Chapter 363

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
In the 79th year of emperor Yitian, the exile rebellion that lasted for nearly a decade showed signs of completely calming down, but this year is bound to be not calm. In April, when the prince wins Dan and leads the Huben army to attack Songdu mountain, Hexi boldly sent troops to attack Hechuan ridge, an important town in the north of Hexiang army.

The Hexi iron cavalry attack on Hechuan ridge kicked off with the opportunity that Dong Shou, marquis mu of Qin, led the Hexi Qin King's army out of qintongshan and back to Hexi.

The Heyang Anti-Japanese War came to an end in February. The king Qin's troops of various prefectures entered Heyang, Lichuan and Jiyang for many years. Although they did not make great achievements directly, the existence of dozens of routes and more than 500000 King Qin's elite combat power seriously squeezed the survival and activity space of the black Yan army, which finally led to the collapse of the black Yan army in Heyang County.

In February, the remnant of the black Yan army retreated to Yanmen county. Relying on the Huben army, they were sure to destroy it. The Qin Wang army of the prefectures also withdrew from the Heyang battlefield one after another. Dong Shou led 40000 Hexi iron cavalry and withdrew to Meiwu castle in Beijing for a short rest. Together with hundreds of Hexi children who participated in the school palace election in Yanjing last year, they crossed the Qintong mountains and entered Tianshui county.

According to the established plan, Dong Shou led 40000 Hexi cavalry to take the road from Tianshui county. They should go to the northwest and then they can go all the way back to Hexi. However, after leaving Qintong mountain, Dong Shou led his department to go all the way west along the Qinshui river at the south foot of the west of Qintong, attacking the important town of shining in the east of Hechuan county.

Shi Ning is located in the middle reaches of Qinshui River and at the southeast foot of Hechuan ridge.

The Qinshui River converges on the Guanjiang river flowing down from the southeast foot of Hechuan ridge, flows all the way to the west, and finally flows into Hechuan lake with an area of 800 Li in Hechuan county.

Hechuan lake is the largest freshwater lake in the northwest region, and it breeds the richest land in the northwest region. After losing the land to the north of Hechuan mountain, Hechuan army still has a population of more than 25 million.

The area controlled by Hexi reaches weijiangfu in the north of Taiwei mountain range, the north foot of Hechuan mountain range in the south, intersects Tianshui County in the East and tieliuling mountain in the west, which is three times that of Hechuan County, but the population is less than 40 million.

Only by seizing Hechuan ridge can Hexi really be called the overlord of the northwest region and truly lay the foundation for dominating Yanzhou.

After Dong Shou, the Marquis of Qin Mu, captured shining, the whole territory of Hechuan County shook. However, the intention of Dong Shou's Department was not to attract the main force of Hexiang army, but to control shining, the throat, prevent the main force of the Musashi army from advancing along the Qinshui River to reinforce Hechuan.

Qinshui flows out of the southeast foot of Qintong mountains in the East and passes through the middle of Qinchuan County controlled by the Tibetan army. It is the fastest channel for the main force of the Tibetan army to reinforce Hechuan.

Occupying shining, the Tibetan army could not take the Qinhe road. After hundreds of thousands of troops gathered, they had to climb over the mountains south of Qinshui, which was bound to delay three or four months.

After Dong Shou, the Marquis of the Qin Dynasty, captured shining, the 400000 elite in Hexi gathered at the south foot of Yulong Mountain and nearly a million people gathered from Yulong and other places went down to the south like an ancient torrent to attack and kill Hechuan ridge.

When Chen Hai was in Yulong camp with his Uncle Chen lie in his early years, the Chi mountain city captured by surprise attack became the most important advance base for Hexi to capture Hechuan ridge.

Not only did his son Dong Chou personally command the war in Chishan City, but also with Chen Jun, Du Yu, Chai Zhongkai and other core figures of taiweizong in the middle and later stages of daodan, he rushed to Chishan city to personally stare at the war that determines the future fate of Hexi.

Chen lie no longer holds the post of general, but as a leader among the three generations of disciples of taiweizong, it is impossible for Chen lie to stay at the splashing cloud cliff for peace and quiet before deciding the important battle of the fate of taiweizong and Hexi. This time, as an attendant of the God Hou of Wuwei, he went to Chishan city to watch the war.

Seven years ago, Chishan city was just a small town between Hechuan mountain and Yulong mountain. It was no more outstanding than 70 or 80 other cities. At that time, county Wei Ding Shuang, who was in charge of local public security, didn't even have spiritual cultivation. It's unknown. At this time, he was already the Secretary Cheng of Jue Du Wei's house.

Chen Hai led more than 100 Kou slaves to the South Tower of qilongchi mountain city, blocking tens of thousands of defeated soldiers in Chi mountain city. Finally, with the cooperation of cavalry led by Li Xianghai and others, in addition to capturing tens of thousands of prisoners of war, he also intercepted a large number of clan forces fleeing north and south of Chi mountain city, forcing them to turn to Hexi after the war. At this time, he became an important force in Hexi's attack on Hechuan ridge.

After the war, Chishan city became one of the three main cities on the Hexi defense line against the Hexiang army. In addition to the old city originally embedded in the canyon, a new arc-shaped city wall was built seven or eight miles away in the south.

The wall was built by mining black sand and stone, pouring molten iron juice into the gap of the city stone, and welding the wall with a height of 20 meters and a base thickness of 20 meters into one; In the city wall, an arrow tower is embedded every 500 steps into the defense array to ensure that the whole city wall is as solid as a mountain, and the area of Chi mountain city is more than ten times larger as a whole.

When Chen lie enters Chishan City, he can still see the cliffs on both sides, leaving behind the solid mountain road seal script he personally refined in those years, which is also filled with emotion.

