Chapter 364

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
When he came out from his son Dong Chou, someone took Chen Zhang to the rear army and the Taoist yamen army to hand over the formalities.

The vanguard army led by Dong Pu has arrived near the north foot of Hechuan ridge to test the defense line of Hexiang army. More troops and horses are about to pour out. There is no time to talk about the past or cultivate friendship. Chen Zhang went to the Taoist yamen army account to hand over the formalities. After seeing his direct superior in the Taoist yamen army camp, he was immediately arranged to replace one who went out to spy on the enemy, The Baiwu school captain, who was wounded in the battle with the elite of the Hexiang army, leads a team of 100 people.

In the logistics camp of the rear army, Chen Zhang, as a school captain, was responsible for the logistics team, with more than 100 guards and cavalry, more than 1000 logistics soldiers, and more than 2000 people recruited from all over the country. The counting of heads under his command is also a dense stubble. When he was transferred to the Taoist yamen army, he was appointed as the captain of the hundred martial arts school. The hundred people team under his command only had more than 70 generals. However, when it comes to combat strength, Chen Zhang knew that the more than 70 Taoist yamen soldiers could kill the baggage team he had previously commanded.

There are more than 70 generals in the 100 person team of Taoist yamen soldiers. However, in addition to more than a dozen green and cunning horses, other war horses are good ones selected from hundreds of miles in the west of the river. In addition, there are hundreds of ordinary horses to carry luggage and materials by camels.

Both war riders wear light and heavy armor. The light horse armor is mainly made of the scales and skins of low-level monsters. It can resist the sword Qi, halberd awn or impact Qi inspired by ordinary arrows and inferior seal characters; The heavy horse armor worn by the green cunning horse is inlaid with quenched gold plates as dense as fish scales on the basis of scale skin armor, which has amazing defense.

Only this kind of heavy horse armor weighs more than four or five hundred kilograms each. In addition, only the strong fighting cavalry above the green cunning horse can bear it.

Of course, after the discovery of large-scale quenched Gold Placer in Liquan, Hexi can get an additional 12 million kg of quenched gold and iron every year, so that it can refine this heavy horse armor on a large scale.

Different from the heavy armour cavalry in the ordinary sense, the heavy armour cavalry compiled by Hexi Daobing yadaying has almost two or three thousand kilograms, including people with horses, plus the armor, bow halberd and shield of people and war cavalry. Chen Zhang can't imagine how powerful it will be to gather more than ten heavy armour cavalries together to charge quickly.

More than 70 generals, at least, have the foundation of cultivation in the early days of tongxuan territory. Nearly half of them are old soldiers who have experienced many bloody wars. In addition to their strong foundation of cultivation, they are also proficient in riding, shooting and combat skills. The most excellent long bow, shield and halberd in the army are standard preparation. Everyone will prepare some defensive or offensive seal characters privately.

Of course, depending on each person's equipment and the emphasis on Cultivation and combat skills, more than 70 generals are actually divided into three echelons to cooperate with each other.

In addition to Chen Zhang, there are four members of the team who have strong cultivation skills to create a spiritual environment; There is also a black feather war vulture for reconnaissance and a cangyu Linghu for communication.

Such a hundred person elite team is the most basic part of the Hexi Road yamen battalion, and there are more than 400 such a hundred person elite battle array in Hexi.

In addition to the Taoist yamen soldiers, there are six camps, including Weijiang, tieliuling, Yulong and Taiwei. Each camp has 100000 to 200000 War soldiers -- this is Hexi under the rule of Dong, one of the nine world valves in Yanzhou.

The 100 member team of the Daoya army under Chen Chang's command was additionally equipped with two Tianji crossbows and allocated a total of 480 quenched gold arrows from two cardinal numbers.

Although juquanling was the only place where the Tianji crossbow could be built, this was the first time Chen Zhang saw the real object of the Tianji crossbow.

The Tianji crossbow is still a little heavy. Each one weighs 1200 Jin.

Although the military cultivation in the spirit setting can barely lift such heavy objects into and out of the battlefield, no one is willing to do so. Instead, they are placed on the two wheeled cart rack that can move quickly with the army and dragged forward quickly with horses.

Chen Zhang's headquarters could not be incorporated into Tianji chariots, but there were also two ordinary chariots refined into a small defense array.

Except that the two chariots are not driven by wind array power box or wind flame power box and need to be dragged into the battlefield by horses, their defense is no weaker than the pavilion level Tianji chariot.

However, the impact of horses dragging forward and rushing left and right on the battlefield is far from comparable to the Tianji chariot.

At this time, he had entered the war and had no time to get familiar with Chen Zhang's subordinates. The next day after he took office, he was ordered to lead his troops out of Chishan city and go south to spy on possible changes of the enemy.

After leaving Chishan City, Chen Zhang knew that the 200000 soldiers in Yulong camp had been divided into three routes. Together with more than 10000 elite yamen soldiers, they had crossed the Chishan defense line and advanced to the north foot of Hechuan ridge.

Chen Zhang was ordered to pass on the collected information to the generals of the vanguard at any time. Therefore, he could realize how terrible the combat power of the 12000 yamen soldiers led by Du Yu, the master of Du's valve, the head of taiweizong's Hale tiger hall, and the riding general.

There are 12000 elite yamen soldiers, including heavy armour Riding Camp, war bird camp and Tianji chariot camp. In addition to heavy armour Riding Camp, war bird camp and Tianji chariot camp are newly added in recent years.

