Chapter 195

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
Although the dozens of black feather giant vultures compiled by Tongbei Dachang are not particularly excellent in blood, they can also grab thousands of kilograms of grain bags and fly over Jueling. After domestication and spiritual training, these black feather giant vultures flew over the refugee camp under the control of the vulture trainer, tore up grain bags, and let thousands of kilograms of grain sprinkle directly into the camp below.

This is to prevent a small amount of food from being intercepted by the refugee army stranded in the camp, so as to ensure that more hungry people can get food and save their lives.

The chilly and vigorous winds on the Jue mountain roar. These vigorous winds can directly hurt the souls of humans and animals. Even when the xuanxiu disciples of the spirit setting realm stand on the top of those ice covered Jue mountains, they will feel difficult to breathe, and their skin and flesh seem to be about to be blown off by the vigorous wind.

The valleys and streams between the snow peaks are mostly above the snow line. The cold wind roars and the Gangsha goes to the bone, like thousands of needles and hundreds of needles.

Strange birds like black feather vultures can hardly catch heavy objects and fly long distances in such a harsh environment. Fortunately, Chen Hai transferred more than a dozen giant vultures to take turns, flying three or five times a day and throwing five or six thousand kilograms of food into each refugee camp, which can barely save the lives of the hungry people.

At this time, at the north foot of YeHu mountain, which is still regarded as a "battlefield", the main forward force led by the baggage camp and Tu Ziji is still advancing slowly; The recruitment of prisoners of war and the relief of hungry people are carried out in an orderly manner. The work is done in detail and takes a lot of time.

When the third refugee camp was opened without blood, Yao Xuan and others returned to taste it at this time, and then they noticed a lot of wrongs.

Years ago, hundreds of thousands of rebels coerced Tongbei Prefecture, and a large number of people fled into the deep mountains at the north foot. Although a large number of people starved to death before, and corpses were everywhere, filling the valley around the camp, it is reasonable that the proportion of surviving rebels in these camps should not be lower than that of the coerced Qintong hungry people.

When occupying every refugee camp, prisoners of war and hungry people will make statistics.

During the occupation of the third refugee camp, the number of rebel prisoners of war recruited by Qianfeng was less than 50000. In addition, there were more than 200000 hungry people who were kidnapped from Tongbei government and the old, weak women and children who survived among the rebels.

Seeing such a proportion, Yao Xuan would be too slow to be suspicious.

Yao Xuan and his father Yao Qitai participated in almost all the Qintong wars from beginning to end. Especially when he retreated to Zuojin valley with Chen Hai, he saw with his own eyes that the rebels gathered at the north foot of Qintong mountain were the most powerful at that time.

At that time, in addition to the exile rebels, there were nearly 100000 elite thief soldiers with black scarves and complete armour; Before the main force of the Xiyuan army rushed to the rescue, the rebels who withdrew to the deep mountains at the north foot of the Qintong mountains in advance will die. Since there are no 700000 or 700000, it will not be less than 500000.

The rebels left the old, weak, women and children and the hungry people who were forced to go north in the mountains. Where did so many refugee soldiers and nearly 100000 black scarf thieves go? Have you broken your wings and flew out of qintongshan?

After all, Yao Xuan was not stupid. After seeing the doubt, he immediately took the excuse to lead his guard to leave YeHu ridge in advance. He didn't want to participate in the subsequent war, so he directly returned to Leiyang valley.

Chen Hai doesn't care what strategies Yao Qitai, Yao Xuan's father and son and other generals loyal to the crown prince Yingdan will take after discovering all this; Regardless of whether Wen Boyuan and fan Chun are determined killers, he directly detains or kills the generals loyal to Yingdan -- Chen Hai continues to do the work of relieving the hungry with the cooperation of Tu Ziji and Fan Cheng.

Although the refugee army left more than 100000 soldiers in the camp around YeHu ridge, at this moment, there were still 70000 people left, all of whom were weak enough to have little combat power. Tu Ziji led his troops to disarm these rebel soldiers without blood.

In addition, nearly 300000 people in Tongbei Prefecture who had been coerced into the mountain by the rebels still survived.

Regardless of a large number of deaths and injuries along the way, only the valleys near the refugee military camp were cleaned up, with nearly 200000 corpses. Chen Hai can even feel that these valleys are full of strong resentment.

Chen Hai didn't like the red eyebrow sect before. At this moment, he wondered whether Fang Leyi had made the right decision to bring back the military training record to the red eyebrow sect.

Of course, Chen Hai's feelings for this land are still indifferent.

Su Ling's inner shock was too severe. Although she tried to bear it in front of Chen Hai and didn't want to expose her real thoughts to Chen Hai, she was almost possessed by the devil in both practices. Her feet Jueyin and hands Jueyin were badly hurt by tearing. It was not easy to cultivate her accomplishments in the later stage of the spirit setting, and suddenly returned to the middle of the spirit setting.

Being possessed by evil leads to damage to the spiritual pulse, which is extremely fatal to xuanxiu disciples. It may mean that she can no longer recover her previous cultivation in her life - Chen Hai's original cultivation was abandoned, but the spiritual pulse was destroyed.

Nearly 400000 prisoners of war and starving people are extremely weak and have many injuries. Even if they receive food aid, hundreds of people still die every day, let alone transfer so many people immediately.

Fortunately, after the summer, the northern foot of Qintong mountain survived the most difficult famine, and the grain storage in Tongbei warehouse was still abundant. Although it was very difficult to transport into YeHu mountain, it would not cut off the cooking food.

