64 Chapter 64: Blood For Tears

He promised Nathalia and himself.

Every word sounded so powerful, and she felt protected. She had never felt so loved than now, this very moment.

She no longer felt alone. She finally had someone to support her and protect her.

Pain and harm might come again, but at this moment, she felt loved and safe.

She saw love and affection on his face, and she cried again for joy as she threw herself in his arms. "Why didn't you show up earlier? Don't be late again, please." She was sobbing so hard as if all the sorrow and pain inside had turned to tears.

It was the first time she had cried like this in front of others, completely letting go of all the emotions. No longer scared, no longer alone, no longer confused.

Tears started to fill Spencer's eyes, and he hugged her tighter. How much pain has she suffered to bring so much tear?

Matt suppressed the stormy emotions in his heart. He lifted his head up to meet the sunlight as if it could melt the pain away.

Many of the spectators were also in tears. Poor girl. She must have suffered a lot.

Evette panicked and didn't know what to do now. She felt insecure. "Spencer, don't listen to her. She's lying. She's pretending. She's nothing like what you think she is..."

I'm the victim. I should be the one crying. Ahhh. How can she do this to me? What is she crying about? She deserves no sympathy for how she's tricked, Spencer!

Evette thought angrily. The sight of Nathalia and Spencer hugging set an angry flame in her. I have to separate them.

She ran towards them. The police were concerned that Spencer Davidson would get hurt and quickly stopped Evette. She punched and kicked the officers.

Anne was worried, and she rushed forward, "No, let go of my daughter!"

Then someone shouted, "Look! What's that?!" a girl pointed at Evette.

People followed her indication and was shocked to see the bruises and marks on Evette's neck. The collar had fallen unbuttoned and open while she was struggling to free herself from the officers, and her neck was unveiled.

The crowd gasped. They looked at one another, and everyone understood.

"My God."

The reporters hesitated. They had the question in their head and dared not voice it, but at last, a female reporter plucked up the courage and inquired, "Miss Evette Carter, is it you that's in the video clip that's all over the internet this morning?"

Silence fell on the crowd. Everyone waited.

Nathalia Carter has fame and beauty and, more importantly, Spencer Davidson as her boyfriend, who cares for her so much. It makes no sense that she will do such a thing.

There must be something fishy.

Anne Carter regained her senses, and she replied sharply, "What are you talking about?! Didn't you see the necklace the girl was wearing? It's Nathalia's. Everyone knows that."

Now the crowd was again confused. Who's to believe? Both parties seem to be telling the truth.

Nathalia took a deep breath and was about to say something, then Spencer held her hand tight and pulled her behind him. He stared at Anne and Evette with cold eyes "Mrs. Carter, are you saying that the girl in the video clip is Nathalia?"

He was straightforward and sharp, with no intention of hiding a tiny bit of his emotions. He looked deadly.

The spectators looked at one another, confused. What does he mean? Does he believe her or not?

Even Anne, experienced, and calculating, could not be sure what Matt was thinking either. She wondered, hesitated, and for a second, she somehow shivered. However, she had said what she said, and there was no going back.

Anne sighed, looking distressed, and said sadly, "Unfortunately, it's true. I don't want to talk about it anymore. Please understand. It's so shameful."

Everyone heard her confirmation. The reporter grew excited, and immediately someone questioned, "Miss Nathalia Carter, is it true? Is the necklace, yours?"

"Did Mrs. Carter lie?"

"The necklace is mine," Nathalia admitted without hesitation, but she seemed to want to say something more and found it difficult to continue. After a few seconds, she smiled a bitter smile and said, "But It's not me in the video clip. I've never done such a thing. I swear if I have ever done it, I will be punished right away."

She looked serious, and she sounded convincing.

Evette jumped in, "Huh. What's the use of swearing? Only fools will believe you." She hated Nathalia immensely. She wanted her dead. Only when Nathalia died would she feel satisfied.

Nathalia knew what Evette was thinking about. She had seen Evette's true self many times, and now she was not affected by her insult anymore.

However, Spencer was furious. He snapped, "Evette Carter, what are you trying to say?!"

What kind of family is that? Selfish, cruel. It's not a family at all.

Evette sneered, extremely jealous and bitter. "I'm just telling the truth. I can't stand people lying and pretending to be innocent. It's disgusting."

The more protective of Nathalia Spencer showed the more Evette wanted her dead.

Spencer hugged Nathalia tight, his hands on her waist, as he suddenly understood why Nathalia had been so indifferent, cold, and why she was scared to love.

It was because she had been hurt, deeply hurt, and the wound had never healed.

The flame of anger grew stronger, and his eyes looked colder. He glared at Evette "It was true that you have no love nor sympathy for others. How you have hurt your sister has shown what a heartless person you are. I can't imagine how you treat others!"

His words shot through Evette's heart like bullets. Tears filled her eyes, and her heart ached.

"Spencer, I just want you to see the truth. She's lied to you, and now she's betrayed and humiliated you. But you still care for her after what she did? Don't you have self-respect? How can you stand being cheated on? You are a man!"