Tens of thousands of auxiliary soldiers and people's bravery recruited by general Yong and 200000 to 300000, tens of thousands of war horses and more large-scale luggage, vehicles and horses, and mountains of grain and grass gathered in Chishan city. Even if the area of Chishan city is more than ten times larger, it still looks crowded and noisy.

Chen Zhangli was the legitimate son of the Marquis of Zhaoyang Pavilion. At this time, he served as a school captain in the logistics camp of the rear army. He knew that his adoptive father Chen lie and Chen Qing entered Chishan city with the Marquis of Wuwei and came to meet him on leave.

The earlier City, as the inner city, was the elite Xingyuan station of Wuwei Shenhou, Shizi and 20000 yamen soldiers.

In the courtyard arranged for Chen lie to stay in, Chen Zhang also saw Chen Jun, Chen's ancestor, Chen Zhiyi, Chen's valve owner, sun quanzong, Dong pan, Xie quanting and others as guests in the courtyard, chatting with his adoptive father Chen lie.

This war is related to the future fate of Hexi. Taiweizong called all the disciples outside to join the war as much as possible, and sun quanzong will come back. It is not hard to imagine, but someone needs to stare at Lequan and Yanjing. Chen Zhang was surprised to see Xie quanting and Dong pan appear in Chishan city at the same time.

In front of Chen Jun, Chen Zhang didn't have much room to speak. He just listened to the teachings with the last audience. However, from the conversation between Chen Jun, the old ancestor, the valve owner Chen Zhiyi and his adoptive father Chen lie, the old ancestor came here this time and still hoped that Chen lie would go out of the mountain and serve as a general.

Chen Hai has completely taken refuge in the eunuch party. He has been granted the Lord of heaven and mastered one of the three camps of the Suwei army. At the same time, he has completely drawn a line with Hexi and the Chen family. Since Chen lie decided to stay in Hexi and taiweizong, the Lord of Wuwei and his son also believe in his loyalty to Hexi. Chen lie is one of the most outstanding generals in Hexi, regardless of his personal cultivation, military management and personal reputation. He has been idle all the time, which is also the loss of Hexi.

However, Chen lie declined his grandfather's personal lobbying. He only said that he would go back to Taiwei mountain to continue his latent cultivation after the war. He would not consider anything else until he became a Taoist pill.

Seeing that Chen lie was determined and didn't say anything more, Chen Jun left with Chen Zhiyi. Chen Zhang stayed and told his adoptive father Chen lie about working in the rear army, so he left and returned to his post.

Out of the yard where his adoptive father Chen lie lives, Chen Zhang meets Dong pan and doesn't know where to run from. He stops him and says that the son of the world has a call.

There are not many middle and low-level generals like Chen Zhang in Hexi. Not everyone has the opportunity to be summoned by his son Dong Chou. Chen Zhang didn't know what it was. He followed Dong pan to the camp of his son Dong Chou with expectation and anxiety.

Walking into the conference hall, he saw that his son Dong Chou was sitting and talking with sun quanzong. Chen Zhang and Dong pan waited under the eaves outside the hall. It seemed that his son Dong Chou didn't mind what others were saying with sun quanzong. Chen Zhang could clearly hear the conversation in the hall.

"I just saw that Chen lie's breath was long and deep, giving people a sense of the depth and breadth of the Yuanhe River. According to the master, this should be the gas that the top-grade Qingyun pill will become. It may be above me in the future..."

Hearing sun quanzong's words, Chen Zhang was also extremely shocked and delighted.

Although the Taoist pill may be a difficult goal for Chen Zhang in his life, he still knows that the pill has seven colors. In addition to the legendary golden pill of the great road that no one can cultivate so far in Yanzhou xuanxiu, the top-grade purple pill is almost the necessary foundation to achieve the birth of the Tao.

Of course, no one has the opportunity to become a top-grade purple pill at the beginning of entering the Taoist pill realm. However, after entering the Taoist pill realm, the Taoist pill still has two or three opportunities to transform and improve. Only when he can finally become a purple pill can he have the opportunity to become a Taoist fetus.

If the adoptive father Chen lie had stepped into the realm of Taoist Dan at the beginning, he would have been able to cultivate Qingyun Dan, which is second only to purple Dan, which means that the adoptive father Chen lie would have a higher possibility of cultivating Taoist embryo in the future than the first elders of taiweizong.

In taiweizong and the highest level in Hexi, the realm and potential of cultivation are still the core factors that determine a person's status.

No matter whether his adoptive father Chen lie will come out of the mountain in the future, no one can shake his position in the Chen family, which is undoubtedly great good news for Chen Zhang, who is confused and frightened at this time.

Sun quanzong talked with the son for a while and then left. Chen Zhang followed Dong pan to the hall to pay a visit to the son.

Seeing Chen Zhang coming in, the son Dong Chou put down the file he had reviewed and asked bluntly, "elder Sun said that you have a lot of opinions on running the army and have the courage to fight in the king's army. It's a pity to stay in the rear army at this time. I want to transfer you to the Taoist Yamen. What do you think?"

Taoist yamen soldiers are the elite combat force established by the God Hou of Wuwei. They are also the pro guards of Hexi Duhu general's house. Almost all the main generals and officials in Hexi have the experience of serving in Taoist yamen soldiers; If Chen Zhang wants to get a real promotion, he will have the opportunity to stand alone in Hexi in the future. It is also a necessary resume to enter the Dao yamen army.

Chen Zhang knew that this opportunity must be related to the breakthrough of his adoptive father Chen liexing, but he kowtowed gratefully when he knew that he would have the opportunity to show himself in front of the son of God and even the marquis.