Chapter 535

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
Over the years, the Yao family has kept a low profile and rarely participated in the affairs of the court. Even if there are, most of them are the children of the Ming Qiao state and the spirit state who serve in the court or join the Xiyuan army. Yao Taihe, Yao Chuqiu, Yao Zhi and others have been practicing in the clan for many years without asking about the world, and even don't know what kind of magic weapon the heavy bore crossbow is.

Seeing the firing of three heavy bore crossbows, Yao Chuqiu thought it was an ordinary bed type heavy crossbow. With a smile, Yao Chuqiu waved his hand and threw out a Taoist symbol. When his mind was destroyed, he saw a flash of gold symbols and seals on the Taoist symbol, and the light rose sharply. On one side, there were countless huge shields of mysterious symbols and seals gathered out of thin air, protecting Yao's children like a mountain, and continued to rush to Fenglin ferry.

The metal storm formed by the quenched gold arrow shrouded over. On the giant shield with the strength of heaven and earth and more than 20 feet wide, it madly hit a little light spots. In only three or four breath time, this ground level Gen Kun shield symbol could not support it. It burst into pieces and exploded into a large mass of light debris. It was like fireworks in the night sky.

Yao Taihe and Yao Chuqiu were startled. Unexpectedly, the shooting speed of the heavy bore crossbow was so fast, and the penetration of the heavy front fine arrows was so terrible. The power of each arrow was not even under a golden edge sword symbol, but a ground level top shield symbol. Unexpectedly, it could only support the accumulation of more than 100 gold quenched heavy front arrows, which was torn apart.

You should know that Gen Kun shield talisman is different from ordinary six armour shield talisman. It not only has two levels of defense higher than six armour shield talisman, but also can slowly absorb the vitality of heaven and earth in the air and make up for itself.

With such a Taoist talisman in hand, it can be said that even a disciple of Mingqiao can escape calmly from the attack of the Reverend on the ground, but these defensive gods break up when they can't hold four breath. Is the gen Kun shield talisman thrown by Yao Chuqiu inferior?

Fortunately, Yao Chuqiu, Yao Taihe, Yao Zhi and others still had a lot of preparations. At this time, Yao Chuqiu threw a gen Kun shield symbol. Before the shield symbol was torn, more than 100 children who covered the Royal flight landed, joined with more than 1000 children on the ground and gathered on a gentle slope to the west of fenglindu.

Chen Hai only started three heavy bore crossbows in fenglindu, and nine heavy bore crossbows did not start. Although Yao Taihe, Yao Chuqiu and Yao Zhi were extremely angry, they did not lose their reason.

Even today, if they really want to kill Chen Hai and more than a thousand Hu guards, they can't ignore the casualties of their children.

Chen Hai saw Yao's children gathered in a mess on the low mountain four or five thousand steps away, but he didn't give up his efforts to continue to attack fenglindu. With a cold face, he walked to the front of the battle and shouted to Yao Taihe and others from a distance: "You know that fenglindu is the residence chosen by the emperor for guining, and you attack so swaggeringly. Do you want to rebel? Aren't you afraid of the end of extermination?"

Yao Taihe was the oldest and the most skilful. He smiled coldly and said: "The holy emperor has issued an imperial edict to build a mansion for guining marquis. Zongzheng's mansion should be the host of this matter. Where can you take the lead? You come here and say enclosure and enclosure, and transfer people. Who knows whether it is true or false? All we know is that you are firm and resolute and want to cross the bandits in our Yao's Fenglin. We are duty bound to defend the territory and advise you to retreat quickly, otherwise you will wait until the sharp edge It's too late to repent when you reach your neck. "

"I have the imperial edict in hand. You can come and check the authenticity yourself." Chen Hai said coldly.

"It won't work if Zongzheng's house doesn't come forward. Quit fenglindu quickly, and I'll spare you." Yao Tai roared with ferocity.

Yao jumped out in the autumn, pointed to Chen Haili and roared, "villain of Yao clan, I have accumulated for thousands of years. How can you bully here? Listen to an advice and return quickly, otherwise hundreds of thousands of disciples of Yao clan and thousands of people under me will forcibly kill you."

As soon as Yao Chu Qiu said this, thousands of Yao's children behind him cheered and straightened out the scattered formation on the hillside. At this time, more defensive talismans were sacrificed, and the children wearing spirit armor and spirit shield were arranged in the front row, ready to continue to attack fenglindu.

Chen Hai took a deep breath, stood up without wind, and stood 20 feet above the ground. An unspeakable threat swept the audience.

The Yuanshen in Chen Hailing's Secret Palace of the sea has always been in a state of closed eyes and latent cultivation. At this time, he suddenly opened his eyes. The golden pupil was full of wind and lightning. The Taoist pill surrounded by purple electricity began to fluctuate violently, and the sea of Zhenyuan in the secret Palace of the sea of the spirit was surging.

With a wave of his hand, Chen Hai took out the split sky war halberd and tilted his finger. Without warning, a thunder slashed on the halberd. He was surrounded by a trace of lightning, and his black hair fluttered without wind.

Chen Hai tried his best to show his breath, but he had the power of the peak of daodan.

Although the peak power of daodan can't frighten Yao Tai and the three, how long has Chen Hai stepped into daodan?

How high will you achieve over time?

Questions popped up in the hearts of the three.

