Chapter 665

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
Jiang Yuwei opened her eyes. It was dark and she didn't know how long time had passed. She vaguely felt that Chen Hai and the Black Skull devil were lying in the distance, unaware of life and death.

When she knew that the sea was invaded by the tragic green light of the original God of the Black Skull devil, she supported for a long time, and the spirit almost collapsed. The whole person lost consciousness and didn't know what happened later.

At this moment, even if she barely woke up, her consciousness was extremely free and trance, as if she had been inserted into thousands of war spears in her mind, which made her miserable. Even if her hand could touch the Dayan sword inserted into the sand, she could not gather her mind to resist the spirit sword, let alone have the strength to sit up or climb up to see if the Black Skull devil was dead.

However, even if she is still alive, she believes that even if the Black Skull devil is not dead, the situation is no better than her. It's just how Chen Hai does this, so that Jiang Yuwei can't confirm whether Chen Hai is dead or alive now.

With all her strength, Jiang Yuwei reluctantly took out a Tibetan yuan pill from the dark bag hidden in the inner layer of the soft armor and put it into her mouth, so that the wisps of medicine could be melted into the bones.

However, she is a spirit who has been seriously injured, her consciousness is free, and her thoughts can't gather. Even if her physical injury is not affected, she is like a living dead person, lying there and can't move. At this time, even if there is only an armpit claw demon passing by, she will be lost as the belly food of the armpit claw demon.

I don't know how long it's been. I just feel the sky over my head. The morning and dusk are alternating repeatedly. Until I hear a whimper, Jiang Yuwei wants to try to support her to sit up and follow her reputation. Unexpectedly, she steps into the Mingqiao state. The spirit tiger given by the school is not dead. At this time, she also wakes up and struggles to stand up and show her teeth to the Black Skull devil, After so many days, I didn't even have the strength to roar.

Jiang Yuwei was surprised at this moment. Although the spirit tiger didn't have enough wisdom to practice, the six senses were far more than ordinary disciples, which is also the reason why Jiang Yuwei brought the spirit tiger into the blood refining field this time.

At this time, the spirit tiger must have found the abnormality of the Black Skull devil and was warning her.

The black headed devil is not dead?

The reading knowledge gathered by Jiang Yuwei was still not enough to sacrifice the imperial spirit sword, but her hands and feet recovered a lot of strength. She grabbed the Dayan sword and struggled to stand up. She wanted to rush over and make up a sword at the key of the Black Skull devil.

At this time, she suddenly saw Chen Hai and the Black Skull devil sitting up. Although Jiang Yuwei had great courage, her heart almost jumped out at this moment, but she was well-trained in the sect. She was frightened and returned to her heart. She still tried her best to lift the Dayan sword and stabbed the black skull devil in the chest.

The Black Skull devil suddenly turned around and stretched out a huge claw. The Dayan sword, which was more than five feet long, was directly robbed under the claw like a small wooden stick. Jiang Yuwei was desperate. She was unwilling to be humiliated and tortured to death. When she lost her heart pulse, she heard a strange voice ringing directly in the sea of knowledge she barely collapsed and shouted: "I'm Jiang Qing!"

Jiang Yuwei was silly and stared at the black headed devil's huge and ferocious head. There was no killing or joking in the blood red pupil, but how could it be in front of her?

If the black headed devil is Jiang Qing, who is the green scale devil sitting up at the same time?

Besides, this sound sounds very strange. Where is the broken sound of green scale devil speaking human language like metal cutting?

Is it the devil who is afraid that I will break my heart and he will lose the interest of playing with me and cheat me? Jiang Yuwei thought to herself that although she cherishes her life, she will never be humiliated by the devil.

"Miss, I'm Jiang Qing too." at this time, the green scale devil also said, but it was the broken voice familiar to Jiang Yuwei.

What's going on?

Jiang Yuwei couldn't believe everything in front of her, but she saw that the Black Skull devil stretched out his claw and knocked out the struggling spirit tiger. Then a ray of purple and gold flame appeared on the top of the Black Skull devil's skull, but she saw that it was a bottle of the yuan God of the human youth image, struggling from the top of the Black Skull devil's skull and hanging in the air.

"I look like this, the eldest lady may not recognize Jiang Qing me?" Chen Haixiang smiled and said.

"Are you a human rather than a devil?" Jiang Yuwei could put eggs with her lips open at this moment. If it weren't for the Black Skull devil, there was no need to tease her again. She suspected that everything she saw was an illusion.

