Chapter 664

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
At this time, the smooth mirror like lake ice edge is everywhere, maintaining the appearance of choppy waves and solidifying there.

Chen Hai had seen with his own eyes the scene of Dantu, Pandu and other five evil princes fighting against Jiang Yin. He also had a fierce battle with a strong man like Wei Ziya. He knew that as long as he became a Taoist child and a devil child, whether he recovered his accomplishments or not, he should have some magical means to press the bottom of the box. Therefore, he was also vigilant when he entangled the Black Skull devil, I didn't think he and Jiang Yuwei could kill the black headed devil easily.

Seeing the Black Skull devil's blood pupil open wide, two miserable green lights rushed straight over. Chen Hai saw the opportunity quickly. In an instant, the wind stopped the clouds, the halberd shadows all over the sky stopped, and his body shape went wrong to the flank. However, the two miserable green lights did not dissipate after they failed. He saw that they suddenly closed and released as if they were living creatures, and immediately swept away to Jiang Yuwei, who was three or four hundred meters behind.

Jiang Yuwei believed that she was protected by the thunder light and spirit mask made of canglei jade pendant, but she didn't care about the miserable green light. She offered two golden light thunder symbols, turned into two golden light thunder pillars with thick arms, and cleaved to the top of the Black Skull devil's head.

When the two golden thunder pillars hit the Black Skull devil, they saw that the two miserable green lights also directly penetrated the thunder light mask and didn't go to Jiang Yuwei's body.

"..." looking at Jiang Yuwei, she lost consciousness instantly and fell straight from the air. At this time, Chen Li also felt that the two miserable green lights had a very strong smell of evil thoughts. Only then did he know that the two miserable green lights were transformed by the original God of the Black Skull devil.

Yuanshen's coming out is extremely fragile, but if you cultivate properly, Yuanshen's coming out is a very strong means of divine soul attack. The human xuanxiu is good at refining utensils and symbols. There are a variety of magical means. Usually, you won't cultivate such extreme magical powers, but it doesn't mean that the demon clan doesn't cultivate.

Seeing that Jiang Yuwei won't last long, Chen Hai waved his halberd and cut off the Black Skull devil. Seeing the two miserable green lights, he suddenly withdrew from Jiang Yuwei's body and swept towards him again at an unimaginable high speed.

In the three or five breath time, although Chen Hai can improve the speed to the extreme, and even further break through the limit of wind and thunder magic steps and step out of eight residual shadows, he can't break the miserable green Guanghua transformed by the original life God of the Black Skull devil, and can't attack the original body of the Black Skull devil close enough to force him to take back the original life God. Finally, he can't get rid of the entanglement of the miserable green Guanghua.

Chen Hai intuitively felt a chill at the bottom of his heart. Before he had time to respond, the light mask formed by the jade Qinghua Yang talisman burst into pieces. A powerful and unparalleled evil evil evil thought broke out directly at his ancestral orifices in the center of his eyebrows, and his body was no longer controlled.

At this time, Chen Hai seemed to fall into a strange space, surrounded by black fog, no wind and no light. Chen Hai almost wanted to roar up to the sky.

In the distance blocked by the fog, from time to time, there are low whispers, hard neighing, surging killing intention and other things. Every sound and breath is like a heavy hammer hitting Chen Hai's spirit to tear his spirit away.

Chen Hai knew that his original mind fell into a dreamland, and these were the magic sounds and illusions caused by the attack of the Black Skull demon spirit, but he couldn't get rid of these magic sounds and illusions. He just knew that his body couldn't move until the Black Skull demon killed his spirit. He silently recited the nine yuan return to God to truly solve the curse, firmly protect his heart and resist the attack of all kinds of magic sounds and illusions.

Demon sound is of no use. Soon I saw another ferocious demon coming out of the endless fog

Chen Hai naturally knows the truth that everything is empty in the soul, and has no response to the endless terrible images. The monsters seemed to have boundless power, but they would tremble and whine away every time they were contaminated by the purple brilliance condensed by the nine yuan return to God true solution mantra before they rushed to the source.

Suddenly, there was a great and evil sound in the space. A magic object with a height of ten thousand feet appeared in front of Chen Hai and stood between heaven and earth like a mountain.

"I said how can you persist for such a long time? It turns out that you have also practiced the nine yuan return to God true solution of the human family. Although you are a true disciple of the immortal evil domain, you practice the skill of the human family, that is, you abandon the demon family. Then I will destroy your spirit and refine your demon body. If you don't destroy the evil domain, you can't trouble me in the future."

Chen Hai completely turned a blind eye to the cry of the Black Skull devil. He just recited the nine yuan to God mantra with his heart, firmly and sincerely kept his heart, and let the rough waves and clouds outside me stand still.

The black headed devil shouted to hide the illusory towering devil body, and continued to impact Chen Hai's original knowledge with various illusions, but it raged for a long time, with no effect, and gradually returned to peace.

