Chapter 144

Name:The Most Lord Author:Sell cowhide
After giving Kakashi the task of building the sky curtain, Allen asked Kakashi to wait for himself in the room, and he took svein to the underground laboratory of the barren grass.

Since Kakashi will be out for a long time in the future, the contact between Alan and Kakashi is essential, and the contact method is the magic power communication device being developed by waste grass.

At the suggestion of village head Jill, Allen built a laboratory under the city master's house to use waste grass to study magic technology. Most of the time, weeds will be in this underground laboratory.

The entrance of the laboratory is relatively secret, in a seemingly abandoned storage room. At the door of the storage room, Allen arranged several secret guards. These secret guards were summoned from the system, and there was no doubt about their loyalty.

Entering the underground laboratory, the grass was busy in the laboratory, unaware of the arrival of Allen and Swain.

Alan and Swain stood by and quietly looked at the busy grass without saying anything to disturb them.

About ten minutes later.

"Ah, Lord, Lord svein!"

The busy grass occasionally looked up and saw Alan and Swain standing at the door, exclaimed.

"When did you come?"

"We saw you busy, so we didn't bother you," Alan chuckled. "How's it going? How's the progress of the magic communication device?"

The grass shook his head and looked very dissatisfied with his progress: "the progress is very small, mainly because I am alone. I often take care of one thing and lose the other. I need some help, even if it is only one."

"But these days, I have made two more magic communication devices. Compared with the previous three, the communication distance and communication stability have been improved a lot, but I can only communicate one-to-one."

"I can't solve the problem of multi-party communication."

The grass said in a low mood, took out the two sets of magic communication devices and handed them to Allen.

Alan took over the two sets of magic communication devices handed over by the grass and looked carefully.

Compared with the previous devices, the appearance of these two devices has not changed much, but the volume is slightly smaller and the workmanship is exquisite.

"I can help you solve the helper problem you said," Allen said.

The grass was overjoyed at the speech: "Lord, have you recruited talents proficient in magic technology again?"

"I don't know if he is proficient in magic technology," Allen replied, "but he is definitely a top scientist. Even if he hasn't studied magic technology yet, he can master it quickly with his IQ."

"There are so smart people in the world?" weeds can't buy a channel. He studied magic technology with the village head since he was a child. He has reached the current level for more than ten years. Can anyone master magic technology through short-term learning?

He didn't believe it anyway, although the LORD said it.

"Of course," Alan laughed, "because his head is big, well, very big."

This makes barren grass more inexplicable. Does big head have anything to do with high IQ?

"Later, I'll bring him to the lab to see you."

With that, Allen left the underground laboratory with Swain.

Back in the house, Allen gave Kakashi one of the two sets of magic communication devices and one of the other, while he kept the other in his hand.

Kakashi and Allen shared the set, naturally to facilitate the communication between them. As for the other set for Kakashi, Allen asked Kakashi to give one to Chu to facilitate the contact between Kakashi and Chu. After all, Chu is now Kakashi's most powerful assistant.

"Also, here you are."

Allen gave Kakashi the device corresponding to the communication device in the hands of the Lord Benedict.

"In the future, you will be responsible for the transactions with the city Lord's residence. How many soldiers does the city Lord's residence need? Tell me after you collect the deposit, and I'll give it to you when I'm ready."

Kakashi nodded.

Later, Allen and Kakashi came to a wasteland outside Huaxia town. Allen exchanged all 115 killing points in the system into level 4 lower tolerance. Kakashi, Chuhe, the 115 forbearance, is the rudiment of the curtain of heaven organization.

"Go, Kakashi," Allen said. "I'm waiting for the day when the curtain of heaven becomes famous on the mainland."

After Kakashi left with the ninjas, Allen did not immediately return to Huaxia Town, but entered the most Lord system again and entered the heroic alliance element.

He has just promised to find a helper for wild grass, and this helper is a hero in the hero alliance.

Hermodinger, the greatest scientist and great inventor on the continent of Valoran.

Allen still has more than 200000 gold coins. It's more than enough to summon a hero.

Allen finds the hero image of heimerdinger in the system and chooses to summon.

"The host chooses to independently select the hero 'great inventor heimerdinger', select the hero successfully, and the summoning consumes 80000 gold coins. The next selection needs 100000 gold coins, and randomly select a half price discount."

The light and shadow flashed, and heimerdinger appeared in front of Allen.

Hemeddinger, like Timo, is a Yodel, so he is only a little over a meter tall. What is most striking is that his huge head is even bigger than his body!

No wonder people give him the title of big head.

"Hermodinger, see your Lord!"

After being summoned, hammerdinger saluted Allen.

"Hello, hammerdinger, welcome to Huaxia collar." Alan smiled.

After summoning heimerdinger, Alan took heimerdinger to the underground laboratory of the barren grass.

The grass was very surprised when she saw heimerdinger.

"Wow, what a big head!" the grass exclaimed. "Won't you be tired with such a big head?"

"What do you know," said hammerdinger with a humorous smile, "it's full of wisdom!"

Heimerdinger may be a little paranoid when studying science, but in ordinary times, he is a very kind and humorous person and easy to get along with.

Heimerdinger's friendly attitude immediately won the favor of the wild grass. The wild grass came to heimerdinger and looked at him who was shorter than himself and said, "Hello, my name is wild grass. What do you call me?"

"Heimerdinger, great inventor heimerdinger," said heimerdinger.

"Are you a goblin, too?"

The grass asked. From his height, he judged whether he was a goblin or a dwarf. Heimerdinger just said that he is a great inventor. However, how can a dwarf who has a simple mind and developed limbs and only knows how to strike iron and fight be an inventor? So the grass thinks that heimodinger is a goblin.

Heimodinger shook his head: "I'm not a goblin, I'm a Yodel, a great Yodel!"

"Yodel people?" the grass repeated, finding that he had never heard of this race, and then said, "we goblins are also a great race."

"Of course," hammerdinger nodded, "there is no doubt that all races that study science are great."

Hammerdinger said it very seriously and sincerely. In fact, this is the real idea in his heart.

Heimerdinger's words instantly increased the favor of the grass to him by several grades. The grass heard for the first time that a race other than the goblins said that the goblins were a great race!

"I believe you Yodel people must be ten great races!" the grass said.

Alan looked at each other's flattering hammerdinger and barren grass and smiled gently. He believed that the future cooperation between the two people would be very happy.