Some things are like this. On the surface, they seem to have the support of the majority, but they are only the secondary majority. In fact, they annoy the important minority, and the outcome may not be optimistic.

"Fatal ID" is doomed to fail the trial and miss the mainland cinema, which Mai Xiaoyu has learned from Liu Xiaoli's phone.

The couple traveling in Cannes was not the Navy he found, and the article was not inspired by him. It was entirely spontaneous.

Mai Xiaoyu doesn't care about the consequences, let alone complain about the couple.

Instead of trying to cut the deadly ID into pieces to please the domestic "masters", it's better to concentrate on cutting ready-made wool.

This time Cannes set up a set, and the number of lambs entering the circle exceeded his imagination.

A total of seven foreign small and medium-sized distribution companies actively contacted him and intended to act as an agent for the overseas distribution right of fatal ID.

It's just that these lambs are not cute and their attitude is OK, but the extra size is low and heinous!

Weak countries have no diplomacy, which is also true in the film industry.

Nowadays, the mainstream output of Chinese films is ancient costume martial arts films with beautiful pictures and grand scenes, as well as fashion action films represented by Cheng Long.

Although there are also low-cost literary and artistic films in China that have won awards at the International Film Festival, businessmen pursue profits. Publishers only value the distribution of the film. Can they create profits for themselves!

According to the different distribution regions, the issuers offer buyout conditions, and the price is mainly between 100000 and 300000 US dollars.

This is the practice of overseas distribution of most Chinese films. Gather sand to form a tower, gather armpits to form a fur, walk the volume at a low price, and finally realize cost recovery or profit.

Take fatal ID as an example. If Mai Xiaoyu agrees to their price, it will not be a problem to recover the investment cost of 3 million yuan, and he can make a little profit. Moreover, when the film goes to the world and returns home, it can still boast and force. If Xiao Xing doesn't want face, he can also be titled as a director "in line with international standards".

However, swindlers are not easy to take advantage of.

Mai Xiaoyu came to Cannes to do the game. He didn't want to be an "international * *" to let overseas publishers suck blood, but to cut the wool of overseas publishers!

"Split accounts!"


"Then keep the minimum split!"

"More impossible!"

The bottom line of these seven overseas publishers is the same as the previous Eagle nose. They are only willing to buy out the distribution and do not accept the box office distribution mode required by Mai Xiaoyu.

However, they are kind and give a lot of guest reasons.

"Deadly ID" is not a kung fu film, which can not drive foreign audiences' sense of mystery about Chinese Kung Fu; Secondly, there is no big star lineup. It is hard to say whether overseas Chinese and foreign students buy it.

These two groups of people are just a strong guarantee for the overseas box office of Chinese films. They do not have fatal ID, and their agency distribution risk is very high.

Moreover, the overseas distribution mode of low-cost Chinese films is almost this mode. This is a conventional rule. We should not break it and destroy the harmonious environment of Chinese films in line with international standards.

The reason is very tall, but Mai Xiaoyu doesn't buy it. He never sticks to the rules. It's none of his business whether Chinese films are harmonious with international standards!

The word "interest" is not so direct in China because of the inherent culture of thousands of years, but in Europe, America and Western countries, it has always been red fruit. Milk is mother.

So he never spared to throw face at foreigners.

At the beginning, the same was true of the seven publishers now!

"Our cute people are small companies. I'm also a fool. I don't know any big truth. I only know how to recognize silly reasons. I don't accept any other methods except splitting accounts or keeping a minimum."

The publisher is unhappy.

In the past, they and Chinese producers were almost in a strong position at the negotiation table. In order to seek overseas distribution, many Chinese producers show the traditional virtues of tolerance and forbearance. Even if they know that they have been cheated, they often choose to step back in the distribution of interests.

It's the first time they've met hob meat like Mai Xiaoyu.

Do you want to play happily?

We don't issue your films as an agent, but if you want to be so unreasonable, you may not even earn a penny of your investment!

"Hehe, thank you for your concern. However, someone from Fox contacted me a few days ago. They are interested in the film and intend to distribute it as an agent. Am I waiting for their news?"

Hearing this, ye Chu, who was listening, knew that Mai Xiaoyu was lying.

A few days ago, a publisher contacted Mai Xiaoyu, but it was not fox, but an eagle nose. He offered 200000 euros to buy out the European issuance rights, and fox didn't contact him at all.