Chen Hai organized people to help the hungry people in YeHu ridge while arranging the hungry people to be transferred out with the baggage convoy in batches. The pressure on YeHu ridge is also decreasing day by day.

Naturally, the starving people in Tongbei Prefecture are arranged to return home, and some of the exile rebels, who are themselves the people of Tongbei Prefecture, are confused about arranging to return home; There are more than 50000 defectors in Tongbei Prefecture. Even if they are not executed, they will be demoted as slaves according to the law, or given to the participating generals as booty, or directly incorporated into the baggage camp for hard labor.

However, these prisoners of war are too weak. Although a large number of prisoners of war die every day after the normal catering, no general will be willing to accept such booty, and they are completely unqualified to serve as hard labor. Some generals even suggest killing them directly.

Chen Hai finally pocketed the remaining 50000 prisoners of war at the cost of five million kilograms of precision forged iron or 50000 kilograms of quenched gold and iron ingots.

At present, it is a big loss.

Although the famine in Tongbei Prefecture and Nanzhang prefecture has survived the most difficult time, a large number of people are still willing to sell their children and women, or directly sell themselves as slaves.

You don't need 100 Jin of fine wrought iron to get a strong slave worker; The more than 50000 prisoners of war in YeHu ridge are too weak. Some people will die one after another. Even if more than half of them can survive, their bodies almost collapse. They can't work for more than half a year in the early rehabilitation. In addition to wasting food, they also need to use a lot of healing drugs for them.

There are frequent wars in various counties. The medicine for nourishing qi and blood is much more precious than food.

Chen Hai did not care what others said. Five million kilograms of precision forged iron ingots could be delayed first. First, he arranged baggage and vehicles to transfer these prisoners of war to juquanling in batches.

After the six refugee camps were occupied, the whereabouts of the main rebel forces could no longer be concealed.

From YeHu mountain to the northeast, there are snow mountains and Jue mountains. Even the lowest mountain pass is above the snow line. However, in front of these mountain passes, rebels who died of freezing, starvation and falling can be seen at any time.

The main force of the vanguard could not quickly cross these Jueling valleys. Chen Hai and Tu Ziji led an elite guard to track down along the road, climbed over many Jueling mountains and pursued thousands of miles east. More than 30000 rebels were killed along the way.

Moreover, starting from the last refugee camp, with the extension of Jueling Road, there are more and more people on the side of the road. Chen Hai even saw two or three hundred people freezing in the mountain depression on his way.

These rebels must be left behind. If they can't keep up with the big forces, they can only stay and wait for death, and they don't have the strength to return to the departure camp.

Chen Hai didn't know what the rebels were thinking before they died. He and Tu Ziji finally stopped at the top of a snow peak that was more than ten thousand feet high and the face was like a knife cutting and needle. They no longer pursued eastward. Yao Qitai and Yao Xuan may have bypassed Wen Boyuan and fan Chun and reported everything that happened in the north foot of Qintong mountain to the Taiwei house, Tell the prince to win Dan.

Even if Yao Qitai, Yao Xuan and other generals loyal to the crown prince Yingdan have been detained by Wen Boyuan and fan Chun, they have delayed long enough north of YeHu ridge -- if the rebels are not ready to raid Jiyang Huben army at this time, it may be meaningless for them to delay any longer.

Looking at the top of the vast snowfield in the East, those rebel bodies, standing or lying, continued to extend eastward, becoming more and more dense, and there was no end at a glance. Chen Hai was used to seeing scenes in the blood cloud wasteland, and his heart was still slightly palpitating.

Although Chen Hai had long expected that the main rebel force would use the secret crossing plan to cross the snow mountain Jueling at the eastern foot of Qintong and sneak into Jiyang and other northern counties, Wen Boyuan and fan Chun naturally pretended to be crazy and deliberately indulged, Chen Hai could hardly imagine that the main rebel force would continue to cross the remaining two or three thousand miles of snow mountain Jueling until Jiyang County, How many people can survive.

quarter? one-third?

No more than that.

At this time, Chen Hai can't imagine the decisive courage of the rebels. Only then can he think of climbing over the endless snow mountains and jumping from qintongshan to Jiyang County

"The old thief is in danger!" Tu Ziji was shocked when he saw this scene, but he was more concerned about the changes in the war situation after the rebels left Qintong mountain east, overlooking the distant snow peak, clenched his fist and said ruthlessly.

In the seventy third year of emperor Yitian, civil unrest broke out in all counties of Yanzhou, and the situation in Jiyang, Qintong and other places was extremely dangerous. Dozens of bandits in Jiyang and other northern counties jointly formed the black Yan army to plunder the county government and the phimi they were facing.

On the recommendation of Ying Wang Yingshu, Ning zhizejia, the master of the Ning family's valve and the general of chariots and horses, was awarded the general of Zhu state. He led more than 10000 elite soldiers of the Ning family and 150000 elite tigers and wolves of the tiger Ben army into Jiyang to suppress bandits.

Ning's family is the mother family of the crown princess. Even Ning chaner, the future grand concubine, is also the adopted daughter of Ning's family. Naturally, Ning's family is also the strongest supporter of crown prince Yingdan and the most effective help for crown prince Yingdan to take charge of the national government and suppress dissidents.

During the reign of Prince Yingdan, Ning naturally took advantage of it. In order to seize the military power of Huben, he even spared no effort to create a large number of unjust prisons, trap dissidents, and create a large number of human relations tragedies, which offended many people.