Chapter 196

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
In the northeast of Qin Tongshan and north of Yanran mountain, Jiyang, one of the counties in the northern region of Yanzhou, is also the northern fan screen of Beijing.

After crossing Yanran mountain, the terrain in Jiyang County is relatively easy, but it is also half mountain and half land, with vertical and horizontal rivers and continuous xiongshan and giant mountains. Jiyang and other counties in the northern region have the most powerful rebels and bandits. They are known to have millions of armours. The flags cover the sky and close the earth, and destroy the military equipment of places that are not closely guarded like locusts.

Except that the clans with strong power and foundation can still form strongholds and build cities for self-protection, the vast majority of prefectures and counties are all fallen and destroyed.

The bandits gathered in the place where the exiles raged. Even if a large number of evil disciples of the red eyebrow sect caused trouble, the mob is a mob. There are no excellent armour and weapons, no persistent and excellent training, no large number of elite military officers selected from the patriarchal clan, no carefully operated base areas, no complete logistics supplies, and only hundreds of elite members of the red eyebrow sect, It may not be a problem to destroy weak local armaments, but how can it be the enemy of Huben army, the division of tiger and wolf, and the elite hubing soldiers of Zong valve?

Under the personal leadership of Ning Zhize, the leader of Ning's valve, 150000 Huben army and tens of thousands of Ning's children left Beijing and entered Jiyang. After entering Jiyang, the situation of Jiyang County was quickly improved.

In less than a year, the Huben army suppressed the civil unrest in Jiyang, and the rebels retreated day by day. After 21 wars, nearly one million traitors and cheap soldiers were slaughtered, and hundreds of prefectures and counties were recovered one after another.

After a large number of exile rebels were slaughtered, they lost their foothold in the open plain. In order to survive, the remnant bandits withdrew into Julu ridge between Qintong and Yanran mountains two months ago.

Because Julu ridge is so dangerous that it is not conducive to the development of large numbers of troops, and there are still a small number of elite refugees. Ning Zhize led the elite Huben army. At this time, the pace of suppression had to slow down.

However, in the minds of Ning's children, although there are still as many as four or five hundred thousand remaining enemies who fled to Julu ridge, they lack clothing and food, their armour is broken, their morale is low, and there are a considerable number of old and weak women and children, which can no longer be regarded as a threat.

If they didn't want to pay unnecessary casualties, the Huben army could take down Julu mountain and end the chaos in Jiyang County ahead of time. However, it would be no good for Ning family to recover the war and return to the dynasty too early.

Ning, as one of the eight clans in Jing County, inherited the position of county marquis. As a different surname, it is impossible to be knighted. There is no reward except gold, silver, jewelry and elixir; The Ning clan will not be short of gold, silver, jewelry and elixirs.

Moreover, even if the court hall has more war merit rewards and apportions them to tens of thousands of children of Ning family and affiliated clans, it will not appear to be rich; Moreover, in recent years, the National Treasury has been empty and can not give too many rewards for war achievements.

Then delay the fighters as much as possible. When Ning led the division of tiger and wolf to sweep Jiyang County, while Jiyang County reorganized the local order, he arranged as many children of Ning and vassal clans as possible to infiltrate as officials and generals, seize the mountains and lakes with abundant aura, and turn Jiyang County into Jiyang of Ning. This is Ning's greatest interest, Such benefits are far more generous than the reward of the positive and eight scriptures in the court.

However, this process can not compete in three or five days. Therefore, Ning's children and tens of thousands of tiger and wolf teachers are stationed outside Julu ridge, so they can't rush to give the rebels a final blow.

In this regard, there is nothing unimaginable.

At the north foot of Qintong mountain, the Xiyuan army also encircles the rebels without attacking them. Most of the generals and ministers in the court also believe that the patriarchal valve behind the Xiyuan army intends to delay. Even if they hate it, they can only watch the patriarchal valve who has made good friends with the British King and have more time to extend their tentacles to every corner of Qintong mountain.

In a sense, the patriarchal clan does not hate the red eyebrow sect, which frequently causes civil unrest everywhere. As long as they do not move their foundation, this is a good opportunity to expand their power and crack down on dissidents.

To this end, Ning planned to establish a company fortress in the northeast of Julu ridge in order to completely seal the rebels in Julu ridge. In this way, it took a year or two until Ning's tentacles extended into Jiyang County on a large scale. After Ning's and his affiliated Zong valve's children had a firm foothold in Jiyang County, they attacked Julu ridge at one fell swoop and wiped out all the tired rebels, which was the most suitable for Ning's interests.

However, only one month after Ning's implementation of the strategy of "closing the mountain" in the northeast corner of Julu mountain, rebels successively killed out from the depths of Julu mountain and began to build a stronghold on the front mountain of Huben army camp.

Soon, more and more rebels came out of troll ridge again. It seemed that they had to kill them all before they ran out of food and grass to fight for life and death with Jiyang Huben army.

In the face of the changes of the rebels, Ning will not be indifferent. He also began to gather troops in the front of Julu ridge and huangmoyuan at the northeast corner of Julu ridge, ready to wait for the main rebel force to go out to fight to the death.

Huangmi was originally a valley with a radius of more than 100 Li, surrounded by mountains. It is also a key place from the Northeast foot of Julu ridge to the hinterland of Jiyang County. It can be said that it is an excellent battlefield for millions of troops to launch the final decisive battle.

