow the latter.

Screen editor?

Finally caught a big fish!

Mai Xiaoyu secretly rejoiced and drew Xiao Xing's silent introduction: "he is the director."

"Hello, I'm Jim, editor of screen magazine. Here's my business card..."

Exchange business cards with Jim. Xiao Xing looks at Mai Xiaoyu and asks Mai Xiaoyu to act as an interpreter on the pretext of his poor English. Then the two brothers begin to have cordial and friendly exchanges with Jim.

Zhang Koizumi hugged Shen Fei and said something in her ear with a smile. He heard Shen Fei's beautiful eyes twinkle; Huang Lei, ye Chu and others stopped talking and focused on their conversation; Stuart cocked up his ears and listened to the conversation between Mai Xiaoyu and Jim.

Everyone knows the importance of getting rid of screen editor Jim for fatal ID.

"Black door" wind no see light, perhaps tonight!

Mai Xiaoyu and Kui Xiaoxing have been partners for many years. There is no doubt about their tacit understanding. Lian mengdai deceived Jim for more than 20 minutes. Finally, when Jim left, he suggested that it was too late today. I hope to have an exclusive interview with Xiao Xing in the hotel cafe at 10 a.m. tomorrow. The theme is naturally fatal ID!

After arriving at Cannes, the net was spread for several days. Mai Xiaoyu successively put a lot of bait into it. Now it's important to the harvest season.

The next morning, he wanted to accompany Xiao Xing to an exclusive interview with the reporter of screen as an interpreter, but the arrival of the staff of a small French distribution company disrupted his plan.

No way, he had to ask Ye Chu to accompany him. Anyway, the three brothers discussed most of the night, and he knew how to answer the reporter.

Ye Chu happily agrees.

He is the biggest spectator. Now the good play has reached a high tide, of course he won't miss it.

However, Mai Xiaoyu doesn't think it's a high tide. On the contrary, he thinks it's officially entering the most difficult moment.

Just like the eagle nose executive of the distribution company, who is arrogant and full of superiority, expressed his interest in fatal ID in arrogant words, and then asked for a DVD sample.

"We need a quiet environment and calm down to evaluate the film."

"Sorry, the DVD sample is not ready yet. I think you should have seen the film in the bar, haven't you?"

"You Chinese have not prepared enough, so I have to doubt your sincerity. Well, I'll take a step back. Is there a rough cut version?"


"Our company is more interested in this film and is very sincere to move it to the big screen. Unfortunately, I don't feel any sincerity from you. I can only express regret. Maybe other distribution companies will be interested, maybe not. Good luck."

With that, the hooked nose turned and left.

"Fish, it's easy for a publisher to come to the door. Why do you refuse him directly?" Zhang Koizumi asked anxiously.

Mai Xiaoyu smiled coldly: "brother Cha, don't ask more. There's a lot of tricky in it. In a word, don't scatter Eagles without rabbits."


Zhang Koizumi also wanted to persuade him. Shen Fei held him and shook his head, motioning him not to say any more.

Her behavior was appreciated by Mai Xiaoyu. She smiled and nodded in affirmation.

"Brother Cha, I have a hunch that the guy will come this afternoon."

Don't wait until the afternoon. Just an hour later, the hooked nose came again, but the attitude was still arrogant.

"I went back to discuss. Our company believes that China and France are vigorously carrying out economic and cultural exchanges and are willing to help your country and let more Europeans see Chinese films..."

"Just say the conclusion."


The conclusion is very simple. Eagle nose is willing to buy the European distribution right of fatal ID at a high price of 200000 euros.

"200000 euros? European issuance rights?"

"What's the problem?"

"Ha ha."

Mai Xiaoyu looked like a fool.

Chinese films have a small share in the international market, but they are extremely keen on overseas distribution. Overseas box office is on the one hand, on the other hand, it is forced to go up. It is called in line with international standards.

Even if the box office is in a mess, as long as there is a small gimmick, it can be hyped into a bull force in China.

For this reason, Chinese filmmakers are often in a weak position in the international film market. For overseas distribution, they have to often step back to show the broad mind of Chinese people.

The investment of deadly ID is only 3 million, and the buyout price of 200000 euros is not too low. Yinggoubi thought that the conditions seen by his side were very high, but Mai Xiaoyu's response was: "ha ha."

You can let the other party act as an agent for European distribution rights, but you don't accept buyouts and only accept separate box office. This is Mai Xiaoyu's bottom line.

"It's impossible!" the eagle nose felt his dignity challenged. "You know, this film is not a kung fu film, nor is it starring a star in your country. The risk of our company's release is great. Without high enough interests, we won't take such a big risk!"

"Then I'll say goodbye to you."

Break up again!

"Arrogant Chinese, you will regret losing this opportunity!"

The eagle's nose went away angrily, but Mai Xiaoyu was more and more stable in his heart.

Even Zhang Koizumi felt that the other side was fierce and weak. He scolded "forked" and ignored the other side's threat.

The day passed like this, and the days were calm.

The next day, Li Bingyu was ready to leave for home. Her trip to Cannes has ended. There is no need to stay until the closing ceremony. There are announcements waiting for her in China.

After packing up, having lunch, I picked up today's special issue of "screen" on my way back. When I returned to the hotel, I was bored and turned to a page. I was stunned.

"Bar", "Chinese film" and other words attracted her eyes. After a careful look, she found the words "fatal ID". However, the title of this report is to introduce the film identity.


English name?

"This is a suspense film from China. At the beginning, it exaggerates the typical serial murder environment with the situation of rainy night and lonely hotels in the barren mountains, and then slowly leads the story to the climax through the mysterious death of the characters..."

"The plot of the story is full of suspense, and the whole film is filled with an atmosphere of panic. The suspense is closely linked, and the murderer is not revealed until the end..."

"Director Xiao Xing is a talented young Chinese director. He has a deep understanding of the essence of the 'Agatha Christie' style murder case and applied it to this film, which makes people applaud."

Screen magazine introduced the film deadly ID in detail. The editor at the end of the article said in a joking tone:

"This highly logical suspense thriller film missed the Cannes Film Festival because of a funny reason - the producer was careless and didn't sign up for the film before the registration deadline."

"Fortunately, the producer adopted the way of screening in the bar. Although absurd, it shows another side of Chinese films, which is different from Chinese films of 'Kung Fu'..."

After reading the report, Li Bingyu found director Yihua, who simply read the first sentence of the report: "how much did they spend?"

Screen is the fixed magazine of the three major film festivals in Europe. It is also the most influential, concerned and authoritative industry magazine during the film festival. It is also one of the favorable platforms for promoting films.

The cover of the magazine is a must for major commercial films, and the films reported are also a means of publicity and promotion.

It's not difficult to get on the report, as long as you're willing to spend money.

"It's not about money, is it?" Li Bingyu objected.

During the Cannes Film Festival, the number of issues of "screen", "French film" and "Hollywood report" was fixed. The films introduced every day to participate, participate in and sell films had already paid the money and booked the time and location.

It is impossible for Mai Xiaoyu to spend money temporarily to buy publicity space for deadly ID. Moreover, the report on "deadly ID" is published on the magazine's lace news page as the entertainment news during the film festival, rather than the publicity page that needs to be purchased in front.

"What's the problem!"