Chapter 536

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
Yanjing City, guining Marquis house.

Carved pavilions with cornices are exquisite and lonely in deep houses and courtyards.

Yang Qiaoer lay down with her silk quilt, closed her eyes and slept deeply, but her delicate and beautiful face was flushed, her red lips were slightly open, and she was full of spring. She twisted a few times and suddenly woke up. She only felt that her lower body was damp and greasy. Her dark hair was adhered by a drop of sweat, which was particularly chic and attractive.

Yang Qiaoer sat up and was stunned for a long time before calming her inner agitation. Thinking of the beautiful scene in her dream, she felt an itch in her body out of thin air and couldn't help spitting at herself.

She simply opened the brocade quilt, got out of bed with only a small dress, went to the window, opened the window, let the cool wind blow herself, and gradually calmed the restlessness in her heart.

It's strange to say that she was imprisoned in a small courtyard of several acres for 20 years. She was patient and devoted herself to hard cultivation. She never had any other thoughts. Unexpectedly, after jumping out of the place of confinement, her thoughts didn't come to life.

This is her heart of hard cultivation. Should she respond after the six senses are raised to the level of divine consciousness?

Recalling Chen Hai's rudeness to her that day, she should have been angry and angry, but these two days she dreamed that this rude and ambitious man was rude to her, which really annoyed her.

Seeing that the sky was slightly white, it was a good opportunity to concentrate on cultivating the early Yang Zhenyuan. Yang Qiaoer knew that the situation in Yanjing was much more critical than she thought, and she would never dare to neglect the practice at all - and under this intense oppression, she even felt that the cultivation speed was much faster than that in the solitary yard where she was imprisoned.

When Yang Qiaoer sat back on the brocade couch and crossed her knees to absorb the Qi of the early sun in heaven and earth, her divine sense was extra sharp. At this time, she heard someone talking in a low voice not far from the yard -- several personal waitresses around Yang Qiaoer were also people with cultivation. Although they did not communicate with divine sense, they deliberately lowered their voice and Yang Qiaoer listened attentively, I only vaguely heard what they discussed, which was related to Chen Hai.

Heaven Hou Chen Hai!

Yang Qiaoer was so worried that she didn't know what had happened to Chen Hai that these intimate waitresses talked in such a panic early in the morning. She pushed the door out of the house and asked with a frown: "what's the matter? It's so noisy that the palace can't sleep well..."

The waitress standing outside the courtyard hurriedly ran in, bent over and begged for mercy, and said in panic: "Madam princess, forgive me. Just now I heard from commander Shi Xingping that Marquis Chen went to Fenglin ferry to choose a place for the Marquis and his wife to build a residence. However, I didn't want Yao valve to resist and disobey the order. He led thousands of people to fight and kill and surrounded Hou Chen and his Huwei camp. The situation was very critical. My brother was also in the army of Hou Chen. My servant worried about his safety and disordered his discretion, which disturbed my wife Have a rest. Please forgive me this time. "

When Yang Qiaoer heard this, she was immediately inspired, and the only tired meaning also flew to the clouds.

That day, although Chen Hai rudely broke her Jueyin pendant, Yang Qiaoer could still hear Chen Hai's kindness through some private warning.

The situation between her and yinglei can be improved, she can move out of Yanran palace, and even choose a place to build a mansion in Yanjing City, which is the result of Chen Hai's efforts for them. I didn't expect that the matter of choosing a place to build a mansion has caused such a big storm for this matter in the past.

Yang Qiaoer frowned and said, "let's call commander Shi Xingping over; in addition, go and find guining Hou yourself."

Yang Qiaoer hurriedly dressed up and came out. When she saw Shi Xingping, deputy commander of Houfu Huwei camp sent by Chen hai to guining Houfu according to the previous agreement, she was already waiting in the yard.

