160 Chapter 160: I’m Starving

Food was served, but no one seemed to have the appetite anymore. Sophie was clenching the fork, wishing she could run away. This is so depressing.

Anna was holding her glass, her mind traveling far away. Then Spencer forked a piece of cheesy mushroom onto Nathalia's plate. "It's your favorite. Bon Appetit." He said.

Nathalia turned to Spencer, her eyes meeting his, so much emotion in them, his eyes were so full of life, full of affection, full of love.

It was love. Love it was. Nathalia noticed and confirmed. She was almost in tears, feeling loved again. "You too. Bon Appetit." She replied with a smile.

Anna felt a stabbing pain in her heart, watching Spencer and Nathalia. "Spencer, have you gone mental as well? Mummy's still in the hospital, but you, instead of revenging for her, you are so nice to..."

Where did it go wrong? I��ve spent so much money to bribe so many people to make it work. I've made so much effort to remind him of the evil things this bitch has done. He should hate her instead! Why?!

Anna couldn't understand. Does he love her more than he loves mummy? No! Impossible! I can't accept it! I won't accept it!

"I don't need anyone to tell me what to do. If you can't watch your mouth, why don't you go back to the hospital now?" Spencer said emotionlessly.

Tears ran down Anna's face. She felt like her heart was breaking into pieces. "Spencer, where's your heart? Where's your conscience? Are you going to abandon mummy for this girl? She's your mother! How can you do this to her?"

Spencer frowned, annoyed, and said as he gestured to the bodyguard standing aside. "She talks too much. Take her away."

The bodyguard stepped forward, "Miss Anna Jones, please come with me."

Anna had not expected Spencer to be so cold, yet she didn't want to give in. "If I'm leaving, you should come with me. Spencer, perhaps mummy's awake, and if she knows how you are treating her, she will be so upset."

The emotionless look on Spencer's face turned rigid and stern, "Your name is Anna Jones, not Anna Davidson. You are not part of the family. Don't you think it's rude to interfere with others' private issues? I do."

His words poked Anna's heart like needles. She jumped up from her seat, angrily, "I'm not part of the family? I almost lost my life to save mummy, and you are saying I'm not part of the family?!" How can he be so cruel? Has he forgotten the sacrifice I made?

Spencer took a deep breath, swallowed the surging emotions inside him, then in a steady and demanding tone, he said, "I'm grateful and will remember the favor you did, but it doesn't mean you can interfere with the Davidsons' family issue."

She wiped the tears off her face, glared at Nathalia, and continued, "while the person who hurt mummy is sitting here with us, enjoying her meal. It upset me so much that I lost my temper. I promise I won't do it again. I don't have an appetite for food anymore. Shall we go? Please?"

Spencer was about to say something when the phone rang. "Yes?" He answered the phone. "Ok. I will be right back." He held the phone tight and said hurriedly.

"I have to go." He stood up, hesitated, then put his hand on Nathalia's head and stroked her hair gently. "Enjoy your food. I will see you around." It was a simple gesture that said a lot.

Nathalia looked up, nodded, and said, "Thanks. Take care." Her voice was soft and affectionate.

Anna stomped her feet angrily, glared at Nathalia one more time, and hurried after Spencer.

As soon as they were out of sight, Sophie, who had been sitting there like a rock, let out a deep sigh. Finally, I can breathe normally now.

Then she looked at Nathalia, who was acting as nothing had happened, and wondered how she managed to stay so calm. "Nathalia?"

"Yes. Shoot. This is not like you. What is it? Just tell me." Nathalia seemed to be in a very good mood, enjoying her food delightfully.

Sophie waved her hands about, not sure how to describe or interpret the scene just then. "Well, you and Spencer seem very strange. He, er, he doesn't seem to be angry with you at all. I mean, you didn't do anything wrong, of course, but..."

Sophie realized she was really confused about the situation as she stuttered, "but he seemed very certain. I mean. I don't know."

His mother got run over and is in a coma. Normally, people would be very angry and seek revenge. However, with Nathalia, who was accused of hurting his mother, he didn't show any anger at all, but the very opposite. He cares so much about her. This doesn't make sense.

Nathalia scooped some salad onto Sophie's plate and smiled happily, "Aren't you hungry? I'm starving. Bon appetit."

When Nathalia and Sophie got back home, the Caters were waiting outside the apartment building. Nathalia frowned, thinking, why can't they just leave me alone? So annoying.

The Carter had all dressed up, and as expected, they had attracted a lot of attention. As usual, Evette voiced herself first, "Nathalia Carter, shame on you. Everyone knows what you have done. You are a shame to the family."

Can she say something new? Every time, every time, she says the same thing. Nathalia thought. She was speechless.

The security guards were watching, so Nathalia wasn't worried at all. If anything happened, she only needed to shout out, and they would protect her. "Well, am I part of the Carter? If I remember correctly, Mr. Frank Carter kicked me out long ago. Also, you, the Carter family, are a piece of shit anyway."