Although there are more than a dozen streams and rivers crossing the broad grassland hundreds of miles around, these streams and rivers are very shallow. People and horses can swim directly without a boat bridge, and there will be no fragmentation of the terrain.

The Huben army advancing into Jiyang County had long occupied the ridge mountain pass on the east side of the Yellow Milu plain and established a stronghold defense city base. At this time, it gathered its troops on a large scale. On the west side of the Yellow Milu plain, one camp after another was erected quickly, spread everywhere, and occupied the northeast corner of the Yellow Milu plain.

In addition to 150000 Huben troops and more than 10000 elite children of Ning family, Ning Zhize also transferred tens of thousands of local military equipment from Jiyang County to fill the local military equipment of huangmoyuan Jiyang County, which had been destroyed by the rebels for a long time. However, after Ning Zhize entered Jiyang, he recruited elite Zhuang braves from local clans and reorganized the local military equipment under the county governor, and the combat power was even better than before.

Since the rebels are out of juluyuan, Ning naturally can only solve hundreds of thousands of rebels neatly.

After a rainstorm, it will be autumn in a few days. Jiyang County is still muggy and not much cooler because of the recent rainstorm.

In the account of the main division of Huben army located in the North Ridge of huangmoyuan, dozens of cultivation accomplishments from Huben army, Ningshi hubing and Jiyang County soldiers are among the generals in Mingqiao territory and daodan territory. They are discussing the follow-up war preparations.

The red eyebrow sect incites the refugees to make trouble, whether attacking and seizing Qin Tongguan or killing the main force of the West Garden army in Leiyang Valley, can fully explain that the red eyebrow sect is the remnant of the escape of the Taoist Zen Academy in those years, the prohibition against Lingsan, and the unique array inherited by the Taoist Zen academy thousands of years ago, such as Tiangang thunder prison array. It is also the focus of prevention that Jiyang Huben army needs to be careful and careful.

Ning Zhize, who is over 100 years old, as the commander of the tiger Ben army in the north, is a peerless strong man who has half stepped into the state of Tao fetus. This is the most prosperous stage of his life. Even if he can't cultivate Tao fetus in the last step, Ning Zhize still has one or two hundred years of Shouyuan in charge of the world.

Ning Zhize is tall, looks like a crown of jade, and only has a short thick moustache on his lips. He looks no different from ordinary middle-aged people, and can't see any old appearance of a dragon bell. The Blue Demon Armor he wore was said to be made of a demon scale skin handed down from ancient times. He narrowed his eyes and seemed to be sleeping. In fact, he listened to what each general said and thought carefully in his ears.

Ning assisted the crown prince to hold the state affairs for more than ten years, and offended too many people. Ning Zhize never thought that emperor Yi would one day rebuild the Taoist pill and restore some of his accomplishments. Moreover, they were unaware of it in advance, which immediately confused the water in Yanjing city.

Ning Zhize knew that there were many people who were unwilling to be suppressed by them at this time. They deliberately or unintentionally tripped Ning's family, and he could not deal with it carelessly -- Ning Zhize didn't want to delay in Jiyang. Yanjing city seemed calm, but the undercurrent under the water was more dangerous. However, too many people of Ning didn't want to hurry back, and they paid more attention to the immediate interests, Eager to divide Jiyang County.

Ning Zhize could not twist the will of the people. He thought of what Yanjing city really wanted. It was not a bad choice for Ning to have a foothold in Jiyang.

Now that the rebels are determined to go out of Julu mountain for a decisive battle, it's better. However, Ning Zhize always feels that there is something strange that he didn't want to understand. It seems that there is a heart eating shadow in his heart, so that he can't see the direction of the future.

"Ning Shuai..."

Ning Zhize is a young general in the left. Although he only knew his accomplishments in the early stage of Qiaojing, he directly sat at the head of commander Ning Zhize, showing his extraordinary identity. He listened to the discussions of many Ning generals. It seems that he should be more careful. He still hopes that the war can be postponed.

The young general became impatient and wanted to know what Ning Zhize thought of him.

Ning Zhize didn't seem to hear the young general's words, but the next moment he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the big tent in confusion.

The generals did not know what had happened, which made Ning Zhize react so vigilantly.

After a while, an alarm came from outside the tent. The generals surrounded Ning Zhize out of the tent, and saw a blue flowing shadow coming from the clouds in the southwest.

I don't know whether the visitor is an enemy or a friend. At once, more than a dozen legitimate guards in the camp took off by the spirit bird and intercepted the blue shadow coming from afar.

Soon after Ning Zhize's lineal Hu Wei and cyan Liuying met, they flew directly to the commander-in-chief's big tent. At this time, everyone can guess that it was someone from Yanjing.

Everyone suddenly felt uneasy. What official documents and letters do you usually have? You can send letters through Lingyan. The speed is very fast. Letters come from Yanjing City three or four thousand miles away. It only takes half a day; Only the most urgent and error free message transmission, or the confidential words that are inconvenient to write in the letter, will directly arrange people to come by the imperial spirit bird and convey it to Ning Zhize.

What happened in Yanjing city?

The giant wings spread out, and a green beaked spirit wild goose three or four meters wide flew over. Everyone saw that the standing on the back of Chu green beaked wild goose was Ning Chengzhi, another strong man of the Ning family in the later daodan territory in Yanjing. He was even more nervous.

Ning Chengzhi flew into the green beaked wild goose, and his face was gloomy. It looked like he had communicated with coach Ning Zhize through his mind. Everyone was worried about what bad news there was. Ning Chengzhi needed to go there in person?