There are two thousand fierce soldiers in the heavy armour Riding Camp; There are 600 black feather war vultures and more than 100 more powerful war birds in the battle bird camp. There are 2000 royal bird sharp soldiers, holding a total of 300 mechanism crossbows, while the Tianji chariot camp has 3000 generals, equipped with 60 Pavilion level mechanism chariots, 8 township level mechanism chariots and 400 mechanism crossbows -- in addition, there are 50 teams of light cavalry soldiers to protect the two wings

Of course, after 12000 elite yamen soldiers, a considerable scale of baggage camp was also compiled to ensure that this elite can get enough supplies at any time.

In addition to Du Yu, the first elder of the Hale tiger hall, there are also two strong taodan generals, which can be said to be more than 30 Mingqiao generals of taiweizong and the backbone of Hexi.

There are 200000 soldiers in Yulong camp, and the soldiers are divided into three routes. The most remarkable one is that the chaiteng army that accompanied Du Yu's headquarters in advance and retreat is equipped with 100 heavy stone throwing crossbows.

There have long been stone throwing crossbows in Yanzhou, but they have not been paid attention to all the time. After Chen Hai built a new type of stone throwing crossbow in Yanzhou, this simple stone throwing crossbow quickly attracted the attention of all families.

The 100 heavy catapult crossbows equipped in Yulong camp were built in Hexi in the last year. The main accessories are made of high-quality quenched gold iron. The throwing rods of the overhead catapult crossbows are 40 meters long. They are all ancient wood cut down from the depths of Taiwei mountain. Many parts are also made of Grade 8 quenched gold iron to ensure that they are extremely strong and can throw 2000 Jin stone bullets from three or four thousand steps away, The catapult itself is not much damaged.

When Chen Zhang came to Chishan city this time, he felt that the newly built wall of Chishan city was as strong as a mountain and indestructible. However, when he saw the heavy stone throwing crossbows in the queue of Yulong camp, he couldn't help thinking how long the newly built wall of Chishan city could withstand the bombardment of stone bullets weighing more than two or three thousand kilograms in front of these heavy stone throwing crossbows?

Two or three thousand kilos of stone bullets hit like a meteor. The impact is so strong that it is never under an advanced shock charm.

Of course, the strong in Mingqiao and daodan can dodge quickly. There is no threat to them from stone bombs, but the large fortress defense barrier and the defense array integrated with the city wall have such a large fixed target, but they can't move to avoid stone bombs.

It is not difficult for Chen Zhang to imagine how these catapult crossbows will play a vital role in the battlefield. At the same time, he also has a premonition that the most intense war between the two sides may eventually revolve around these heavy catapult crossbows.

Chen Zhang thought to himself, if the crane Xiang army is stupid enough to let these heavy stone catapults be calmly arranged in front of the city they defend, no matter how strong the city wall is and how strong the defense array is, I'm afraid it can't hold for much time?

At that time, the Hexi army only needs to requisition a large number of people to mine heavy and heavy stones near the battlefield, which is much cheaper and easier than using those high-level attack seal characters to impact and destroy the enemy city fortress. After all, heavy stone throwing crossbow is not a magic weapon. Ordinary people can operate it after a period of training according to the operation manual.

Chen Zhang never realized that Chen Hai had amazing talent in mechanism puppetry, but the creation of new puppet weapons not only changed the pattern of future wars to a great extent, but also made the sect's xuanxiu, which had previously stood above all sentient beings, less important.

Chen Hai has a talent beyond ordinary people's reach in cultivation, but he won't be assassinated or killed in battle. Sooner or later, he will step into the realm of daodan and even higher cultivation. Chen Zhang really doesn't understand why Chen Hai does these things?

Of course, the heavy stone throwing crossbow is still too clumsy and huge. Each one has to have tens of thousands of kilograms. It is inconvenient to move. It still needs to be fixed before throwing stone bullets. At a distance of three or four thousand steps from the enemy city, it will also be the easiest and inevitable target for the enemy to counterattack. At that time, how the Hexi army can protect these heavy stone catapults in front of the enemy array will also be a headache.

Of course, Chen Zhang's department is only responsible for the reconnaissance of the Marquis on the flank to prevent the elite of the enemy from sneaking out of Hechuan ridge and sneaking into the transportation line in the hinterland of the north or the cities and strongholds where grain and supplies are stored.

Late the next night, Chen Zhang led his troops to lurk in a dense forest at the Northeast foot of Hechuan ridge. He spied and monitored the movements of the crane Xiang army in the deep mountain opposite. He saw the flames in the direction of wenhubu, and there was a high-frequency and continuous vibration between heaven and earth.

Chen Zhang knew that after Du Yu led his troops to join Dong Pu of the Qianfeng army, he launched an attack on wenhubu, the most important military town at the north foot of Hechuan ridge.

Wenhubu used to be a river wharf. Several streams flow out of Hechuan ridge, converge into a big river, and flow north into Yulong County. Due to the existence of many valleys, it is an important pass to cross Hechuan ridge and enter Hechuan county.

Although the Huang family and other families have been operating in Hechuan mountain for hundreds of years, Hechuan mountain can be said to be the second Mountain Gate of Helan sword sect. At this time, there are countless xuanxiu sects, opening up caves for latent repair in many strange peaks and dangerous valleys in Hechuan mountain.

These caves are located in extremely dangerous places, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack. However, the most important thing for the Hexi army at present is to capture Wenhu port, control the valley in the middle of Hechuan ridge, let hundreds of thousands of troops and horses cross Hechuan ridge, stand high and point directly at the whole territory of Hechuan County, completely subvert the foundation of Huang family, Wuxiang army and Helan sword sect's rule over Hechuan County, and then organize a large number of sect disciples, With the cooperation of battle bird camp and Tianji car camp, clean up the caves opened according to dangerous peaks and strange valleys