Translator and Editor: Maru and Aki


Chapter 26

Ravia looked at her submissive brother, who was described as someone who lacked affection in the novel.

One afternoon, when she was comforting him.

That day, Ravia definitely held out her hand to Tidwell. She did that in order to save her life in the future.

‘I’m unsure of whether it’s because he’s too absorbed in his role or if it’s because he’s testing me…’

But one thing’s for sure.

What he meant by ‘don’t throw me away’.

“Are you saying you want me to keep being your family?”

“That’s right.”

But why?

Just so you can kill me?

“Didn’t I tell you before? That’s not a good idea.”

“I know I’m being shameless.”

“I’m going to get married and leave this mansion anyhow. Talking about being a family is meaningless now that I’m going to leave Leontine soon.”

“But you’re still my sister.”


“You’re such a kind brother indeed.”

Ravia sneered.

It was fortunate that their surroundings were dark. Because it was difficult for her to keep a straight face in this situation.

For her, who didn’t trust Tidwell at all, this situation was awful.

How can you call yourself a kind brother after taking everything away from me, acting very rudely towards me every so often, and obsessing over me?

“You didn’t mean that, right?”

What Tidwell said was such a line the male lead of a tragic romance novel would say, and it gave her the chills.

I wonder if Tidwell is momentarily obsessed with the idea of pretending to be family. It’s just something that crossed my mind, but I think it’s quite plausible.

As long as Ravia acted as a kind sister, and Tidwell acted as if he had a lot of affection for his sister, anything else didn’t matter.

It didn’t matter to her if Tidwell was into such a thing, or if he’s only testing her.

Everything she had to say or do was already set in stone in the first place. That’s why the conclusion remained the same.

“If that’s what you want, do as you please.”

A quiet voice engulfed the tranquil garden in a way that was similar to how dusk fell.

“I’ll be your family.”

As long as you let me live, I can do anything. No matter how frustrating the situation is, I can endure it.

It’s not hard to love such a deceitful person.

Even more so since she even went through all kinds of hardships when she aimed to become the Duke of Leontine in her previous life.

The only difference was her purpose. It changed from inheritance to survival.

One of Ravia’s talents was endurance, and acting was one of her specialities.

Ravia watched her brother kiss the back of her hand with a satisfied smile. Meanwhile, Tidwell’s persistent gaze remained on Ravia as he bent his body.

Just like a predator looking at its prey.

‘Will this lessen Tidewell’s suspicion on me for a while?’

I’m relieved, but on the other hand, I can’t help but think that I’m putting my head in a lion’s mouth. As though I’m walking into a fiery pit in order to live.

The idea was funny to Ravia, so she smiled.

Tidwell, who saw her expression, laughed and said.

“You smile a lot today.”

“Well, I guess I have such days, too.”

“It seems you’re in a good mood.”

Ravia did not deny what he said. It was because she couldn’t tell whether her smile was genuine or fake.

However, she had no idea.

That she made a dangerous remark just now.

What she said today and this situation itself would eventually drag her down.

If Ravia had known, she would never have laughed.


A little later, Ravia was walking alone.

The reason was simple.

‘This should be enough.’

Because Leticia and Tidwell finally met.

Not long ago, when Tidwell told Ravia that she looked happy, there was one more reason why Ravia did not deny it.

Just in time, Ravia quickly noticed a shadow approaching them.

“Miss Ravia? I can’t believe I got to see you here!”

Having heard a voice that was as cheery as a flower bud, Ravia turned her back at once.

A woman, whose hair was as lovely as cherry blossoms, was approaching the two.

She was Ravia’s trump card, Leticia.

“Laricia. What are you doing here?”

“I got an invitation. I decided to attend, but I didn’t expect to see Miss Ravia here. I’m glad I came.”

“Is that so?”

A candid and pure smile rose on her face.

“Yes! I wanted to see you again. I sent you tickets, but you didn’t come. So I was disappointed.”

“I’m sorry. I can’t leave the mansion because I was grounded. I’ll make sure to come later.”

“Then I’ll be waiting! Um, but who is the person next to you…”

Leticia tilted her head gently, and then Tidwell opened his mouth with his distinctive smile.

