Chapter 534

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
In front of Yuting City, in front of countless children and soldiers, Yao Chuqiu was caught by Chen Hai and thrown out like a sandbag. Although he regained control of himself in an instant, he was so ugly and ashamed to stay in Yuting city. He didn't even participate in the subsequent proceedings, so he flew straight back to the cave of Xishan jade hidden peak.

Back in the cave, the dark faced Yao Chuqiu ignored everyone and shut himself in the quiet room.

He doesn't know the final result of Yao chuyun's negotiation with Chen Hai, but based on his understanding of Yao chuyun, he will eventually choose a humiliating compromise.

Countless clues made Yao unable to settle in the autumn. In a depressed mood, he couldn't help roaring up to the sky.

The howling sound is clear and clear, rising straight into the sky.

His children and drug children know that he is in a bad mood today, and they dare not break in and say anything.

Yao, who was extremely agitated in the autumn, simply went out of the cave and flew high in the air. When his mind turned, seven black blade giant swords danced in the air and cut angrily in the middle of the air, which was a bit more magical than the six magic gold swords that Chen XuanZhen sacrificed in jinjiaoyuan that day. For a moment, the murderous spirit was fierce and the wind roared and the clouds roared over the Yuqian cave.

Yao danced miraculously in the autumn, and his mind was attached to the giant sword. He slowly entered a mysterious realm. Suddenly, several powerful breath flew from Yuting city. Not long ago, Yao Tai, the highest generation of Yao nationality, and Yao Zhi, who was with Yao Wenjin in the younger generation, flew to him.

Yao's mind moved when he was out of autumn. The seven black blades returned to his robes and sleeves like water. He proudly said to Yao Taihe: "Uncle Taihe, you don't have to persuade me. I've made up my mind. Even if I die, I'll let Chen Hai and the sect of the world see. Although Yao has no tianbang protection, I haven't lost my blood and courage to fight."

By implication, he has made up his mind to go to fenglindu alone and fight with Chen Hai.

Seeing Yao's murderous remarks in the autumn, Yao Tai and he sighed with hatred.

Yao Zhi said angrily: "I'm not interested in my third uncle, but since he took charge of the valve business, he has been so soft and weak that he has been pressed by foreign thieves step by step. Although the valve owner said that Tu's situation is not good, and the two families may be able to work together at this time, in the final analysis, my Yao family has no blood and no fangs. Who will really help me Yao family? I'll go to Fenglin ferry with ninth uncle. It's a big deal to die!"

"Nonsense, will Chen Hai give you a chance to die?" Yao Tai and his calm voice shouted.

"Will you continue to watch the valve owner step by step and watch the foreign thieves cut meat on Yao's body?" Yao Zhi roared ferociously, "I'm not reconciled. Even if the rebels don't dare to come out and fight with us alone, even if they are doomed to die with Uncle nine, they should stimulate the blood of the people with our blood. At that time, uncle Taihe, show the body of Uncle nine and me to the valve owner and ask him if Yao can continue to bear it!"

"..." seeing Yao's coming out of autumn and Yao Zhixin's determination, Yao Taihe sighed and stamped his feet in the air, "I won't let you two die in vain. Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's call the Yao's children to fenglindu. If Chen Hai still dares, we'll kill him a thousand knives and ten thousand cuts. I don't believe the eunuchs in Yanran palace. How dare we take Yao?"

"OK!" Yao Chuqiu saw that Yao Taihe also supported them. They no longer forbear. They laughed up to the sky and said, "OK, I have practiced in seclusion these years and refined two Heaven order Taoist symbols. If Chen Hai, a dog thief, dares not to withdraw from fenglindu, it should come in handy!"

At present, Yao Taihe and Yao Zhixian left to gather disciples. Yao returned to the cave in the autumn. In addition to carrying all the seven heaven level talismans accumulated over the years, he also called more than 100 disciples and waiters, distributed the elixirs and thousands of intermediate talismans stored for many years, and brought out the spiritual birds and animals.

When Yao is ready for the autumn festival, he takes more than 100 disciples to Yuting city. He sees that thousands of people have gathered in front of Yuting City, all carrying armours and magic weapons. They are fierce and want to kill fenglindu and drive away the family thieves!

Seeing this scene, Yao Chuqiu was very pleased to know that Yao was really not a cowardly man.

When the disciples saw the father of daodan coming forward, they were excited and wanted to do a big job.