Shi Xingping had always followed Yan Yuan because Chen Hai was in urgent need of employment, so he was secretly transferred to Hengshan. This time, he went to Beijing with Chen Hai. Shi Xingping was not good at words, but he experienced numerous wars and was calm. He was arranged by Chen hai to lead a team of Hu Wei in guining Marquis residence. He existed as the influence of Longxiang camp and Tianji school palace in guining Marquis residence.

Shi Xingping knew last night that the situation in fenglindu was suddenly dangerous, but Yanjing city was closed at night. It was not Wen Boyuan, Zhao Zhong and others, or they directly got the warrant of Wen Boyuan. They couldn't break out of the city at all. They had to work hard until dawn to arrange someone to disturb Yang Qiaoer and see Yang Qiaoer's reaction.

"Commander Shi, do you know the situation of marquis Chen in Fenglin ferry?" Yang Qiaoer asked, staring at Shi Xingping with his beautiful eyes, especially sharp.

"Madam Hui, I don't know the specific information. Now I only know that Yao valve sent three daodan and hundreds of biling to besiege Chen Hou and them in fenglindu. It is said that there are a steady stream of Yao valve's children from all directions to fenglindu at night."

Yang Qiaoer's heart jumped. At first, she just thought it was just mob trouble. Who knew it would be such a big battle, she hesitated for a moment, but at the critical moment, Yang Qiaoer's ruthlessness was revealed, and resolutely said:

"Get ready to drive out. Let's go to fenglindu quickly."

Shi Xingping was also stunned when he heard the speech. Unexpectedly, Yang Qiaoer made a decision so decisively.

"Mom, where are we going?" Ying tired, who was bleary eyed, just stepped into the hall, heard Yang Qiaoer say this sentence without a head.

"You go and prepare quickly." Yang Qiaoer ordered Shi Xingping to explain the whole story to yinglei.

Ying tired was so frightened that he turned pale and flatly refused: "the son of a thousand gold, sitting in the hall, the disaster provoked by Chen Hai should be solved by himself -- if this is the trap set by the king of England, my mother and I will rush over at this time, instead of falling into a trap and dying in vain?"

Seeing Ying tired was so greedy for life and afraid of death, Yang Qiaoer itched and scolded: "you were excited to tell me yesterday that you wanted to get close to the patriarchal valve and make friends with friends, but Marquis Chen was trapped for your building of the mansion today. If you hide in Yanjing city and dare not go to the rescue, how will the patriarchal valve and subjects look at you?"

"What's the use of our soldiers and horses?" Ying Lei hurried.

"I don't believe Yao valve really dares to rebel and kill you, my mother and son!" Yang Qiaoer saw Ying tired and shrunk back. At this time, she didn't have time to be patient to persuade and said, "come on, help the tired prince to go to fenglindu with me."

Shi Xingping had already got the car ready. When he heard Yang Qiaoer's orders, he went straight into the yard, grabbed Ying Lei's shoulder and dragged him out.

Yinglei wants to struggle, but he is not the opponent of Shi Xingping, the peak of Mingqiao realm. Immediately, he is trapped in a copper car by two waitresses who cultivate in the spirit realm, unable to move or call.

At this time, the noise in the inner courtyard also startled the internal bodyguard sent by Wen Boyuan. Hundreds of people hurriedly dressed in military armor, which could block the frame of Yang Qiaoer's trip in front of the gate of guining mansion.

Wen Boyuan and Chen Hai transferred elite organizations from Fengchu camp and Longxiang camp respectively. Ji Xiu, the bodyguard commander sent by Wen Boyuan, pointed to Shi Xingping in front of the car and shouted, "Shi Xingping, how dare you threaten to wrap the princess and Hou guining out of the house without the oral instructions of Lord Wen and Lord Zhao?"

"Ji Xiu, how dare you stop me?" Yang Qiaoer raised the driving curtain and asked angrily.

"Ji Xiu doesn't dare. Madam wants to leave the house until I ask Lord Wen!" Ji Xiu insisted.

"..." Yang Qiaoer didn't say a word. A spirit sword rushed out of the car like a dragon, and cut off Ji Xiu's chest.

