65 Chapter 65: The Stronger Wins The Game

The deadly cold look remained on Spencer's face. Matt noticed it, and he was a bit surprised. It seems like he really cares for her.

Nathalia shook her head slightly while thinking, Does justice exist? What are the truths and lies? The stronger wins the game.

I have to be stronger to live a life of my own in my free will.

She understood it clearly now, and from now on, this would be her goal.

Just then, Frank Carter made his presence. He stood in front of the crowd, looking ashamed. "Mr. Spencer Davidson, I apologize for my daughter, Nathalia. I wish I had given her better guidance. I'm sure she knows she's made a big mistake now, but please forgive her, forgive us." He said sincerely.

Nathalia felt like there was a blockage in her heart and chest. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Even though she knew what her father was like, she still felt pain. Others' fathers protect and love their daughters, but my own father only wants to hurt and destroy me. What have I done to deserve this? Perhaps Evette is his only daughter.

What Frank said convinced the crowd. They condemned Nathalia and felt pity for the family.

The whole family had to suffer because of her. Shame on her.

Spencer didn't expect Frank to show up. He watched Nathalia, who remained silent, and again he felt another sharp pain in his chest. Anger rushed up to his head.

"What a great father you are, Mr. Carter! But only for Evette. You would rather kill your other daughter, Nathalia, to save her." Spencer remarked.

It sent Frank panicking, and sweats covered his forehead; however, he tried his best to stay calm. "Mr. Spencer Davidson, Nathalia is young, and she's made a mistake. I'm sorry that she didn't know to appreciate your caring..."

Hearing Frank's continuous insult at Nathalia, Spencer grew more furious. He clenched his fists.

Asshole! The asshole of assholes! How can he be Nathalia's father! Does he have a heart at all?

"There's something that I've been thinking of asking you. Is Nathalia your real daughter? You've hurt her and threatened her again and again. What are you?! You, cruel, heartless piece of shit!" Spencer said furiously.

It went straight to Nathalia's heart. Tears filled her eyes instantly and streamed down her face. This was the question she's had in her heart.

Am I his daughter? Is he my real father?

For many times she had prayed that she would be let live. She would rather be an orphan than be part of the Carter's than be Frank Carter's daughter. However, her mother loved him too much, and she would rather compromise than leave him.

Evette, Anne, Frank, all three of them took turns to accuse Nathalia, determined to put her life to an end.

A sigh of agony sounded behind Nathalia, and it touched her heart like an echo.

Nathalia turned to see Matt's eyes fixed at her. They spoke of sympathy, compassion, pain, sorrow, understanding...

All emotions transmitted to her heart through his eyes.

She didn't want sympathy, as that was what the week needed. However, she felt comforted to be understood.

Spencer immediately wrapped his hands around Nathalia's face, turned her head around toward him, gazed at her into her eyes. He looked a bit annoyed as if to say, "Don't look at him. Just me."

"Nathalia was with me last night. If you need proof, check the surveillance camera at The Grand Miami Hotel." Spencer declared.

Murmurs and discussions burst out among the crowd. What?! Really?!

��Impossible!" Evette exclaimed instantly. Her face showed anger, terror, fear.

Shortly, the media spread the message, and it was confirmed true.

Spencer and Nathalia did spend the night together. The camera showed they went to the hotel at half-past nine last night and didn't leave till ten o'clock this morning.

The news brought more discussions in the crowd. Though some were jealous, bitter, most of them reproached the Carters fiercely.

So, the girl isn't Nathalia Carter.

She's at least part of the family. Why did they accuse her? How cruel! Heartless!

What the hell did they do that for?

The thought and question occurred to the majority.

Frank, Anne, and Evette were terrified, angry, and panicking. They tried every way they could to explain, but one believed them anymore. What are they? Are they human? All three of them attacked a girl. It's not the first time! My God! Savages!

Frank was, after all, an experienced calculating fox, and he soon changed his attitude. "Mr. Spencer Davidson, I've misunderstood. I'm terribly sorry. Nathalia, please forget me. I was just too worried about you, you know. I didn't want you to make the same mistake again." He said genuinely.

Nathalia was extremely disgusted by his fakeness. She felt so helpless and desperate. Her heart beat with pain. With tears in her eyes, she finally let it out, "Is that so? Is that really so? I thought you wanted me dead, no? Dad, why, why do you have to treat me this way? You know that if I die too young, you can't get the money I'm going to inherit from grandpa. You can at least wait until then, no?"

She didn't want to hide anymore. She was too tired to fake, to pretend, to hide. She had to tell the truth. If it meant that she would be homeless, it mattered not anymore.

Her words were like a sudden thunder that awakened everyone.

Oh, my God! Who would have thought of that?!

Many of the reporters then recalled that Nathalia's grandfather was once a very successful entrepreneur and tycoon in the business field, but...

Frank, as well as Anne and Evette, turned pale. Frank was utterly shocked. He had not expected Nathalia, who had always respected him, to say such things. And she said it in public! The long-hidden secret and plan were now revealed.

He trembled with anger. She was his possession, and he could treat her; however, he wanted, but he did not allow any rebellion from her.

He could picture himself strangling her to death there and then, but he had to compose himself as the crowd was watching attentively. "Nathalia, it's so painful to hear you say that. I'm your father. You are my daughter. How is it possible that I wish you any harm! Where do you get such a ridiculous idea from?" He sounded terribly upset.