Chen Hai knew that the original God of the Black Skull devil had not retreated, otherwise he would not be trapped in a dreamland, but he didn't worry about anything.

You know, in the blood cloud wasteland, he absorbed many soul fragments of Luocha blood devil for his own use. The strength of the divine soul has long been unmatched by ordinary demons. The Black Skull devil wants to defeat himself by this means, which is afraid to disappoint him.

The struggle between gods and souls has no meaning of time, but it can feel the terrible sense of time passing.

It seems that after a long time of changing the sea, Chen Hai suddenly felt that a few cold drops of rain fell on his head. He felt so real. After a while, the crackling sound sounded one after another, followed by the noise, the car horn sounded one after another, and suddenly he was pushed heavily: "Psycho, it's raining. Stand in the middle of the road and look for death!"

Chen Hai opened his eyes in doubt and saw a bald middle-aged man of medium build with a thick gold chain around his neck shouting at himself.

Bean big raindrops kept falling from the sky and hit himself. It was very cold. He raised his arms. What he saw was a pair of white arms. There were crowded traffic around. He also saw a head running to the sugar water shop with a plastic bag to take shelter from the rain.

When did you return to earth?

When the situation was unclear, a huge force pushed over, "you look like a fucking dog. You're really a psycho. Standing in the middle of the road, this street will be blocked soon. I'll delay me to pick up the child, and I'll kill you!"

The bald gold chain man was angry when he saw that Chen Hai had never moved and the rain was getting heavier and heavier. He took Chen Hai and pushed him to the roadside.

Chen Hai thought all this was incredible. Did he go through it again?

He couldn't believe that the Black Skull devil could create such a real illusion. Was it a memory illusion copied directly from his original consciousness?

In a trance, Yu Guang from the corner of Chen Hai's eye glanced around. He saw that people with umbrellas saw the dispute here. Despite the heavy rain, they came forward to watch the excitement. Some people without rain gear also stopped and stood on tiptoe under the eaves to watch the excitement. Others took out their mobile phones and were ready to take pictures to show off.

At the corner of the street is a bittern shop. Now it's time to prepare dishes. The smoke exhaust fan hanging on the street exhausts the thick smoke with an attractive smell. Everything is so real, such noise, such smell, and even such pushing, shoving, drinking and scolding.

Chen Hai took a deep breath and found that his spiritual pulse still existed. He frowned and waved to get rid of the push of the bald gold chain man. However, the bald gold chain man screamed and flew out heavily. All of a sudden, he bumped into a cake shop across the street. Broken glass flew across the street. The street was quiet, and then it was like boiling water, The crowd scattered and fled, crying: "monster, monster..."

Chen Hai was stunned. He didn't know what these people were shouting. He looked left and right. The crowd quickly dispersed and created a gap. Through the smooth and clean glass door of a small shop, he saw his own shape.

It's still the face of green scale devil.

Heavy steps sounded in the street, and the whole street suddenly became a disaster scene. A little girl slipped in the crowd and fell to the ground. Chen Hai jumped in three or two steps to help the little girl up.

The little girl timidly leaned against the corner of the wall and sobbed: "let me go, please let me go!" Chen Hai looked at her soft face and trembled with fear. This is also the illusion created by the Black Skull devil. Why is it so real?

What kind of magic is this? The power of the demon family can't be underestimated.

"Why don't you let me go?"

The little girl suddenly stopped her grief, opened her innocent beautiful eyes and looked at Chen Hai. The next moment she smiled evil. Chen Hai felt that the little girl's pupils were like an endless abyss and sucked herself in.

Chen Hai suddenly woke up. Unexpectedly, the black headed devil could really create such a real earth fantasy image, which made him relax his vigilance.

Since you want to devour my spirit, let you devour it!

The black headed devil repressed his inner excitement, but he really sucked Chen Hai's original God into his sea of knowledge and saw clearly Chen Hai's original God. The black headed devil was surprised and roared: "how is it possible? You are a human non devil, how can you have the opportunity to cultivate the cut-off devil finger of the immortal evil domain!"

Although seeing Chen Hai's true face shocked the Black Skull devil, Chen Hai's original life God was still quite weak in his view, not to mention that it was completely his home at this time.

Even if the green scale devil is a human non devil, in his opinion, it is nothing more than the same refining. However, at the next moment, Chen Hai originally ordered the yuan God, and then the blood cloud rolled out. A bottle of eight arm demon God was born out of nothing, and he was going to explode his knowledge of the sea.

The Black Skull devil felt the evil spirit breath of the eight armed demon God that shattered everything, and shouted in horror: "it's impossible, even if it doesn't destroy the demon clan in the evil domain, it's impossible to cultivate the original secret of the great destruction demon God. Who are you..."

The eight armed demon God slowly opened the expressionless pupil, a real black light, and the boundless monstrous evil spirit radiated out. In an instant, the spirit of the Black Skull devil who was completely lost due to shock and fear was crushed to pieces