On the way back to fenglindu from Yuting City, Zhou Jingyuan said to Chen Hai with worry:

"Is it too fierce to force Yao valve like this? The situation is very good for us at present. On the contrary, the king of England is in a dilemma. We still tease Zong valve and arouse the group's anger. I'm afraid it's not easy to clean up."

Chen Hai knew that he had made the situation of fenglindu extremely dangerous. Zhou Jingyuan was also full of worry, but they couldn't say some reasons. They just frowned and said, "I have discretion."

Chen Hai was also worried that he would force Yao too hard and had to use Yao Wenjin's card in advance. However, in this way, he may not be able to win the trust of the Zong valve and will completely tear his face with the inner court forces such as Wen Boyuan and Zhao Zhong.

However, how could he force and excite Yao's blood without such an extreme high-pressure situation?

Thinking of this, Chen Hai also sighed.

Eighty three years after entering yitiandi, earthquakes occurred frequently in Montenegro. Although the tremor was not strong enough and did not cause much serious damage, Chen Hai knew that it was getting closer and closer to that moment, and the time left for him was becoming more and more limited. He even had to ask Dong Ning to transfer the soldiers and civilians near Heishan to Lucheng in batches.

After returning to fenglindu, it was still early. Some craftsmen brought from caojiabao were doing preliminary work such as measurement and location. Hundreds of people were scattered on the land within a radius of 30 miles, just like the sand of the desert.

Rows and rows of camps were built near the Bank of Qiuye River, swaying with the wind, like a lone Ping in the wind.

The sun gradually tilted westward, and the cooking smoke in the camp also rose obliquely. With the sound of the river, it was another quiet and peaceful evening.

Chen Hai frowned in the account and considered how to build guining Marquis house, so as to borrow the terrain to the greatest extent. Cangyi sat close beside him as usual.

Suddenly, Cang Yi opened his eyes and looked to the northwest. He murmured, "are these Yao people really so ignorant of life and death?"

When Chen Haishen went out, he found that one or two thousand people, riding war horses, spirit beasts, or royal envoys, were coming from Yuting city to Fenglin ferry.

Chen Hai knocked on the table twice, stood up, turned around the table twice, and said to himself: "sure enough, he poked a big leech honeycomb. I'll say, even if the Millennium Zong valve is cowardly, it's always bloody..."

At this time, the denounced princes scattered around the periphery also frequently issued warnings of the approaching strong enemy. Qi Hanjiang, who was in charge of commanding the guard camp, had sent people to recall the scattered caojiabao craftsmen to the camp without any additional orders from Chen Hai.

At this time, forty high-quality bronze chariots were encircled in an array. A thousand elite swords and halberds came out of their scabbards and ruthlessly guarded in the array.

Twelve brand-new heavy bore crossbows flashed a dazzling light. At this time, they were also concentrated on the three temporary shooting towers in the vehicle array.

Boxes of gold quenched heavy front bullets were moved to the heavy bore crossbow.

Zhou Jingyuan, Cao Shan and others were worried. Qi Hanjiang, as the battlefield commander, watched brightly to see if there were any loopholes in the car array, and the four demons licked their lips with excitement.

Yao Wenjin went to Chen Hai and looked at the night far away.

He knew that Chen Hai would never easily kill Yao under the valve, but Yao's children lost their reason and rushed up. What should we do? It's impossible for them not to fight back. It's impossible for them to let thousands of Yao's children with great killing heart rush over. At that time, they can only kill a river of blood!

"It's all right! Yao has only gathered 1000 people and is not qualified to attack my Huwei camp!" Chen Hai whispered to comfort Yao Wenjin.

Chen Hai looked up and looked at the sky. The stars had lit up. More than a hundred sword lights, bright or dark, dragged uneven flame tails through the night sky and flew to Fenglin ferry. Under these sword cultivation, thousands of Yao's disciples were fighting, riding and spirit beasts, coming here.

Chen Hai sneered and motioned slightly. Twelve heavy loaded crossbows smoothly and silently raised the muzzle and aimed at Yao Taihe and others in the sky. He exhaled and sounded like a great beast echoing on Fenglin Ferry: "this is the residence of guining waiting. Whoever intrudes into the forbidden area will be killed!"

With the warning of iron blood, Yao Taihe and others didn't take it to heart. They still came over to fenglindu.

Chen Hai nodded to the shooting tower on the left. The three heavy breeders roared wildly at first. The rain of quenched golden arrows was shrouded in the head of Yao Taihe and others like a metal storm