This is being translated by Bane, read at your own risk.

In order to protect the emperor together, the four knights worked hard to create and practice unique swordsmanship and spear techniques together. But they had no choice but to admit that it was quite difficult to achieve, even though they could see a new noble martial art being created.

The emperor had accidentally taken me to their training center one time and because he found out that I was watching their training process carefully, from then on he would take me often to watch.

They liked me, so they were busy smiling at me.

At first, I didn’t know how to overcome the difference.

To me, the empire didn’t fight directly, but it was close to the enemy.

Since they have yet to show their ambition toward the Kingdom of Einver, the Empire could attack the Kingdom of Einver at any time, and we always had to be prepared for battle.

Born as the princess of such an empire, I was deeply concerned about what I should do here at first, but now it was overshadowed by the fact that I had such useless concerns. (Baby blues, can’t do anything to help as a baby but smile cheerfully to encourage the masses)

Now I was naturally accepting the fact that I was the princess of the Empire.

Just as the Kingdom had their own position and goals so too did the Empire to achieve their goals.

‘I guess I’m now an Imperialist.’

Looking at the clouds floating freely in the blue sky, I thought like that.


Time went on by as if it had wings.

I was sorry for the moving passage of time.

I know it’s a necessary time for my growth, but it was a shame that there wasn’t much I was able to do.

Still, the princes were two years older than me, and there were many books to read.

Maybe it was because they were like moldable saplings that should later become emperors, but it seemed people were trying to teach them properly from the very beginning.

When I was with them, I could naturally access their books and listen to what their tutors were teaching.

So the twins seemed to have misunderstood this situation that I was trying not to be separated from them.

“Does Stiana not want to be away from brother for a while?”

“I think my Stiana really likes me.”

I was busy touching my chubby cheeks propped up by my hands. Whether they did believe that was the reason or not, I focused on my book.

People thought I was simply pretending to turn the pages imitating the princes.

Now that I was a two-year-old child, it would have been natural to think so.

The princes looked at me, wondering why I was turning the pages for such a long time without getting tired of it.

“Stiana is so amazing. Look at her trying to hold it in while doing something so boring because she wants to be next to me.”

“That’s really true. I’m proud of you. My little sister.”

The two kids, who were always arguing with each other, often agreed upon such remarks that involved me.

There were many books in the princes’ study room.

As always a lot of books were piled up on their desks, so I dragged them over. (Stiana a little bookworm.)

When I touched a book with my little hand, the tutors of the princes put it in front of me and I didn’t think I would read it, so I opened the middle of the course without opening the first page.

When I whined and fiddled with the book, the princes opened the first page of their books.

“Books should be read starting from the first chapter.”

That’s what you said.

The children were very useful.

I wanted them to give me some other books, but when I looked at them, it seemed that they were pushing the ones they didn’t want to read over to myself.

When the tutor told me to look at the book, she ‘Couldn’t bear to interrupt Stiana because she was reading it so diligently.’

Fortunately, these books were helpful to me, so I read them purposefully.

Especially the books that were on military methods stimulated my curiosity.

There were many cases where I thought it would have been quite good or more advantageous if I had used this or that method at those times, recalling the numerous battles I had once fought. (All the more reason for Stiana to have the crown for the win!)

When I was reading a book while nodding away quietly opening the book by myself, there was a sudden sound of laughter.

No one would think a two-year-old child would understand the content and read it, so I thought it was because they saw it as that I was just cute.

However, as time passed by, I seemed to take it for granted later on whether I had become more and more used to seeing my own self like that.

“Stiana, are you having fun?”


I concentrated on reading the books well without speaking because I sounded like a child whenever I talked.

Sometimes when the emperor seemed worried about my development, I would speak to show that I was growing up well, but it didn’t do much.

It wasn’t that I had nothing to say, but I couldn’t tell them that I had already understood the contents of the book, so I was unintentionally becoming a silent baby.

Two more years just like that passed by.


The princes and myself didn’t have a mother.

I had lost my mother very early. (I have yet to figure out of they share the same mother or not -,- explain this to me)

The emperor was much more powerful than I thought, but after the empress was assassinated, he did not get remarried.

The people who murdered the empress were never caught and it went by without knowing which forces were involved in the plot.

Since he was an emperor who fought so many conquests, there were countless people who could do such a thing, and because of that, he taught his close aides fiercely.

He thought he’d give his own escort knights to the two princes and me one day.

And apart from that, he taught the princes constantly to grow up stronger.

The ministers said the seat of the empress should not be left vacant, but the emperor didn’t listen to others.

As the ministers continued to raise their demand, they neglected the management of state affairs and dictatorship, so people were in a situation where they were appropriately watched by the emperor and treated each other with misgivings.

