62 Chapter 62: The Devil Has A Beautiful Face

The crowd looked at one another, seeking confirmation, as it was too much of a shock and too difficult to believe.

My God! How can it be true?

Thoughts could be beautiful and innocent, but the reality wasn't always so.

This was the reality, the fact. However, cruel it was.

Those that were defending Evette and yelling to punish Nathalia were astounded. They felt anger, shame, and more so, humiliation.

They had all been fooled by a girl.

"No." Evette and Anne's faces turned pale. How could they have expected such a move from Nathalia?! Evette screamed and pounced on Nathalia, trying to snatch the phone from her.

Nathalia saw it coming. She stepped back and sideways, hid behind Matt, and watched.

What's the point of taking the phone now?

Evette screamed, punched, and kicked Matt. She looked barbaric, like a madwoman.

The boys were almost heartbroken, seeing the girl they had adored changed to a totally different person. Their jaws dropped. It was a nightmare for them.

Matt stopped her by grabbing her arms without effort and pushed her away to one of his staff. She's nuts.

Evette still wouldn't give up. "No. I've never said that. Never..." she said, not daring to meet anyone's eyes.

She couldn't accept what had happened. She's set me up again! What should I do? What can I do?

The plot had twisted suddenly. It was so sudden that even Anne Carter had no idea what to do. She stood aside and watched her daughter, helplessly.

A constant buzzing noise sounded in her head. She felt her body grow cold and stiff like she had been stripped naked in front of everyone.

Everyone had heard the recording. It was proved a fact, but Evette still would not admit it. Her lies provoked anger and disdain in the crowd, especially those boys that once admired her.

The devil has a beautiful face.

Was I blind? How did I fall in love with someone so evil?

I was so ignorant.

Nathalia sighed slightly. So pathetic.

Fortunately, Nathalia was prepared. If she had not recorded the conversation, she could not have been able to prove herself innocent.

People only believe what they see. I believe in myself.

Though it was a quiet sigh, Matt, who was standing close to her, heard it clearly, and somehow he felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

"I can prove that the recording is real. I heard it myself." He announced. There was a stone lying on his heart. He felt the weight and heaviness.

Evette's face turned red, out of anger and fury. She refused to admit. She refused to lose. "There's something going on between you two. You can't be trusted." She shouted at him and to the crowd.

One of them was about to speak when Anne glared at him threateningly, "We, the Carters, don't allow any kind of slanders."

It was a brief but sharp threat.

She cared not to pretend anymore. To save her daughter and herself was the priority now.

The boys looked at each other. Fear was written on their face. They backed up. "I, I didn't hear anything."

"Me neither."

Everyone knew what the Carters were like, and it was understanding that people would rather not get involved.

Evette saw hope, and she grabbed her chance instantly like she had seen the door to escape from death. "Officer, how can you lie and force the students to back you up?!" She questioned loudly.

His lips tilted to one end, and his eyes looked cold. "You have proof of what you said? Why don't you come with me to the office now?" He was now really angry and emotional.

As expected, Evette refused. "Huh. How dare you treat me like this! My family won't let you go so easily." She was impatient and forgot to behave herself. Her ugly and arrogant self was presented to everyone.

Nathalia lifted her eyebrows and smiled.

Matt glanced at her, and he felt relieved, seeing her smile.

"You ARE the Carter princess indeed, threatening officers here. You think the Carters can do anything you want, but I'm not scared, Miss Evette Carter." Matt responded calmly. People were impressed by his fearlessness.

Nathalia was a bit surprised. He sounds like a man of principles. Nothing like Spencer at all. She started to like him more.

She waved her phone and said, "One can't deny the truth. This is a fact. Evette, everyone has heard what you said. You can't deny it."

The crowd had their attention on Evette again, and they looked at her in disdain.

Such a selfish, pretentious, and evil girl, why didn't I know that?

Evette grew furious. I will never lose it to her. She's nobody, nothing. The flame of anger glowed in her eyes. She was trying very hard to compose herself. "Nathalia, you are so cunning. You recorded it on purpose."

Nathalia wasn't scared. She let out another quiet and helpless sigh. "You know why I had to record it. You are too good at lying. I will never be able to justify myself and prove myself innocent if I don't record the true voice of you. You are so good at hurting me that you scare me."

People felt sympathy for her and regretted how they had trusted Evette instead of her.

Anne Carter realized the change of attitude in people. She pinched Evette slightly and winked at her secretively to remind her. Evette then realized, and quickly she tried to switch the scene.

"Don't listen to her. She's lying. She set this all up. She even edited the video. Nathalia, admit it!" Evette yelled.

"Nathalia, we are a family. You know how much I care for you. Don't hang out with those people. They are not good for you. I understand that you've made a mistake, but we don't blame you..." Anne persuaded. She looked so upset and concerned as if she genuinely cared about Nathalia and felt helpless that Nathalia had gone astray.

One aggressive, the other persuasive, both desperately wanted Nathalia to admit and apologize in public. As long as Nathalia admits it, then she's responsible for everything, and Evette will be spared.

However, would things go the way Anne and Evette wanted?