But ye Chu didn't intend to tell the truth. Watching Mai Xiaoyu fooling these foreign film distributors, he had an unspeakable sense of happiness.

The two sides broke up unhappily. When the staff of the distribution company left, he asked Mai Xiaoyu with a little excitement: "don't you worry about leakage?"

"What's the loophole? Oh, you said fox. They wouldn't go to fox to verify it? Besides, on the second night of the screening, fox senior manager McDonald and director Frederick appeared in the bar. After watching the film, someone saw it."

Negotiation is to play psychological warfare. Like a liar, you must first find out the other party's heart and demands.

If the risk of issuing "deadly ID" is really so great, why are they both hard-working and soft and hard?

In business, no one is * * and everyone is for profit!

Ye churuo nodded thoughtfully: "now I understand why Miss Liu Tao chose you instead of me."

You and I are not at the same level, okay!

Mai Xiaoyu's Tucao did not make complaints about it. It was a face to him. At least, he had done a lot of work in Cannes.

He patted Ye Chu on the shoulder and comforted: "with your family background, you can certainly find a good girl who suits your heart."

"But I can't forget Miss Liu Tao."

"Get out!"


The main competition unit evaluates various awards, and the winning stars and filmmakers have no difference in scenery at a time. However, when the Cannes Film Festival came to an end, the stars dimmed a lot at the closing ceremony.

The red carpet quotation for the closing ceremony within the public relations company also proves this in disguise.

The distribution companies interested in deadly ID these two days seem to have negotiated, and they don't contact Mai Xiaoyu. It seems that they are dissatisfied with Mai Xiaoyu's sitting down starting price and give up all of them.

Ye Chuqi was also worried that the film would eventually fall into Mai Xiaoyu's hands. He came to Cannes this time and returned empty handed. But on the day of the closing ceremony, a new distribution company found Mai Xiaoyu and nearly surprised him.

Fox is really here!

However, MacDonald, who represents fox, is even more ruthless, which fully reflects the ugly face that the evil American emperor never dies: he bought out the distribution right in the Americas and the adaptation right of fatal ID for $500000.

Mai Xiaoyu immediately refuted: your eating looks are too ugly!

It's too much to buy out the distribution rights in the Americas for $500000. What's more, I want the adaptation right of deadly ID.

Even ye Chu, who continued to listen, frowned. How could Mai Xiaoyu agree?

Fox gives a more sufficient reason for this, which sounds very tall.

The rules of the global film game are: This is an American English rampant social international film world.

Overseas distribution and international cooperation of Chinese films have always been a hot topic.

There are also outstanding Chinese films that want to go global. However, in addition to several types of films with fixed themes, even if other types of films have a good box office in China, they may face the dilemma of not finding an American distributor.

Even the United States, which has experienced twists and turns and landed in the world's largest box office market, is often released in Chinese theaters, with a dismal box office.

There are many reasons for this situation, such as insufficient film marketing means, inaccurate judgment of overseas market, scarcity of overseas distribution channels, cultural discounts and so on.

Among them, cultural discount is fundamental.

For Chinese films to be successfully distributed overseas, the content must comply with local laws, take into account customs and religion, and then art.

Take an example of details: in American films, the first action of the characters after getting on the bus is to fasten their seat belts, but there is no such detail in Chinese films. The suspicion of violation of the law makes the United States dare not introduce Chinese films.

They are willing to issue "deadly ID" in the Americas, taking huge risks. Lack of box office guarantee, not to mention, they have to invest a lot of publicity expenses before the release. They need the adaptation right of fatal ID as compensation.

The high price of $500000 is enough to show their sincerity.

Coax ghosts!

You can throw up to $1.2 million for publicity. What you really like is the adaptation right of deadly ID!

Don't ask why Mai Xiaoyu is so sure. Can he say that the film in his dream is an American film out and out?

"The price of the adaptation right shall be negotiated separately."

Mai Xiaoyu's firm attitude once led to an impasse in the negotiations.

Later, McDonald took a step back and said, "well, we are willing to add another 100000 US dollars. The total is 600000 US dollars, a lot. I heard that for some reasons, it is impossible for this film to be shown in your cinemas, right?"

Shit, no matter what time, NIMA doesn't lack traitors!

I worked hard with foreigners in Cannes to earn foreigners' money. These traitors sold all my old money at home!

Why do you believe there are traitors?