After I became four years old, there were many things to learn and many things I could see myself.

I also now had my own tutors.

However, the tutors tried to teach me dance, court, and lifestyle etiquette, and they tried to train me to walk gracefully, so it didn’t suit me very well.

“Karyl, Dell. You talk to daddy well. I’m learning something. I’m learning what brothers are learning. Stiana’s a sword, too!” (A blade for the mighty empire! An empire that she will rule with her darling bros to help, daddy already agreed to this. So spoken, so written, so be it)

Even at my age, the princes were strictly educated and couldn’t speak their minds, but I said what I wanted as it came to mind like word vomit.

It was a strategic dimension.

It was not easy to find someone with a cold heart enough to refuse my request when I spoke in a cute way.

Rather than Adelgio, Karhill spoke better and understood my mind well, so I would actively target him.

“Karyl, if you convince daddy, I’ll carry your sword. Is it heavy?”

“But it’s not enough to ask you to listen.”

“You’re cool, Karyl. You don’t have to be shy. Tell me if you need help, Stiana’s strong!”

I liked carrying a sword, especially the sword that Karhill had.

Karhill’s sword, who had a weaker arm strength than Adelgio, was worth selling.

Karhill started negotiations in earnest, wondering if he thought my attachment to the sword was unusual. (Stiana has poor Karhill wrapped right around her fingers lol)

“Father, there’s always danger in the palace, so Stiana should be able to protect herself. The swords lessons shouldn’t start right now, but I think it is necessary to get close to the swords early on.”

That being said, he allowed me to attend their swordsmanship classes.

As I was able to see the swordsmanship class for the princes, I received a sword as a gift.

“This is a special gift for our little princess.”

I almost fainted because I was so genuinely happy when the emperor gave me a sword that was as tall as myself.

A splendid sword stamped with jewels on the outside caught my eye.

‘But wouldn’t it be a little dangerous to give a child like myself a real sword?’

Apart from the good things, such worries were serious.

However, he took out the handle because I was overwhelmed.

‘No. Are you kidding me?!’

There was no blade attached to the handle. (Stiana got duped by daddy…)

The emperor burst into laughter as if he had already known that I would make such a disgruntled expression.

“My princess is too little to be able to lift the sword just yet. But you’ll be able to drag the handle around. Let’s make a proper sword when your arms get stronger. Just hang in there until then.” (Inset hang in there kitty poster buhahaha)

Unfortunately, I couldn’t help it.

As time went by, it seemed better that it was without an actual blade.

It would have been very disappointing if they had given me a wooden sword or a stiletto to reduce the weight of it.

First of all, I was a very threatening baby. (RUN)

And no matter how angry I was, I became a patient baby who never took out a sword from the scabbard.

I hugged my sword close and watched my brothers taking their class.

“Hey, that’s not how.”

Sometimes everyone laughed when I pretended to know what I was commenting on.

They wouldn’t have imagined that I did it because I really knew something.

‘Yeah, it’s just a bit more time, just only a bit longer now.’

Every moment I swelled with that hope.


The whole family gathered together at early breakfast time.

The emperor, the two princes, and I were family seated, but our waiters and attendants were always in a long line, so it was always a grand affair.

It didn’t feel special any longer because I had seen it every day while carrying out the prince, but it felt strange to be watched as a member of the family myself.

“What does our Stiana like best?”

When asked as if the emperor had become suddenly curious, Karhill told him that he liked seafood.

“I especially like oysters. It’s a fresh food that’s to be eaten right away. I think it’s good to eat something fresh without cooking it. Father.”

It was Karhill’s favorite.

The emperor had a good feeling in that respect.

“Don’t tell me what you want to eat.”

Adelgio chuckled and laughed at the emperor’s words.

“What does Stiana like?”

The emperor suddenly asked the cook and the nanny as if he thought he had been indifferent to me.

But they wouldn’t know anything about it.

I’m not picky about what I was given, but I ate everything well. (What about brussel sprouts? The bane to every child!!)

“Daddy, let’s go hunt!”

While the emperor continued to question the attendants, I remembered going hunting with my men for training.

The emperor’s eyes shone when he suddenly remembered that he had put an animal he hunted on the fire and ate the meat before it was even fully cooked.

“Hunt? Do you want to watch me hunting? Shall we? My little princess loves it, huh? Okay, then let’s do that. Let’s go hunting.”

The princes made an expression of wonder.

I had rarely heard of hunting, so I wondered why I suddenly talked about it and how I knew about it.

I’m sorry about all the commentary but I was so in stitches this chapter there are so many funny moments alone in this chapter so I couldn’t help myself. If you also agree let me know in DT discord, 2vPfcAbzrB. Join us for the latest updates.