"The discussion of human nature is one of the eternal themes of the film. Identity may tell us such a truth: the most evil soul is often the most harmless and hidden."

The report published in the French film answered the doubts of Yihua executives.

Because of the "screen", one day later, the French film, Hollywood report and other media also sent reporters to the bar in mbiwa, and then reported the "deadly ID" film one after another.

"Deadly ID" has attracted the attention of many media and filmmakers, and even the uneasy and kind media openly claimed that the "deadly ID" which was "secretly" shown in the bar was superior to those Chinese films that participated in the Cannes Film Festival and were shown in cinemas.

The reason why it has attracted great attention and evaluation is that the film theme has a deeper disclosure of human nature.

Whether it's oriental ancient costume martial arts films, or all kinds of films such as love, family affection and action, most filmmakers have devoted themselves to the theme of human nature in the most popular types. Even the film festival officials admit that the film festival is obviously more fond of the theme of human nature.

Not only Cannes Film Festival, but also Venice Film Festival and Cannes Film Festival.

The famous European director who has won many awards said: "whether it's a commercial film or a film with strong political meaning, you have to always focus on human nature."

In fatal ID, each personality, good or bad, symbolizes different meanings and represents the different experiences encountered by that person in the process of growing up, so as to form different personalities.

"... there is a bit of terror in the suspense. There is no particularly brilliant bridge section, but it is closely linked. It can be said that there is no wasted lens, and the causes and consequences can be found in every picture..."

"The plot link is quite excellent. The lens conversion and plot description at the beginning will inevitably make people feel a little confused and can't wait to see it. However, every time this feeling occurs, the plot will suddenly turn around and catch the audience's heart again..."

"The consolidation of the detailed description has built an exquisite script structure with multiple metaphors. The presentation based on the dark night and rain, breath holding nodes continue to render layers of in-depth thriller atmosphere, and the reversal of multiple personalities has created an extraordinary sense of suspense several times..."

The reports of Cannes field magazines and media were quickly transmitted back to China through the Chinese media reporters who came to Cannes.

For Chinese journalists, no matter what identity "deadly ID" appeared in Cannes Film Festival, there is no doubt about it, and it has broken the long-standing cultural barriers between the East and the West!

The news spread back to China and quickly triggered the screen brushing effect.

In particular, the public learned that "deadly ID" did not pass the domestic audit and "sneaked into Cannes" in an almost funny way. On the contrary, it was highly praised by foreign filmmakers and media, causing an uproar.

This uproar exploded with an article published on the Internet by a Chinese couple traveling in Cannes.

The couple went to mbiva's bar to see deadly ID.

In the article, they vowed that this is a suspense film. From beginning to end, there is no picture about the negative image of China, nor does it involve politics or pornography. It is difficult to understand the reason why it failed to pass the review.

At least in their view, there is no disharmony in the film.

As a result, the topic of domestic film audit standards has risen sharply.

Many netizens shouted that the standards should be open and transparent.

Obviously, this is a joke. Filmmakers can only rely on the experience of hitting the wall again and again to explore the audit standards. How can the people who eat melons know?

"Is this guy still human?"

Ning Shibin slumped on the sofa, with a table of newspapers in front of him, all about the report of fatal ID, but he didn't lose his temper this time.

"Is it normal for people to broadcast TV dramas in KTV and movies in bars? Foreigners are also sick. They also agreed to invest $3 million in movies made by a group of mass actors?"

Ning Shibin is tired and tired.

Failure after failure and stealing chicken again and again did not erode the rice, which seriously eroded his confidence.

"That madman, can't you let me win once..."

Zhang Ruilin handed a cup of hot tea: "bin Shao, in fact, he can't win this time. The domestic public opinion is so noisy that he is cutting off his own way. This film can't be released in China."

Yes, can anyone lift the official's beard?

If "deadly ID" gets the Dragon logo after trial and is successfully released in China, doesn't the official admit that he is wrong in disguise?

Do you want the majesty of the official?

Chinese films have no domestic box office, only rely on overseas box office

Ning Shibin showed a relaxed smile: "that is to say, I still won this time? In this case, I don't need to continue to clean up the madman when things are over. Don't mention him in front of me in the future. Just think about it."

Are you afraid?

Zhang Ruilin hesitated and reminded, "but the Chairman..."

"The chairman is none of my business. He's just my uncle, not my father! He wants to fight a madman and let his son come back!"



Not all the voices about deadly ID are positive, but there are also different voices.

For example, Jacob, a famous Italian film critic, expressed different views on his twitter.

"This film has once again refreshed my feelings towards the Chinese people. Admittedly, it has let me appreciate the other side of Chinese films, but it also makes me question the 'magnanimity' of the Chinese people.

Why do more people pay attention to it, but it only plays for one hour every night instead of the end of the screening, and now it stops screening? Sorry, I didn't see the open mind of the Chinese people in the producer, but I felt the shrewdness of the Jews... "

Yes, since the "fatal ID" was reported on screen, the bar in mbiwa only plays for one hour a day.

You said the drinker didn't finish it. Do you have a problem?

Want to see a movie, go to the cinema, this is a bar!

When "French film", "Hollywood report" and other media began to report, Mai Xiaoyu simply stopped playing "deadly ID" in the bar.

Then something unexpected happened.

Some small film companies or independent filmmakers began to contact mbiva and wanted to play their own films in his bar, hoping to copy the success of deadly ID.

Mbiwa's response was forthright: "no problem, but you have to pay!"

At the moment, no one can imagine that the film playing in the bar of mbiwa has developed into a phenomenon. In the Cannes Film Festival over the years, films will be broadcast in the bar of mbiwa, which has become a unique scenery of Cannes Film Festival.

Mai Xiaoyu doesn't know that he is the "initiator". He is now facing the most difficult moment - fighting wits and courage with the lambs at the door!

PS: recommend two friends' books.

A book, Xiangjiang Dynasty, is also an entertainment article with millions of words to kill.

A guide to the restart of civilization is said to be the future new world text mixed into the urban text.