Mai Xiaoyu doesn't believe that the American mind can understand some unspoken rules of China that can only be understood but can't be expressed in words.

In fact, MacDonald just appeared now and did his homework. He found someone to understand the embarrassing situation of fatal ID in China, and also learned that the producer Mengren film and television is only a small company established for several years in China.

In Huaxia, a first-class foreigner and a second-class official, as a representative of fox, it's not easy for him to understand these materials. Some are people or film and television companies who "borrow flowers to offer Buddha" in order to promote relations.

Fortunately, Mai Xiaoyu's skill of "taking advantage of the situation" has reached the full level: "when I decided to come to Cannes, I had already given up the domestic market, so the information you heard is of little value. In addition, I have been in contact with several distribution companies these days and had a pleasant discussion..."

Previously, he pulled Fox's tiger skin and bluffed seven other small and medium-sized distribution companies; Now, he deceived fox in the name of the seven small and medium-sized distribution companies.

Fox is one of the six largest film companies in Hollywood, with amazing distribution capacity, but there are seven or eight over there. Films with a mere investment of hundreds of thousands of dollars can easily recover their investment, so there is no need to hold Fox's thigh.

"I need time to think about it."

McDonald left, and Mai Xiaoyu arranged for Xiao Xing, Zhang Xiaoquan and Shen Fei to return to China. He stayed in Cannes to continue negotiations and was ready to fight a protracted war.

In such matters as negotiation, whoever is in a hurry will lose the upper hand.

The next day, McDonald visited again and offered a new price.

Fox is willing to distribute the film in the Americas with a guaranteed minimum of $200000. In view of the risk factors, they need to get the adaptation right of fatal ID as a guarantee.

The negotiation has made progress, but it is not perfect. Mai Xiaoyu insists on using the film box office as a factor to measure the adaptation right, and does not agree to give it away.

On the third day, MacDonald offered new terms.

The price of the film adaptation right can be determined according to the box office, but he wants the international sales agency right of the film rather than the distribution right.

Nima, do you really think all Chinese filmmakers are mallets?

International sales agency and distribution of films are two concepts.

The role of publishers is mainly to help films win the distribution rights of specific channels such as cinemas and DVDs for specific distribution regions and platforms.

The role of international sales agents runs through every stage of the whole film project. They act as agents for films and help films try to win a variety of distribution agreements from different distribution regions around the world.

To put it bluntly, the two are a bit like the relationship between agents and dealers.

If Fox gets the international sales agency, they will be fully responsible for the global distribution of the film. At that time, they will release the film casually and drop the painting in a hurry. How ugly the box office of hundreds of thousands of people will be, and the price of adaptation right can be very low!

The fourth day

The fifth day

The sixth day

Mai Xiaoyu spent every day bargaining with McDonald. Ye Chu, who watched the play, convincingly called him the first profiteer in the Chinese film world.

The more we talked about it, the slower the progress was until several small and medium-sized distribution companies found that they had been worried about Mai Xiaoyu for many days. They also heard that fox came, and finally couldn't sit still. The bilateral negotiations evolved into multilateral talks.

Mai Xiaoyu finally waited until the water mixed and automatically started the rhythm of "fishing" he was best at.

Distribution, distribution area, box office share ratio, release time

A week later, the dust settled.

Several oral agreements on the overseas distribution of deadly id have been reached, among which the producer Mengren film and television enjoys 15% of the overseas box office share, fox gets the distribution right in North America, and the adaptation right is determined according to the North American box office.

The official signing was dumped to Liu Xiaoli. The latter received a phone call and flew to Cannes. At the same time, through the relationship of Mai hero, he invited a number of well-known foreign lawyers familiar with relevant laws. Improve the details, make sure the contract is OK, and then hold a small press conference to sign an overseas distribution contract in the presence of domestic and foreign media... Mainly domestic media.

Mai Xiaoyu, who established the situation, went to the United States with ye chufei as early as Liu Xiaoli arrived in Cannes and took over the negotiations. Under the introduction of Ye Chu, he contacted many large publishers in the United States to discuss the publication of twilight.

At the end of June, Mai Xiaoyu, who had been busy abroad for two months, flew back to Yanjing by plane.

When he got off the plane and stood on the territory of his motherland, he decided to settle accounts first.

You can't delay your account for two months abroad!

"Hello, Cao Ji, where is Ning Shibin now?"