Translator and Editor: Maru and Aki


Chapter 27

Step, step-!

In a quiet garden where even the sound of a sole bug wasn’t heard.

Leticia stole a glance at the man next to her as they walked in the garden.

The beautiful, silver-haired man silently walked beside her. That man, without a doubt, was someone she had heard of before.

‘I heard he’s a distant relative of Leontine…’

The news that a silver-haired young man was registered into the Leontine family had already spread in the society.

There’s no way Leticia, the famous Primadona, hadn’t heard of the news.

There was another reason as to why Leticia paid attention to Leontine’s affairs aside from the fact that she always had to keep her ears wide open in order to find clues about dark flower.

‘I thought they’d be on bad terms since Miss Ravia had to step down from her position because of this man.’

It was because of Ravia.

Not too long ago, Leticia became acquainted with Ravia.

Leticia was active in society, so there was a moment when she came across Ravia, but it was quite embarrassing to say that she never actually conversed with Ravia.

Even when nobody respected her, Ravia was still at the pinnacle of the society because she carried the title of Leontine’s successor.

Everything from her fingertips, her figure, and her indifferent attitude toward people was quite fascinating.

Even if someone didn’t know anything about her, they’d be mesmerized with her natural elegance. The same applied to Leticia as she was in awe when she first saw Ravia.

‘I was under the impression that Miss Ravia had many enemies because of the ridiculous amount of rumors spread about her.’

During a gathering, Letica saw for herself how not a single enemy of hers openly showed their hostility towards Ravia. Instead, her enemies, who’d make fun of her and speak ill of her behind her back, acted friendly towards her.

With that alone, Leticia knew that Ravia was already used to their hypocrisy.

However, Leticia’s admiration ended there as she was unable to cut through the thorny bushes surrounding Ravia.

Since Ravia was not a socialite in the first place, Leticia never met her again. Even more so after Ravia stepped down from her position. That being so, that was the only memory she had of Ravia.

However, one day, Ravia came to her with a cheque that contained a large amount of money.

Leticia, until this very moment, clearly remembers the day when Ravia gave her a huge amount of money as if it was nothing. That day, Leticia was able to free her family from their hellish debt.

Ravia was more than a benefactor to Leticia. When she heard that Ravia had stepped down from her position, she couldn’t help but worry about her and think badly about the new successor.

‘But it seems like they get along better than I thought….. Is it because Miss Ravia is kindhearted?’

At that thought, Leticia recalled a brief conversation between Tidwell and Ravia just before they went their separate ways.

At the same time, Leticia found Ravia beyond the darkness.

Although Leticia couldn’t hear exactly what they were talking about, even if she wanted to, she was unable to get close to them.

Even so, she was able to feel something off between the two, something only a third party like herself was able to feel, and that was the tense atmosphere between them.

As Leticia observed from afar, her intuition was telling her not to meddle between them.

And Letica’s intuition was right.

As soon as Tidwell turned away from Ravia, he removed the smile he had on his face.

The expression on his face underwent such a drastic change to the point Leticia was questioning herself whether she had wronged him.

Tidwell walked alongside Leticia without a smile, as if his friendly attitude toward Ravia just now was nothing but a lie.

Because of that, the excitement that Leticia had for a while suddenly plummeted down.

Meeting Ravia and receiving an escort from a handsome gentleman made her heart flutter. But it was only for a brief moment.

‘What’s the point of talking if the other person is in a bad mood? Fortunately, it’s easy to sneak a peek at him because it’s dark.’ Leticia thought.

However, Tidwell could feel Leticia’s glances. He chose to ignore it because he had no plans of entertaining her.

Tidwell had no interest in Leticia. Just like a lion who had no interest in eating a little hamster.

In fact, Tidwell wasn’t interested in anyone.

Because Ravia was the only one he had in his eyes.

‘Did she set me up with this woman on purpose?’

Because of that, Tidwell was extremely upset with this situation. It was unpleasant enough that someone disturbed their time together, but Ravia even went as far as to push a random woman on him.

‘But at least I got a definite answer from my sister.’

He was satisfied. Things had been going smoothly for him. Dancing with Ravia, holding her in his arms, and even getting an irrefutable answer from her.

Everything went smoothly until this woman came out of nowhere and pretended to be friendly to Ravia.

‘Primadonna Laricia.’

He knew this woman had had contact with Ravia recently. A large cheque issued in the name of Leontine was given to Laricia.

As for Laricia, Tidwell didn’t really care about her. All he cared about was the fact that Ravia liked Laricia. Still, since he also liked to hear Laricia’s aria, he was happy to have found another thing in common with Ravia.

Tidwell didn’t want to stop Ravia from doing what she liked. As long as no one interfered between them.

Tidwell raised his cold blue eyes. His eyes, which turned cynical as if trying to quench his anger, gazed at the unusually bright moon.

Ravian and Tidwell spent most of their time together during daytime, but aside from tonight, they only met at night once.

And that was when Ravia sneaked into the secret gathering and mistook Tidwell for Herod.

That same night, Tidwell began to fall in love with Ravia.

The moon was so bright that day, and the moonlight shone over her melancholy face and vivid blonde hair.

Slim cheeks, straight nose, thin lips, dry eyes, a submissive attitude, and self-deprecating remarks.

He often saw those in the mansion, but it felt different under the moonlight.

And so, tonight’s charity party was more precious to him than anything.

Because Ravia never gave her time to meet him at night in the Leontine residence.

But the sudden appearance of a woman broke his precious time with his sister.

Due to that, Tidwell stared cynically at the moon, which shone so brightly at this very second.

‘Ah…how annoying. I’ll just kill her.’

He was forced to smile when Ravia was with him, but now that Ravia was gone, he was simply a beast without a leash.

Tidwell was far from the word gentleman, and he didn’t forget that the most common thing he did was murder.

He took many lives before coming here, and he was only able to hold himself back because of his target, Ravia.

Adding one or two to his list wouldn’t be a problem.

He took care of his powerful political rival with his own hands, so someone like a Primadonna was nothing for him.

But he could only think about doing so.

‘I can’t actually do that.’

Tidwell didn’t kill for pleasure. Rather, he was more of a vicious criminal capable of doing anything out of necessity.

He had two reasons not to kill Laricia now.

First, Laricia was Ravia’s favorite opera singer. Tidwell didn’t want to get rid of anything Ravia liked.

Second, Ravia didn’t have any acquaintances, but Leticia was someone that Ravia could connect with.

Having collected his thoughts, Tidwell relaxed his facial expression and sighed, pretending to be troubled.

“Miss Laricia.”

“Oh, yes.”

“I was being quiet all this time. I’m sorry. Honestly, I was worrying about a lot of things, so I ended up being rude.”

“No, it’s fine. What were you worrying about?”

“I think my sister has been feeling a little down lately.”

“Miss Ravia is feeling down?”

“Yes. Miss Laricia and my sister seem pretty close, so didn’t you hear anything from her?”

“Well…it’s because Miss Ravia rarely expresses her feelings.”

Leticia, whose eyes were glistening when he brought up Ravia, quickly became dejected again.

Tidwell’s sharp gaze swept through her figure.


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