72 Chapter 72: Why Should I Care?

"Well, I will see how Spencer behaves. If he's good to me, then I will consider marrying him." Nathalia replied matter-of-factly.

She didn't care if it was the Davidsons or Wilsons or Johnsons. To her, having money was a good thing, but money was just money, in the end, just a number. She wasn't ambitious, and she was definitely not after money.

She would rather travel around the world, living a simple life with the man she loved.

Kurt was taken aback. He knitted his brows and looked dubious. But who cared if he believed what she said or not.

Spencer was very pleased with what Nathalia said. He pulled her closer, pinched her nose gently and playfully, smiled, and said, "I promise I will behave the best I can, and to marry me will be the best decision you make."

He loved how she justified and defended herself, how she said how she felt and fought for what she wanted, her confidence and dignity. She seemed to glow with charm, and he was enchanted.

Nathalia responded with a 'maybe' smile. To her, it was just a mere thought for now. She had not thought about the future much yet.

She was only eighteen years old, after all. Besides, Spencer had not proposed properly. Stop thinking too much now. He makes me fantasize too much. She reminded herself.

Displeased, Kurt sneered, "To be my daughter-in-law isn't an easy job. You need to know all the chords in the family, know how to cook and clean; meanwhile, you need to be good at socializing as we have a circle of sophisticated friends and business partners. Also, you should have talents in art, music..."

As a matter of fact, Kurt and Spencer's grandfather had thought about a few good candidates for Mrs. Davidson's position, and Nathalia was definitely not one of them. Kurt would not like to have anything to do with the Carter.

Nathalia laughed and interrupted him, "Mr. Davidson, are you looking for a housewife plus a social butterfly for your son? Seriously, are you that shallow?", then she looked at Spencer and continued, "Spencer, I feel so sorry for you."

Spencer couldn't help laughing out loud. What's this little creature made of? What's in her mysterious mind? I love her strangeness.

Kurt was utterly speechless. He felt like he had thrown a hard punch at a bag of cotton, a waste of energy. Helpless. Where does this girl come from? She isn't a normal one. What's in her head?

Spencer commented proudly, "My Nathalia isn't someone to be defeated easily. If I were you, dad, I would give up."

Nathalia didn't quite understand what he was proud about. Kurt was furious, and he bellowed, "Watch your manners! Spencer, you really think that's funny, huh?"

Nathalia was a bit surprised as she realized how indifferently Spencer was behaving towards his father, but she played along. "You mean like this?" She put on a serious face and said loudly.

The young couple had put on a very good show, and it felt like a slap on Kurt's face. "You two, you two are..." He was too enraged to find his words. However, at the same time, he was reminded of so much past memory. He saw the innocent girl, the angel in Nathalia's face again. He closed his eyes and sighed.

Spencer was a bit confused and surprised to see Kurt's reaction. What's the matter? This isn't like him. However, he showed no sympathy.

"Dad, it's time to go." He recalled ironically.

"Don't you speak to me like that. I'm your father!" Kurt snapped furiously. He turned and walked towards the door. Nathalia waved and said politely, "Have a great night. See you later, Mr. Davidson."

Kurt didn't even pause or turn around. He walked out and slammed the door shut. "Bang." It echoed.

"Phew." Nathalia sighed but looking rather cheerful. "Are you sure it's ok? He seemed very angry." She was a bit concerned about Spencer's father, but she was more delighted as if she had cleared up all the anger and sadness inside her simply by making someone else angry.

One indeed takes pleasure from others' pain, isn't it? Anyway, it's his problem to get angry.

Spencer glanced at Nathalia dubiously, grabbed the back of her neck from behind her, and smiled cheekily, "Isn't it too late to worry about it now? What's done is done." I have never met a girl so fearless and adorable at the same time.

It's true. Who is he to me anyway? Why should I care? Nathalia thought. "I'm not worried about him. It's just that it will be a shame if he dies too soon, and we will lose someone to tease." She replied with a wink at Spencer.

"You, merciless girl." Spencer giggled.

The desire to kiss her grew inside him suddenly and quickly. He had it fulfilled as he grabbed her, one arm around her back and one on the back of his knees, lifted her up and carried her to the couch. He put her down gently, his eyes fixed on hers, and kissed her lips, up her cheeks, then her ears and down her neck…

Colorful neon lights shone through the windows onto the young couple tangled in kisses and love.

The Carter couple made a dozen phone calls and talked for hours to finally calm the drama and got Evette home.

Evette was crying all night at home. I've never ever been so embarrassed about how everyone looked at me! I drugged the guys to have sex with them?! How can anyone believe that? Tony! When I see him, I will kill him! Ahhhh, how am I going to go to school? How will people look at me?

The more she thought about it, the harder she cried. Anne's heart ached for her daughter; however, she was more disappointed. She tapped Evette on her head, "Crying doesn't help. Every time when something goes wrong, you only know to cry. Now, tell me, how did things turn out like this? Who are the two guys?"

It was all planned well, and we had everything under control. Nathalia was supposed to be in the video instead, and so Spencer Davidson will dump her... But how come it was my daughter?! I just can't figure it out.

Evette stopped crying and tried to recall what happened last night. The only thing she could remember was the sensational pleasure she felt. And even now, just the thought of it made her want it again. She blushed and quickly covered her face with her hands.

"She has Spencer to help her, and of course she can do anything she wants. But I just can't understand why he did that..."