“My name is Tidwell Leontine.”

“Ah, you must be Miss Ravia’s brother!”

“Yes. She is my sister.”

The two continued to talk.

She already knew the male lead and the female lead would be a good match, but they exceeded her expectations.

‘Leticia and Tidwell seem to like each other already. I think I can leave now.’

Having noticed the friendly atmosphere between the two, Ravia took a step back.

“Where are you going, sister?”

“Ah.” But she got caught.

She only took a step back, but Tidwell didn’t fail to notice it. But it wasn’t a problem, because she had plenty of excuses.

And so, Ravia said with a calm smile.

“I just remembered that my father asked me to greet one of the sponsors.”

“Did he? I don’t believe I heard him mention such a thing though?”

“I suppose the sponsor’s son is of marriageable age? Perhaps my father asked me to greet them with that in mind. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have bought me a new dress.”

“I’ll come with you then.”

What’s wrong with this guy?

Ravia stepped back even further and waved her hand.

“No, I’m fine by myself. More importantly, it seems to me that Miss Laricia needs an escort more than I do. Miss Laricia, when are you going back?”

“Oh, I’m…about to leave.”

Leticia, who glanced at the clock tower, said with a disappointed look on her face.

It was understandable that she was disappointed. The clock was way past 10, yet there was no one else in the fountain besides them….

‘Leticia only came here to check if the letter was true, but it’s time for her to go back already.’

Leticia probably thought she could meet the person who wrote her the secret letter and the one who had the cure for dark flower.

That being the case, Leticia had already achieved both of her objectives. She just didn’t realize it.

Leticia would think that everything was in vain, and that she had no reason to stay here any longer.

“Then, Tidwell, why don’t you escort Miss Laricia? Will you be okay with that, Miss Laricia?”

“Of course. I’d be glad if you would do so, but I don’t want to cause you trouble.”

“Cause trouble? No way. Isn’t that so, Tidwell?”

Ravia smiled and looked at Tidwell. It was dark, but she could see his face thanks to the close distance between them.



Just now…

“Of course, it’s my pleasure to escort you.”

Did you frown? Am I mistaken?

Due to that, Ravia stared at the smiling Tidwell for quite a long time.

That’s right, there’s no way he frowned.

“Sister, do I have something on my face?’

Acting like this will only make him more suspicious of me.

Only after Ravia heard his low voice did she come to her senses.

“…I was wondering if you had a troubled expression on your face, but it seems I saw it wrong.”

“I see. Perhaps I did so because I was sad that my sister is sending me away again.”

“You must be joking.”

“No. I feel sad.”

His voice, which was strangely low, sounded dangerous. So much so that it seemed as if he was capable of doing anything at this rate.

“Then, I’ll see you later….sister.”

But Tidwell didn’t do anything. Rather, he just escorted Leticia with a faint smile as if he were laughing at Ravia.

Ravia only stood there and watched the two walk away for a long time, and was barely able to move her body by the time the two completely disappeared from her sight.

‘I did everything I could…’

Ravia clenched her fists. Her plan was progressing well.

Leticia was the heroine, so she won’t let Ravia down.

But why am I so nervous? Is it because of Tidwell’s grim expression?

‘I’m sure I saw it wrong.’

No matter how hard I think about it, Tidwell had no reason to make such an expression. But it was dark at that time, and it happened in the blink of an eye.

Ravia began doubting her eyes even more. But at that moment,

“Miss! Where are you going?”


Someone popped out from the bushes.

Ravia couldn’t help but scream, but she was able to calm herself down after seeing him.

“Crow Tit! What the hell are you doing!”

“Haha, were you surprised? I came here to give you something, but you looked very troubled.”

“Didn’t you just finish your task? Do you have anything else to tell me?”

“Ah, the task you mean is to make sure whether or not Laricia was here, right? Indeed, I’ve finished doing that, but I’m sure there was something else you wanted me to do.”

The masked man giggled and took a piece of paper out of his arms.

“You asked me to find information about a man with red hair and red eyes in Cosmo.”

It was a piece of paper that contained simple personal information and a portrait.


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