Chapter 81

It was beyond her comprehension.

The crueler she was, the more persistent his face looked. While she cried with her neat hair in disarray, he looked at her as if he were astonished by flowers in full bloom.

Did no one notice that blatant and ferocious stare?

It can’t be. But why didn’t anyone notice? Why did they say I went too far?

They say that I’m the problem…

And so the woman came to understand why people who were exposed to excessive moonlight went insane.

They were looking at a very high place.

They saw a lot and desired a lot of things. People who noticed something that ordinary people did not. The lunatics.

In folklore, it was believed lunatics were irredeemable, but she was different.

She was trying to prove that she wasn’t crazy.

Everything began when he showed up, so everything would be back in place when he left.

It wasn’t merely a greed for succession.

Everyone said she went insane after being removed as a successor. The truth, however, was a little different.

It was a desperate attempt by a person whose life had been ripped apart.

The right of succession seemed to be the only thing that the woman had lost in people’s eyes. But that was everything to the woman.

The child who was born at the cost of her mother’s life, the child who had no one to reminisce about in her life, dreamed of becoming the matriarch as naturally as breathing and holding a pen.

Therefore, when her teacher asked her young self this.

-Do you know there are a lot of valuable things in the world other than being recognized by your father? What do you want to be?

-I want to be Duke Leontine.

Her teacher was left speechless by the girl’s resolute answer. The teacher may have known that she wanted to be Duke Leontine so that her father would recognize her.

The teacher realized the girl’s answers were genuine after several rounds of questions and answers.

Perhaps her stubbornness was because she couldn’t let go of her childhood ambition to be a matriarch.

Even when she gave up on trying to mend her personal relationship with her father, the memory of the old days when she looked up to her father, Duke Leontine, may have led her this far. However, as with everything else, the ending was more important than the beginning.

Her entire life had been dedicated to secure her position as successor, and she had run nonstop toward it. Nothing much changed even after that man came into the family.

She gave it her all, as she always did. In order to protect her goal. Even though there was only one more person in the picture, she was dismissed as a selfish woman.

Everyone pointed a finger at her.

A man cornered on the edge of a cliff would surely retaliate.

She was always desperate, but everything changed just because a man came into her life.

The perfectly working music box suddenly broke, and it wouldn’t make such a terrible noise even if it rolled down a slope.

So the woman wanted to kill the man.

Not for the sake of succession or anything else, but for her own sake. She didn’t mind sacrificing a little of herself for that, so she had no other choice but going crazy.

Ravia could finally see what was truly different between her room and that woman’s room.

Not only that her room was devoid of anything fragile. But there was also nothing valuable in that woman’s room.

Including the woman who owned the room.

The cause, obviously, was the man standing beautifully still, as though this whole mess had nothing to do with him.

The woman’s hatred for the man was conveyed to Ravia. Both the misery and anger. But these were not her only emotions.

Before Ravia could realize what it was, the man spoke.

“…Sister.” His low whisper expressed complex emotions regarding the chaotic room and worn out woman at first.

But the moment the man spoke again, Ravia realized that what she had been feeling was a mistake.

“I’m not sure why you’re always obsessed with an adopted son who takes everything away from you.”

A voice that expressed no concern or warmth for the other person.

In a polite and deceptive manner, he continued.

“Your situation will not improve just because I leave. You can’t mend a broken glass, Sister.”

So why don’t you accept your situation?

“If I disappear, there will be no one left who believes that you aren’t insane, Sister…”

The man grabbed the woman’s shoulders and whispered closely, so awfully similar to the temptation stated in the Bible.

Only then Ravia caught a glimpse of his expression.

A familiar yet unfamiliar poker face. And there was a possessive desire lurking beneath it.

Even Ravia could clearly see what was driving the women insane. He wasn’t the victim of the woman’s one-sided violence because he was too servile or pretending to be servile.

He enjoyed her demise. No, he was merely adding fuel to the blaze.

That was the problem from the beginning.

A man trying to knock her down and a woman trying to prevent herself from falling. A relationship filled with cracks.

The woman had been through so much and had reached her breaking point. Because the woman had fallen through so many cracks.

The man pulled the tired-looking woman toward him. Perhaps it wasn’t the first time this had happened, but the woman embraced him without hesitation. She sobbed as she buried her tearful face in his chest.

Suddenly, she remembered a story about a tall city tower. There was one person who hated the tall tower to death.

So he tried to eat in a place where he couldn’t see the tower as much as possible, but the tower was so high that there was no place in the city where the tower couldn’t be seen.

After a long search, he finally found a restaurant without a view of the tower.

That restaurant was right inside the tower.

You wouldn’t see a tower from inside a tower.

The woman, too, could overlook the fact that she hated the man more than anything else while she was buried in his arms.

The irony was only those who had driven them crazy could understand their feelings. A woman helpless in the suffocating madness, Ravia was dying.

By the time she awoke from her dream, Ravia had to admit that she had been in denial.

It was so vivid that she chose to deny that it was her and Tidwell in that terrifying dream.

It was her past that had never been properly described in the original novel ‘His and Her Spring.’

In the form of dreams, she began to recollect her past that had never been described in the book.

By the time the remnants of the dream had faded, Ravia organized her thoughts and formulated a hypothesis.

Considering the fact that the woman went insane and the woman’s feelings were not described in the book, it was clear that she dreamt of a past she didn’t remember.

‘It was a little different from the book.’

She wasn’t surprised because it was probably due to the minor distortion that was common in the Cheshire phenomenon.

Perhaps the memory of the novel or the dream from a while ago was distorted in some parts.

Fortunately, the distortion had no discernible effect on the important point in her memory.

Of course, that didn’t make this phenomenon any more pleasant.

‘The Cheshire phenomenon has too many uncertainties.’

There was no clear line from where to where it was distorted, and there was no explanation for why it happened.

At the very least, statistics revealed that the Cheshire Phenomenon occurred when the past and present timelines overlapped.

But this wasn’t a perfect indicator either.

Because the timeline was actually focused on events rather than time itself.

Rette explained as follows.

-Time overlap occurs when an important event that occurred in the past occurs in the present. The Cheshire Phenomenon appears both before and after the events.

-How do we determine an important event?

-In general, the point is how much it affects the future.

As for Ravia, it’d be Tidwell’s entrance into the Leontine residence.

‘Everything changed after Tidwell’s arrival.’

But that left her with a question.

The present was clearly different from the past according to His and Her Spring.

The fact that the Cheshire Phenomenon had occurred now meant that what had happened before would repeat itself in the current timeline.

Moreover, the event would definitely have a big impact on the future.

For now, there was only one commonality between His and Her Spring and the future predicted by Rette’s prophecy.

Ravia’s death.

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