Chapter 362

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
In the first ten days of February, 1979, with a large number of imperial decrees and official letters from Yanjing City, Chen Hai was officially canonized in songlingang camp at the intersection of Jiyang and Heyang. He served as the captain of the Suwei army Longxiang with the titles of general duwu Wei and general Sanqi of Yanran palace. He was in charge of the military aircraft affairs of the Suwei army Longxiang camp and granted the Marquis Tianji of the pavilion.

Although Chen Hai assumed the post of Duwei of the Xiyuan army as early as five or six years ago, the post of Duwei of the Xiyuan army at that time was only set up to facilitate the preparation and training of new soldiers. In fact, his power was very limited, and he had no right to arbitrarily transfer soldiers into and out of the military camp.

This time, in addition to making up 50000 soldiers from Huang Shuang and Le Yi's department as the sharp soldiers of the Longxiang camp of the Suwei army, Chen Hai also had to grant Longxiang Du Weiya flag to set up a dental account at Songlin Gang to handle military aircraft affairs related to the Longxiang camp.

In addition to the main generals and military envoys of Longxiang camp, Chen Hai also has the right to appoint private officials to hold official positions such as chief Bo and long history under the governor's office of Longxiang camp. His power is so great that he is not even under the governor of Bian county.

In fact, in addition to the Yanran palace dispatching the Huangmen order, Fang Xi, as an envoy to supervise the army, all the generals and officers in the Longxiang camp are held by Chen haitucun.

Fang Xiyan was also an official of Yanran palace. He was once one of the six sword attendants around Wen Boyuan. Four years ago, Chen HaiYe stayed in the guard camp. He met Fang Xiyan and spent some time together.

At that time, Fang Xiyan had just opened up the sea of knowledge and stepped into the state of Mingqiao. He hadn't seen it for three or four years. Fang Xiyan was already a later cultivation in the state of Mingqiao. Chen Hai was stunned at the speed of progress.

Although we don't know what secret methods and medicines Yanran palace has mastered and can cultivate a group of strong people in such a short time, what Yanran palace lacks is a large number of qualified talents who can fill the middle and low-level military officers and be in charge of local government and county affairs.

This is also the biggest soft threat to the official power of Yanran palace, and it is also the key reason why Chen Hai can finally be reused, because Tianji school palace has gathered a large number of poor children outside the patriarchal clan in recent years.

This also makes Chen Hai serve two times. Although it sounds that he is only the captain of the first battalion, his powers are very different.

Chen Hai organized the officers and soldiers of the five battalions in Longxiang camp, with Le Yi, Wang GUI, Wang Gongchen, Zhou Jun and Wu Meng as the officers and captains of the five battalions; With Huang Shuang as the guard captain, he took charge of the Huwei camp with Qi Hanjiang, Han wendang and others; Sun Gan was the head of the general office, Zhou Jingyuan was the head of the general office, and Han Jian and Zhang Han were appointed as the military staff of the general office.

In mid February, another decree was sent from Yanjing to songlingang, appointing Chen hai to know the affairs of Lianshui government.

This decree was not meant by Yanran palace, but the recommendation of Zuo Chengrong Yan.

Nominally, it means that Chen Hai was good at managing Liquan, and he made great contributions in helping Tongbei government to deal with disasters in his early years. However, Heyang County has experienced wars for a long time, and the people's livelihood has withered. It is very necessary for someone to appease and settle local politics and restore people's livelihood before recommending Chen hai to take this post.

In fact, he wanted to fetter Chen Hai at the Western foot of Ganquan through this appointment. He could not be transferred back to Yanjing by Wen Boyuan to strengthen the strength of the Su Wei army in Yanjing, nor could he lead his troops north to Yanmen county and continue to recruit the black Yan army in Yanmen county.

Under the old system of Yanzhou, ten li is peaceful, thirty Li is rural, 100 Li is rural and 300 Li is government.

Lianshui Prefecture governs Tianyuan village at the West foot of Ganquan in the south, Qiushi village at Huapu Ling in the north, shishiling and Guoling in the West.

At this time, Yingwang Yingshu also led the animal husbandry of Jiyang County, led the Xiyuan army back to Jiyang County and was responsible for restoring people's livelihood in Jiyang County. In fact, he controlled Wushengguan and northern Beijing to ensure that the Suwei army could not cover the sky in Yanjing city.