Before Tu Qiaoshan fought in Shenling mountain, the Yao family also discussed it, but they didn't care too much. They preferred to think that Chen Hai made some Yin moves to win Tu Qiaoshan, a strong old Taoist elixir.

At this time, facing Chen Hai directly, I realized that Chen Hai was not lucky to be in shenlingshan school palace that day.

However, every daodan strongman has his own wonderful life. Although Chen Hai has taken the momentum, he has not lost his fighting spirit.

Especially in the autumn, Yao was excited by Chen Hai. Seven black giant swords were drawn from his sleeves like running water. They gathered and scattered in the air, always ready to take Chen Hai's earth shaking blow.

Chen Hai finally gathered his momentum to the peak, and the broken true meaning was taken from the meridians to the Linghai secret palace. He turned around Chen Hai's yuan God, as if he gave a happy clang and came out along the Sanyang of his hand, covering Chen Hai's split sky war halberd with a light white light.

Yao was oppressed in the autumn. At this time, he saw Chen Hai move. He was a parallel hand. Seven black giant swords collided back and forth and rotated to form a group of black flowers that ate people's bones and flesh, flashing a strange light, and came from Fenglin.

At the same time, Yao Taihe, Yao Zhi and thousands of Yao's disciples also shouted angrily.

Especially those disciples who master the magic power of imperial objects, at this time, they all offer magic weapons, spirit swords and many attack talismans. They have to attack Fenglin ferry three or four thousand steps away.

In their opinion, Chen Hai is really trying to die if he wants to challenge them alone.

Even at this time, Yao Tai and his children behind them, who master the power of resisting things, can only attack from a distance. However, even if more than 200 people only cut out the most common Jinfeng sword. Two hundred Jinfeng swords cut over in a tenth of an interest or even a shorter time interval. Even the peerless strong in the Taoist fetal territory can't resist it.

Moreover, among the more than 200 royal children, there are daodan strong men whose strength is not much weaker than Chen Hai, such as Yao Taihe, Yao Zhi and Yao Chuqiu.

Even if the real cards won't be revealed at this time, the Liwei still needs to show its strength. It doesn't need Chen Hai's additional orders. Qi Hanjiang, Zhou Jingyuan and others throw defensive talismans, and hundreds of Liujia shield talismans and Golden Shield talismans are stacked over the array of vehicles in a short time.

Then, countless magic weapons, spirit swords and golden front swords that crisscross and tear the air hit hard. Looking at the layers of swords and vitality shields broken, the endless vitality locked by the Taoist talisman collapsed, disillusioned and rushed away in all directions.

The four demons were not good at Royal weapons. They directly picked up a quenched gold shield weighing more than 1000 kg on one side and threw it into the air to severely hit those magic weapons and spirit swords. Their simple and rough attack was not weaker than the magic weapons of sacrificing the imperial rank. They shot down or smashed each magic weapon and spirit sword directly in the air.

The common soldiers in the vehicle array clenched their teeth and resisted the impact of crazy Qi with a solid shield. Even if their feet and legs were pressed deep into the mud, they stood still.

Without close combat and bloody direct fighting, Yao's children can directly tear up the vehicle array. It is undoubtedly a fool's dream.

Chen Hai's breath still accumulated. He lifted the split sky war halberd inch by inch, as if the light split sky war halberd in the past was of great importance. When the war halberd was raised to the highest place, Chen Hai was surrounded by lightning, and a momentum of swallowing the sky and pressing the earth swept between heaven and earth.

The yuan God as like as two peas in the sea of his spirit, jumped out of the palace, and made Chen Hai's identical action on Chen Hai's mud pill palace.

Chen Hai breathed out, and the whole Fenglin ferry was quiet.

A crescent moon halberd with a length of tens of feet and a width flew out of Chen Hai's hand and shot away at the nearby lonely peak. At the next moment, a loud noise filled the area of 40 or 50 miles, startling the sleeping birds to fly up and make a noise.

The crowd looked at the loud noise in horror. The rumble kept on. A corner stone cliff protruding from the lonely peak tilted slowly, slid down with a bang, and the debris flew sideways.

Chen Hai cut off the lonely peak.

When the Dong family invaded Hechuan County in Hexi, the three swords of Dong Liang, the God of Wuwei, split the Tiebi mountain nearly 3000 meters high, paving the way for the annexation of Hechuan County in Hexi. Everyone knows this.

Chen Hai was naturally not as powerful as Dong liangna at this time, but Dong Liang didn't know how many plans and preparations he had made to split Tiebi mountain in one fell swoop. However, Chen Hai was so powerful that Yao Chuqiu and others could not fight alone.

The boulder roared down the hillside, and Chen Haifei came out. He caught the boulder halfway up the mountain, carried it step by step to the front of the car array, and ruthlessly inserted it on the ground: "Yao's children, listen to me. You really want to rebel. You're not afraid that Yao's family will be killed and bleed into a river. Please step over this stone..."

Yao Chuqiu, Yao Taihe and Yao Zhi were frightened when they saw this scene. They could see that the cut stone was at least fifty or sixty thousand kilograms. Chen Hai carried the stone with his physical strength. How many children did Yao have to die or hurt in order to successfully kill him in close combat?

If the martial arts cultivation in Mingqiao territory is not protected by magic weapons and talismans, who can catch him and kill him?