Chapter 143

Name:The Most Lord Author:Sell cowhide
"Is this the evil crow you blew up?" Alan asked curiously.

Swein nodded heavily: "yes, it's him!"

"That's congratulations," Alan laughed.

The resurrection of the evil crow is really an unexpected joy. In this way, svein not only restored his strength, but also increased his skin bonus.

"Lord, where did you get Kakashi?" Swain looked at Kakashi and said, "thanks to him, I can come back alive. His strength is very strong!"

Allen laughed and told Swein about opening the second auxiliary element.

Since he talked about opening the second element, he would naturally mention where the gold coins came from. Allen also told Swein about the transaction with the city Lord's house.

Swein heard the content of Allen's transaction with the city Lord's house and claimed that seconds.

"Naruto?" after listening to Allen's story, svein Jie smiled. "It sounds very powerful."

"It's very powerful," kakasi said.

"By the way, Kakashi," Allen asked, "how did you save svein? What's the matter with the more than 100 killing points? Won't you kill a level 10 strong man?"

Kakashi smiled and told Allen the process from sneaking into St. Zell to successfully rescuing svein and killing Daniel.

"I didn't think you really killed a level 10 strong man!" Allen sighed. "The guy named Daniel helped the tyranny and deserved his death."

"Now there are 115 killing points in the system. I've decided to raise your level to level 9."

Alan said to kakasi.

Kakashi didn't speak, but svein spoke: "Lord, I think these more than 100 killing points are not in a hurry to improve Kakashi's strength."

"After all, kakassi's strength is already at the top in nice urban area. In addition, we have many Chinese leaders. Even if the level 11 strong attack, we are not afraid."

Swein's words stunned Alan and Kakashi at the same time. Kakashi is the Savior of Swain. Swain can't deliberately suppress Kakashi's strength. There must be a reason for him to say so.

"Why?" Allen asked. "Do you think you should summon a famous Ninja again?"

For the sake of obtaining kill value as soon as possible, it is more appropriate to summon another well-known ninja. After all, two people can obtain kill value faster than one.

Swein shook his head: "I think we should exchange all the more than 100 killing points into level 4 lower forbearance. Each level 4 lower forbearance needs one killing point, and the 115 killing points can be exchanged for 115 level 4 lower forbearance."

Allen asked, "it's better to improve Kakashi's strength to summon more than 100 level 4 ninjas?"

Svein said, "Lord, listen to me. After hearing your ninja ability, Lord, I suddenly had an idea."

"Ninjas are proficient in lurking, assassination and strong individual combat ability. They are born spies."

"Lord, didn't you make up a 'shadow' identity and a mysterious force that doesn't exist when you deal with the city Lord's house? Since the city Lord's house already believes in the existence of this mysterious force, we might as well really create this mysterious force!"

"You mean to let Kakashi and Ninja pretend to be this mysterious force?" Allen said.

"Not pretending," Swain said. "As long as you agree, this mysterious force will really exist from today on!"

Swein's words, like opening a sealed door, suddenly opened Allen's mind.

It may be more helpful for the summoned ninjas to form a mysterious force in the dark than for them to directly serve huaxialing.

Since it is necessary to build forces and make the mysterious forces fabricated by Allen become real, people must be needed. This is why svein proposed to exchange all the killing values into level 4 lower tolerance first.

After all, any force needs a lot of people to support the scene.

"Kakashi, what do you think of svein's proposal?" Allen asked.

Kakashi touched his chin. "It sounds interesting."

Since both swain and kakasi thought the plan was feasible, Allen made a decision.

Together, the three began to discuss the specific plan for the formation of this mysterious force.

First of all, since we want the Ninjas in Naruto elements to form a mysterious force by themselves, we can't let people know the relationship between Huaxia collar and this mysterious force. In other words, in the future, ninjas among Narutos can only help Huaxia collar in the dark. In the light, no one can find that this force is related to Huaxia collar.

Fortunately, after Kakashi and Chu were summoned, they did not appear in public. Basically, no one knew that they were related to Huaxia.

Second, it is the responsibility of this mysterious force.

Naturally, this mysterious force was created to serve Huaxia leader. Therefore, the greatest responsibility of the mysterious force is to collect intelligence for Huaxia leader and eradicate the enemy for Huaxia leader in the dark.

To put it bluntly, it is to help the development of Huaxia collar in the dark.

Externally, this mysterious force will undertake the task of intelligence and assassination, so as to earn remuneration. Of course, all tasks will be selectively accepted.

For example, if an outsider entrusts ten tasks, the mysterious organization will only choose three or four of them to accept. In the eyes of outsiders, these three or four tasks are completely random and have no regularity.

This is also to avoid the release of the task of assassinating the senior leadership of Huaxia. The mysterious forces do not take it, causing others to doubt.

Of course, if there are black sheep in Huaxia collar, Allen will also let the mysterious forces kill them, so that outsiders can see that the mysterious forces will also assassinate the people of Huaxia collar.

Allen believes that with the strength of Naruto, as more and more ninjas are summoned, this mysterious force will become stronger and stronger, and finally become a behemoth.

Chinese leaders and mysterious forces, one bright and one dark, develop together. China understands that it will become a powerful territory, and the mysterious forces will become the king of the dark world.

After discussing the general development idea of the mysterious force, the most urgent thing to solve is to name the mysterious force.

You can't claim that your name is a mysterious force!

"How about Muye village?" Kakashi suggested.

Alan and sweinqi shook their heads.

Finally, Allen named the mysterious force, "the curtain of heaven".

The moral is that one day, this organization will cover the whole sky like a curtain of heaven.

Under the sky, there is nothing to hide!

"Kakashi, at the beginning of the formation of the sky curtain, I'll give you four tasks," Allen told kakasi.

"First, undertake the assassination mission. The mission targets below level 4 are given to ordinary ninjas to execute. You can kill the targets at level 4 or above in person to earn killing value."

In this world, soldiers or magicians above level 4 are, after all, a minority. At the beginning of the establishment of the sky curtain, the reputation was not obvious, and the number of tasks would not be too many. Kakashi was more than enough to perform level 4 or above tasks alone.

"Remember, when choosing the mission target, those who are evil can be killed, those who are moderate can be killed, and those who are good can not be killed!"

At the beginning of crossing, Allen, the golden mean, would not be killed easily. Now, his thinking is very different from that before. In order to achieve the goal, become more decisive.

"Second, inquire into the intelligence of all forces in nice urban area, especially the city Lord's house and the blue shirt army. If you have important news, report it to me immediately."

Spying for information is a very easy thing for ninjas.

"Third, secretly patrol all the towns in the territory. If you find someone who is evil, collect evidence and directly submit it to the law court. If there is any dereliction of duty among the territory officials, report it to me immediately. If it is serious, you can kill them directly and report it to me later."

It's a great right to cut first and then play again! However, the sky curtain members are all ninjas summoned by the system. There is no need to worry about their loyalty and abuse of power.

"Fourth, you will be responsible for the transaction with the city Lord's house in the future."

Although Allen has the mask of time and space, his strength is too weak after all. He may be exposed if he is not careful. And if a strong man suddenly makes trouble, it is difficult to resist with Allen's strength.

Give this task to Kakashi. Even if Rutgers, the strongest of the city Lord's house, takes the shot himself, Kakashi can easily escape.

After all, ninjas have a better way to escape than their attack.