Chapter 80

Despite being a nightmare, the beginning of the dream was usually normal.

A blonde woman in a low-cut dress stood in a room Ravia was familiar with.

She had just returned from the banquet and hung an amethyst necklace—which matched her eye color—on the cabinet.

The cabinet was made of wood. This familiar room began to look different from what she remembered.

The cabinet in Ravia’s room was originally made of glass.

It wasn’t just that. There wasn’t a single vase similar to what she remembered.

Ravia’s tea utensils, which she had collected one by one based on her late mother’s interests, were also gone, possibly removed with the cabinet.

There was a difference between Ravia’s room and this woman’s room.

Nothing was fragile, and nothing was made of glass.

And, if she had to pick one more difference, the room supposedly belonged to one person, but there was also an uninvited guest in the room.

The amethyst necklace hanging over the cabinet made a dull sound as it fell.

At the same time, the sound of the door closing behind the woman’s back was heard.

“I’ve never invited you,” the woman said without turning around.

“…I assumed you’d scold me first for not knocking,” the unwelcomed silver-haired man responded without denying it.

His tone was as heavy and languid as the fading sky outside the window.

“There’s nothing more foolish than expecting a horse riddled with mites to walk upright,” the woman responded lightly and without a smile.

It was a sarcastic remark aimed at an adopted child who had failed to learn proper manners. It was quite direct, given that aristocrats preferred to say things in a roundabout way.

Anyone else might have expressed their displeasure, but the woman knew that the man’s straight brows would not flinch without even turning back.

Her despicable enemy was always like that since birth.

Stomp, stomp-

The man’s response was drowned out by the sound of his approaching footsteps.

“You can just give horseshoes to a mite-infested horse, but my sister is always harsh to me.” The low voice cut through the silence of the large room with ferocity.

“I don’t know what you mean,” the woman said, watching as her shadow was swallowed by the man’s shadow.

“You sent a late-night visitor to my room last night.”

The woman laughed at the man’s answer. Almost as if she had heard a particularly amusing story.

The woman laughed until she was out of breath then turned her body. She pursed her lips without hiding her contempt and mockery.

“Me? That’s something I’ve never done.”

“Have you really never done that?”

“Yeah, I think you misunderstand something. Late-night visitor? In Leontine’s residence? Haha. Wasn’t she just the new maid who got lost on her way?”

The man was already a foot away from the woman. His blue eyes focused on the woman as he closed the gap between them.

“… It’s only a guess, but a new maid shouldn’t be pointing a knife at my neck, so I don’t think I’m mistaken.”

“I’m sorry for that. You seem to hold a lot of grudges, don’t you?”

“Isn’t life built at the expense of others?”

Instead of the man, who responded icily, it was the woman who lost her smile.

“Then you should leave those grudges behind.” The woman responded coldly, having stopped laughing as if she held a blade in her mouth.

“Oh, I leave them behind. So, even if someone who lives in the same house as me is constantly pointing a knife at my neck, didn’t I just ignore that person out of consideration?”

“You should have seen that person’s sincerity and died.”

“There are a lot of things I want to have before I close my eyes, but I’ll do it the next time I feel like it.”


The man’s head turned to the side as soon as he finished talking. Mainly because the woman slapped him in the face.

His cheek was scratched because she didn’t remove her ring. However, that alone did not relieve the woman’s anger.

The woman clenched her jaw and shouted, “You despicable man!”

In fact, the woman’s anger had boiled the moment he closed that door.

Late-night visitor, yes, it was an assassin. She was the one who sent her. And that man was aware of it as well.

He knew, but he still approached her and said it right in her face.

I had a late-night visitor last night. Do you know anything about it?

The reason was simple. It was to warn her that no matter how many assassins she sent, he would not be easily killed.

And for her to accept the reality that she would have to be sacrificed for him.

For the past few days, she’d cried every time she opened her eyes because everything had been taken away from her.

She couldn’t sleep because she still had heartburn and stomach ache. There was never a day when she didn’t cry because her dreams were snatched right from under her nose!

“Who the hell are you!”


A box from the cabinet flew and hit the man. It wasn’t that hard to hit the man in front of her even though her hands were shaking with anger. The woman threw anything she could reach.

The outraged woman’s control was poor, so she would occasionally miss, but the woman didn’t care.

She wouldn’t be able to breathe if she didn’t do this. No, she was raised this way.

How she wished she could strangle that scumbag who had stolen her entire life. She wished she could sever that delicate face and never see him smile or speak again. She wanted to twist his organs like he did hers, and if she could cut out his stomach and pull out his intestines, she might be able to breathe a little easier.

What would happen after that adopted son entered the family?

She would be denied the succession position for which she had worked her entire life. She’d be left on the brink of a cliff in a bad marriage.

Neither the employees, or her own father would be on her side.

Ah, the father that she respected had never sided with her anyway.

Her dead teacher couldn’t respond, and her acquaintances, whom she had been contacting for business matters, couldn’t see the value in a discarded successor.

And so the woman, driven to the edge of a cliff, screamed.

She shouted at her enemy who took her possessions just because he had the characteristics of a Leontine.

She slapped him and cursed him countless times.

Yeah, just like she did now.

“You shameless jerk! Why do you put me into this hell? Get the hell out of here! I’m hoping you’ll be tied to the mite-infested horse and dragged across the street where you used to beg! Nobody is on my side, nobody! … So, please…get the hell out of my sight…”

And the curse gradually became a plea, and at some point it became unclear who the curse was directed at.

She sobbed as she was sucked into the past.

The past, where she was only a cold and heartless young lady who was the heir to the family.

Everyone in the mansion raised an eyebrow at the woman who cursed and yelled at the man.

The lady was eager to get rid of the new young master. She was said to have gone insane because she believed she would never lose her position to anyone.

The man became a pitiable person without even doing anything.

The poor adoptee who lost his parents when he was young and eventually found his place after wandering the streets.

The kind young master, who, despite becoming the target of the young lady’s crazy tantrums because she didn’t want to marry, accepted it quietly and didn’t appear to hate her after all.

That difference drove the woman mad. She couldn’t believe that everyone thought she was evil.

Are you saying I’m yelling at him? I’m yelling for someone to save my life!

Are you saying I’m violent? Don’t you see how I’m fighting for my life?

Are you saying that everything happened because I was obstinate, greedy, and unable to share and accept an adopted child?

So my sense of injustice and contempt was nothing more than me being a whiny child driven by selfish greed, huh?

When the woman asked the question, no one denied it. The woman was abandoned in a world that constantly side-eyed her and eventually went insane.

She cried all the time. She screamed and tried to strangle the man.

Nothing had changed much even if she realized that she was selfish and crazy. On the contrary, she only screamed more freely as if asking anyone to think that she was crazy.

The woman couldn’t stand this absurdity.

If this man were truly gentle and upright.

He couldn’t have viewed her, his fake sister, with a gaze full of desire.

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