In China, the National Day holiday is called "Golden Week" for tourism and "golden file" for movies.

In the United States, there is no National Day holiday, but the increase in the number of tourists to the United States is also a small peak for American tourism and surrounding industries. But movies

As a Chinese, when you go to the United States with your relatives, friends, lovers and junior during the long holiday of the eleventh primary school, will you go to an American cinema to see a movie or a Chinese movie?

With the "overwhelming" publicity of fox's $2.3 million, the bird of deadly ID quietly appeared in cinemas in areas where Chinese live, such as New York Chinatown, San Francisco Chinatown and Los Angeles Chinatown, with 18 screens.

Cinema selection is customary. When American distribution companies introduce Chinese films, the target group is Chinese Americans and Chinese students. Even the full English dialogue of "deadly ID" released in the United States is also a Chinese film.

18 screens... Well, in terms of the investment cost and cast of deadly ID, 18 screens are normal among tens of thousands of screens in the United States.

In addition to the large-scale kung fu films directly invested and produced by American film companies, directed by well-known Chinese directors at home and abroad and starred by stars, which can get strong support and are released on one or two thousand screens at the same time, the number of screens obtained by other discourse films in the United States is pitiful, mainly in double digits or even single digits.

However, according to the results of the multilateral talks in Cannes, several overseas publishers plan to release them in European and American countries one after another in March and April next year after a certain publicity and distribution.

Use the scale effect to build momentum, strive to echo each other and have a good harvest.

Fox has disrupted the overall plan. What is more despicable is that if the box office of fatal ID is not optimistic, it will seriously affect the psychological expectations of other publishers for the film, so as to reduce the publicity budget and the number of screens.

The final result is that the overseas box office of "deadly ID" is very ugly. Fox takes this as the price to lower the copyright price at the negotiation table and get the adaptation right.

In the face of the questions in the phone call and letter from Meng people, the American hooligans righteously said: we are worried about the box office!

It was released at the end of September because during the National Day holiday in your country, the number of Chinese tourists to the United States increased significantly, and the base of potential audience increased, which helped to improve the box office of the film and was beneficial to both your and our collection.

The reason for bullshit!

Liu Xiaoli expressed her anger on behalf of Meng people, scolded the other party for not abiding by the contract and considered resorting to law to safeguard her legitimate rights and interests.

Fox's reply is very single: as a serious law-abiding film and television giant in greater America, it is never afraid of any external threats. If you insist on going to law, we can only express our regret and accompany you to the end. In addition, it should be pointed out that according to the current box office results, our concerns are completely reasonable and necessary!

Nearly a week after its release in the United States, the box office of "deadly ID" was miserable.

Ten of the 18 theaters that have opened have not yet exceeded $5000 at the box office. According to the current box office and growth momentum, I'm afraid seven cinemas will make less than $5000 a week.

In the United States, there are no specific restrictions on the release time of Chinese films, which mainly depends on the box office. If the box office income reaches $5000 a week, it can continue to be released. Otherwise, it is not discussed when going offline.

In other words, next week, the number of screens of deadly ID will be sharply reduced from 18 to 11!

Li Gang and his girlfriend have been working in San Francisco for two years from home and can't adapt to the American diet. On weekends and holidays, little couples always go to the Chinese restaurant in San Francisco Chinatown to improve their food, although the taste is not very authentic.

That night, they had dinner at the Chinese restaurant in Chinatown and went to the cinema in Chinatown to see a movie. The poster of "fatal ID" in the publicity column attracted the attention of the two people.

"Fatal ID? I haven't heard of it. It seems to be a new film. Why don't you watch it tonight?" Li Gang suggested.

"Let's see who played it first." his girlfriend is very careful and doesn't want to waste money. "Feng Shaofeng? Shen Fei? These people haven't heard of... Don't look at this."

"Then look at something else."


This is the dilemma of deadly ID.

Due to the concentration in Chinatown and other Chinese residential areas, the Chinese audience of the mainstream film viewing group came to the cinema and saw the film poster publicity for the first time. They found that the film's directors and actors had hardly heard of it, not even a familiar star, and many people chose to give up.

A week later, the box office statistics of fatal ID came out. The weekly box office is less than 100000... Not too bad. In the past two years, the weekly box office of many low-cost Chinese films has not reached this "height".

However, seven theaters failed to make more than $5000 a week at the box office, and they took the film offline one after another. There are only 11 screens left for fatal ID to continue to be released.


McDonald, who is in charge of the deadly ID project, sat in his office and looked at the box office statistics handed in by the staff. He frowned: "is there only seven offline?"

"I think this film is not bad. It is different from other Chinese films. If we strengthen publicity and increase the number of screens, cinemas are not limited to Chinese communities such as Chinatown, and the box office may be greatly improved." the staff put forward their own opinions.

"Mr. Tom, do your own job. These things don't need to be considered!"

MacDonald certainly knew that the value of the film far exceeded the current box office of 100000, and Tom's proposal was also correct. But for the long-term interests of the company, he must do so.

"Deadly ID" is not like those Chinese kung fu films. It is difficult for Laomei to adapt. The difficult situation of the film in China also created an opportunity for fox to seize the right of film adaptation at a low price.