Prince Yingdan, riding general Ning Zhize and military envoy Zhao Zhong continued to lead the Huben army to the south of Songdu mountain and continued to be responsible for the suppression of the black Yan army in Yanmen county; Yu zonghu was ordered to lead the troops south, take Huxiao camp as the captain and know the affairs of Mengjin government in the north of Lichuan County, be responsible for restoring the people's livelihood in the north of Lichuan County, and eliminate the black Yan army who fled into the Yan Department of Lichuan and the west of Zishui.

Yanjing's political affairs are mainly controlled by the patriarchal clan in Jingjun. In fact, this appointment is to contain Yu zonghu and the Ning clan who moved to Mengjin in the north of Lichuan County.

Of course, the Suwei army Longxiang camp led by Chen Hai and the Suwei army Huxiao camp led by Yu zonghu are controlled by the prince Yingdan. They both know Lianshui and Mengjin, and also ensure that 300000 elite of the Huben army enter the border between Heyang County and Yanmen county; It also facilitates the local restoration of people's livelihood, the collection of grain, grass and other combat materials, and can also alleviate the pressure on Yanjing.

No one can say that there is anything wrong with such an arrangement for the court ministers headed by Tu Kuan and Rong Yan.

Of course, Yanran palace is not without countermeasures.

The biggest counter measure was the order of emperor Yitian to add a creation Bureau under the supervision of the Shaofu.

The creation bureau is located in Liquan, specializing in the manufacture and procurement of puppet war equipment. In fact, it is to take into the hands of the Shaofu supervisor and the Su Wei army the seven or eight million kilograms of quenched gold and iron materials that previously flowed from Liquan into the Zong valve family in Jingjun every year.

This is from the highest level of Yanran palace, directly cutting off the supply of quenched gold and iron for the Zong valve family in Jingjun; In order to ensure the smooth progress of this measure, Emperor Yitian also directly ordered to transfer 10000 elite garrisons of the Xiyuan army in Tongbei prefecture to Jiyang County, which were all under the direct command of King Yingshu. Local soldiers took over the defense of Tongbei Prefecture and Nanzhang Prefecture; At the same time, Qin Tongguan was garrisoned by the Su Wei army.

The Suwei army guarded Yanjing city and was responsible for the defense in the East, South and west directions of Beijing, the Xiyuan army defended the north of Beijing, and the Huben army was responsible for fighting abroad. Such a military deployment was also quite reasonable, which was difficult for the ministers of Zong valve and Shi valve in Jingjun to refute.

Of course, Jingjun Zong valve clan can still trade with the nine shivalves to obtain quenched gold soldiers and armor, but the cost is far lower than before.

The Shaofu supervisor has such a huge supply of quenched gold and iron, so it is possible for the Su Wei army to advance by leaps and bounds; At the same time, the creation Bureau recruited a large number of craftsmen from the Tianji learning palace to make puppet weapons such as Tianji war crossbows and Tianji war chariots for nearly 300000 soldiers in the Phoenix young camp, Longxiang camp and Huben camp under the jurisdiction of the Su Wei army.

This is also the condition for Chen hai to negotiate secretly with Wen Boyuan and Zhao Zhong.

Heyang County has been completely disabled, especially in the northwest, from Ganquan mountain to Guoling, almost all the young people are strong and brave, and are forcibly recruited by the black Yan army or the Xiyuan army. There are only 70000 old and weak women and children in a three hundred mile radius, waiting for food.

In the camp at the Western foot of Ganquan, where the black Yan army was captured, the Xiyuan army captured 70000 soldiers, but was ordered to be executed by the British king Yingshu after the war; In addition, nearly 200000 bodies were abandoned in the valley at the Western foot of Ganquan.

Yingwang Yingshu describes this vicious hand. On the one hand, the Xiyuan army does not need to be incorporated into the Kui soldiers to expand its troops. On the other hand, Yingwang Yingshu is to ensure that these Kui soldiers will not be incorporated by Chen Hai and strengthen the strength of the Longxiang camp of the Suwei army.

After the crown prince Yingdan and Ning captured Songpan mountain, they also killed hundreds of thousands of soldiers in order to avenge the defeat of Huang Moyuan.