Jixiu didn't expect that Yang Qiaoer would shoot directly. At such a close distance, he didn't have time to avoid. His right hand Sha mang only had time to gather a black spirit shield and seal it towards the spirit sword. However, he didn't want the spirit sword that Yang Qiaoer controlled. It was extremely light. With a gentle jump, he jumped directly over his head. Jixiu turned around and saw that the two lineal departments behind him had no response at all, The head was cut off and blood gushed out of the neck.

"Commander Shi, whoever dares to stop me will kill Wuhe!" Yang Qiaoer said murderously.

"Yes!" Shi Xingping raised the Red Lion War beast under his crotch, raised his iron hooves high, signaled the Ministry behind him, exposed two heavy bore crossbows on the copper roof, led more than 100 armor soldiers, surrounded by Yang Qiaoer and yinglei's car, and rushed to the inner court Hu Wei in the way

Seeing that the inner court Hu Wei kept giving way in panic and saw that the two corpses killed by his mother were still bleeding, Ying tired didn't dare to say anything more.

Shi Weiping, surrounded by Yang Qiaoer and yinglei, failed to rush out of Deyu gate. Wen Boyuan and Zhao Zhong, surrounded by dozens of sword attendants, chased after him.

The two thousand garrisons at deyumen are the elite of the Phoenix young camp of the Su Wei army. Shi Weiping knows that they can't rush through. He can only rein in his horse and tightly protect Yang Qiaoer and yinglei's car. If necessary, he can only hold yinglei and threaten Wen Boyuan and Zhao Zhong to give way.

Zhao Zhong hovered in the air and shouted at the car with a gloomy face: "please come out and talk."

The tent of the car suddenly opened, and the scene in the car suddenly made Wen Boyuan and Zhao Zhong's scalp explode. He saw Yang Qiaoer sitting on the brocade couch, with a scabbard spirit sword across his knee, yinglei sitting on the side. At this time, he saw Wen Boyuan and others coming, and didn't dare to say anything.

"Why did madam Junguo rush out of the city?" Zhao Zhong asked in a deep voice.

Yang Qiaoer said coldly, "I'm tired of staying in Yanjing city. I want to go to our new residence Fenglin ferry with tired son. Do you still need the permission of two adults?"

"Madam Junguo may not know the news. The soldiers in fenglindu are dangerous and fierce at this time. It's really not suitable for madam to go with the marquis. It's better to wait until we understand the matter and madam can go again." Wen Boyuan advised.

"Lord Wen also knows that Fenglin crossing soldiers are dangerous and fierce. Marquis Chen built a mansion for me and governor lei'er, but he was so jealous of Lord Yao that he was in danger. If my mother and son hid in the city, what would the world think of us? I also want to ask Lord Wen and Lord Zhao. Lord Yao rebelled against the party and disobeyed the order. Soldiers surrounded the Tianji Hou Chen Hai who was ordered to build the house of marquis Ning. Lord Wen and Lord Zhao sent troops to rescue us , or just send three or five people to know about it and delay the time to collect the body for the Lord of heaven? "

Zhao Zhong and Wen Boyuan had no choice for a while.

If Yang Qiaoer only knows the cultivation of Qiaojing, they can kill any one of them. It's not difficult to control Yang Qiaoer, but who can guarantee that Yang Qiaoer will not cooperate with Shi Weiping and take guining Hou yinglei as a hostage?

This is the main street in Yanjing city. It may not be too ugly.

Besides, Yang Qiaoer pointed out their calculations in broad daylight and said that they really couldn't stand idly watching Chen Hai be killed by Yao valve's children. In that case, Chen Hai's department can only bear a grudge against them. They have no chance to incorporate Tianji school palace and Longxiang camp

Wen Boyuan and Zhao Zhong looked at each other. They all sighed in their hearts. They said to Yang Qiaoer, "the lady of the county is serious. Hou Chen has done his best for the country. Lord Zhao and I will never stand idly by and see that someone is bad for Hou Chen!"