Deliberately lowering the box office of the film to facilitate the purchase of adaptation rights at a lower price at the negotiation table in the future is only one factor, and the other is the time of adaptation and shooting.

If fatal ID is shown in many theaters in North America and has made good box office, and a considerable number of Americans have seen it, the American version of fatal ID adapted and filmed by Fox must be delayed for a long time.

For at least two or three years, the film can only be adapted, filmed and released when the impression of the film in the minds of American audiences is weak, otherwise the audience will not buy it.

In addition, the sluggish box office in North America will also affect the confidence of publishers in other regions, thus forming a vicious circle. The release of the film in other regions is limited. Only when the American version of fatal ID is released in the future will it achieve the maximum revenue.

"In the face of this situation, Mengren film and television kept silent and fully cooperated with the publicity of romance full house. It seemed that they had forgotten fatal ID.

Reporters have interviewed Liu Xiaoli, Xiao Xing, Zhang Xiaoquan, Li Xue, Liu Tao, Huo Jianhua and other star artists on different occasions. The answers are very... Magical.

"We believe in director Yu and screenwriter Zheng."

If the answers of the artists under Mengren can also be answered in official terms, the answers of Liu Xiaoli, Yi Xiaoxing and others are more intriguing.

"There's nothing to say now. Wait until the next movie."

With a good foundation, how can you feel confident?

This is the reporter's feeling. They don't know that the biggest confidence in the hearts of Meng people and others comes from Mai Xiaoyu's word: "wait."

In fact, Meng Ren held a high-level meeting according to the current situation.

At the second meeting, Liu Xiaoli proposed to sue fox. This was the decision she made after discussing with Comrade Mai for a few nights. Therefore, comrade Mai has begun to contact contacts and prepare for a long-term battle.

Lawsuits are troublesome, lawsuits involving enterprises are more troublesome, and lawsuits involving foreign giant companies are more troublesome. A transnational lawsuit is not long for three or five years.

Fox is one of the six major film companies in Hollywood. If cute people want to sue... First prepare for the eight-year war of resistance against Japan.

However, for Mengren, there is a great chance of winning. Although the cost during the period can only be described as "hehe", after winning the lawsuit, it can raise the banner of Mengren in the global film world. Generally speaking, it is cost-effective, and Mengren's revenue and expenditure is good, which can support the huge cost of cross-country litigation

It was for this reason that Liu Xiaoli suggested taking the legal approach after discussing with Comrade Lao Mai.

But Mai Xiaoyu doesn't think it's meaningful to sue. He has a small goal to achieve urgently. He doesn't want to be distracted by transnational lawsuits, and things don't have to be solved through prosecution.

He has the ability to turn enemies with low hatred into allies.

From the earliest sun Yaxing to now Ning Shibin, regardless of the reason, in short, we are now on the same front with him.

Fox is no exception!

During this period, he only called Ye Chu to ask him one thing, and then sat and watched it change.

New York.

Foreign student Feng Xiaoyou is pursuing her classmate Lucy.

Knowing that she is slightly interested in Chinese culture, she often invites her to taste Chinese food in the high-end Chinese restaurant in Chinatown.

After a long time of contact, their relationship has developed by leaps and bounds, and Lucy also fell in love with the unique taste of Huaxia hot pot.

In the evening, they meet again and come to Chinatown to taste the taste of hot pot.

"Feng, I heard that some people in your East are very mysterious. They know kung fu very well. Do you know that mysterious Kung Fu?"

"Of course. Aren't I good in bed?"

"I know. I'm talking about Kung Fu that can fly, just like crouching tiger, hidden dragon I've seen. You Chinese can fly back and forth on trees, just like superman."

Pro, that's a movie, okay!

"Honey, I'll invite you to a movie after dinner. Maybe there's a new Kung Fu movie."

"OK, let's eat."

After dinner, they came to the cinema in Chinatown, New York.

Unfortunately, there are three Chinese films in the cinema, none of which are kung fu films. Two literary films and one thriller and suspense film.

After reading the publicity on the poster, Feng Xiaoyou plans to invite Lucy to see one of the literary and artistic films. The leading actor of that literary and artistic film is a Chinese star, and the most important thing is a love literary and artistic film.

However, Lucy took him, pointed to the thriller and said, "I want to see this one!"

Deadly ID?

Feng Xiaoyou frowned.

When he was in China, he saw "Crazy Stone" and heard of the director Xiao Xing, but the actors... What ghosts are they!

And it is also a thriller and suspense theme. How many domestic films with this theme can you see?

"Change it. I don't think the film is very good."

"No, I just want to see it. I seem to have seen the name of the film somewhere."

More than a hundred minutes later, the film was over.

Feng Xiaoyou was slightly disappointed. The film felt flat. A group of actors he had never seen shook on the screen, which made him not interested at all. He didn't even understand it.

Where did the little boy come from at last?

Tell the chicken feather!

No wonder there are so few people watching movies and not many Chinese. It seems that foreigners are more than Chinese.

However, Lucy felt just the opposite of him. She pulled him excitedly and said, "Feng, this film is so cool. I'm going to recommend it to Kate and Isabella. They promise they can't guess the ending!"


Feng Xiaoyou took a few swipes at the corners of his mouth: is this a cultural difference?