Before the war, Lianshui was a big mansion with a population of nearly 2 million. After the war, the remaining population was less than one tenth of that before the war, and they were still old, weak, women and children. Before the war, the whole Heyang County had a population of tens of millions. After several years of famine and war, the remaining population could be one or two million old, weak, sick and disabled.

At this time, Prince Yingdan took charge of the war against the black Yan army. The king's army of Lu Qin successively withdrew to the original county. Chen Hai and Yu zonghu were controlled by Prince Yingdan to assist in the war against the black Yan army in Yanmen county.

Tianyuan stronghold was originally a defensive stronghold outside the camp at the West foot of Ganquan of the black Yan army. Now there are only remnant cities left. Chen haizou asked the imperial court to rule Lianshui mansion in Tianyuan stronghold. At the same time, he temporarily moved the governor's mansion of Longxiang camp to Tianyuan stronghold. He will preside over military training, land reclamation and restoration of people's livelihood in Tianyuan stronghold.

In addition to Zhou Jun leading a battalion of elite soldiers to settle in xiaolianshui City, on the day Chen Hai moved the general manager's house of longxiangying Duwei to Tianyuan stronghold, he entered the mountain at the Western foot of Ganquan with Huang Shuang and Le Yi, and saw the valley where Yingwang yingshukeng killed 80000 soldiers. He was silent. He just asked Le Yi to arrange more than 1000 soldiers to go into the mountain to collect the corpses immediately, Prevent the possibility of a major epidemic after the weather warms up.

Longxiang camp had previously recruited more than 56000 disabled soldiers, but it is urgent to prepare for famine. The 700000 disabled people left by Lianshui Prefecture are old, weak, women and children, and lack sufficient young and strong labor force. Even if Chen Hai can transfer a large amount of famine food, he can't expect the 700000 disabled people to reclaim enough land before summer.

Chen Hai also knew that the imperial court controlled by the Zong valve family in Jingjun might remove him from the official position of Lianshui government at any time and transfer him and Longxiang camp to other places for garrison. At that time, the 700000 disabled people should not think of anyone who would come forward to provide relief.

Chen haizou asked the court: first, he wanted to use things cheaply in Lianshui, recruit refugees and merge people's households, so as to ensure that every household has young and strong labor, so as not to make the old, weak, women and children unable to survive the famine in the next few years and die in large numbers; At the same time, it is hoped that Longxiang camp will be reduced to 30000 on site, allowing a large number of soldiers to be incorporated into the military garrison, so that millions of mu of grain fields can be reclaimed before summer, so as to cope with the great famine that will break out at any time in Heyang County after the war.

In addition to recommending hundreds of craftsmen and apprentices from Tianji academy to serve as middle and low-level Township Pavilion officials in Lianshui Prefecture and preside over the restoration of people's livelihood, Chen Hai also purchased tens of thousands of farm cattle, mules and horses from Yongjun, Lichuan and other places through the caravan of Tianji academy, which was sent to Lianshui. The reclamation of wasteland after spring was not delayed.

Chen Hai doesn't care that he and Longxiang camp will be transferred out of Heyang County at any time. He just hopes to do as much as possible to restore Heyang's vitality before transfer.

In April, the prince Ying Dan led the Huben army to launch an offensive against the defense line of the black Yan army in Songdu mountain.

The great heavenly master Gong Qing died, the Heavenly Master Gong Liang and Gong Bao died one after another in Ganquan mountain and Songpan mountain. Heyang County collapsed, and millions of soldiers were either demoted or dead. The morale of the black Yan Army soldiers who retreated to Songdu mountain was on the verge of collapse, and Yan Yuan and others had no confidence in defending Songdu mountain.

In fact, before the Huben army attacked Songdu mountain, Yan Yuan was already deploying a retreat. When the Huben army officially attacked Songdu mountain, the defense line of the black Yan army collapsed at one blow. At this time, the last 5.6 million black Yan troops left in Yanmen county were divided into three factions, one led to Yuyang County in the northeast, and the other fled to Beiliang county to surrender to the Miao family; Yan Yuan didn't even dare to defend Yandu city. He led tens of thousands of disabled soldiers to withdraw from Songdu mountain and fled directly to the north of Yanmen County