"Yes, I'm really a human rather than a devil. This devil body is just a separate body I cultivated to blend into the devil family," Chen Hai explained patiently when seeing Jiang Yuwei's appearance of seeing a ghost, "Since the eldest lady followed Jiang Yinzhen to conquer Tianluo Valley, she should know that at the other end of Tianluo Valley, there is another heaven occupied by the demon clan. But does the eldest lady know that there is another heaven called Yanzhou on the other side of what we call the blood cloud wasteland. At this time, hundreds of millions of people in Yanzhou are trying their best to resist the invasion of the demon clan in the blood cloud wasteland. I am Yanzhou A xuanxiu sneaked into the demon family to spy on the intelligence by using the devil's body this time. He didn't think that Jiang Yinzhen led his army to attack Tianluo valley. I was sent to Xingheng domain by the demon in the blood cloud wasteland domain to spy on the intelligence. In the channel of the heaven domain, I was accidentally swept by the space storm and almost destroyed the spirit. "

Chen Hai will not tell Zuo Er, the temple, long Ding and Jiang Xuan about Su Qian's reincarnation, but he will also make his origin clear.

Jiang Yuwei kept her mouth open for a long time. She didn't know how to react.

"When I went to the Xingheng region, I was swept away by the storm in the sky. My meridians were destroyed and my knowledge of the sea was broken. Fortunately, I managed to keep the Yuanshen alive, but I couldn't get out of the ancestral orifice in the center of my eyebrows. I couldn't prove my identity before, so I didn't identify myself with the eldest lady. I didn't expect that the devil should be dead If I want to devour my spirit, I'm thankful that the demon wants to devour my spirit. Unexpectedly, he forcibly inhales my yuan God from the ancestor's orifice in the center of the eyebrow into his sea of knowledge for refining. Otherwise, I have to rebuild the sea of knowledge to get the yuan God out of trouble. "

Chen Hai naturally wouldn't tell the story of breaking the secret phase of the demon God, so he talked about his process of turning defeat into victory,

"Although the devil's spirit is extremely powerful, he has suffered heavy damage before, and the devil's fetus has not recovered. He was caught off guard only by the confrontation at the level of the original God. In short, I had the upper hand and killed his spirit. At this time, there are only residual souls. I need to search for useful information, or it can be used to refine a puppet spirit or Gu soul. Because the green scale devil is separated, he has not been rebuilt The spirit of the sea and the understanding of the sea, the yuan God also had no way to go back, so he could only forcibly occupy the body of the Black Skull devil, and then cultivate his separation, and reluctantly refine a puppet spirit into the green scale devil's separation. At this time, he could barely use it as a bottle of puppet. "

"I saw with my own eyes that elder martial brother Wu planted a divine soul ban on you. How could it be?" Jiang Yuwei opened her eyes and looked at Chen Hai's yuan God. It didn't look like being banned by the divine soul.

"I've heard of Li daitaojiang's plan," Chen Hai said with a slight smile. "The divine soul prohibition, together with Li daitaojiang's poisonous soul, has been refined into the puppet spirit by me. When she gets the soul lock seal, she can still feel the existence of the divine soul prohibition!"

Chen Hai controls the green scale devil to separate, opens his mouth and spits out the soul lock seal, which is handed to Jiang Yuwei.

Jiang Yuwei looked at the soul lock seal in a daze. At this time, she could feel the fluctuation of the soul level between the soul lock seal and the soul prohibition existing in the middle of the green scale devil's separated eyebrow. She knew that Chen Hai's words were true, but she still couldn't digest the facts in front of her.

"The spirit of the eldest young lady was badly hurt. We'd better find a cave to hide first. When the eldest young lady controls the injury, I'll explain more things to the eldest young lady." after saying that, Chen Hai shrinks the Yuanshen into the head of the black headed devil and stretches out his hand to carry the badly hurt spirit tiger.

However, the time given to Chen Hai is too short. Whether it is to occupy the body of the Black Skull devil and re cultivate it as a separate body outside the body, or to separate the previous Shenwei level green scale devil into a puppet, it is far from being able to achieve the realm of harmony and self-communication, spirit and flesh, and the pace of walking is still staggering.

However, although Chen Hai's physical combat power has decreased a lot at this moment, he is not afraid that three or five low-level demons will break through, extend his divine knowledge and resonate with the vitality of heaven and earth in all directions.

However, in case of the role of devil Hou or even devil general, Chen Hai has no power of World War I for the time being. He initially controls the body house of the Black Skull devil. At this time, he needs to find a place to hide first.

Two incense sticks went north and found a dry cave. Two demons and one beast went in. Chen Hai sealed the cave with stones. At this time, Chen Hai took the puppet spirit refined on the basis of Jiaoxing Gu soul out of the eyebrows of the green scale devil, so that Jiang Yuwei could see clearly that the spirit prohibition originally imposed by Wu Yiqun was actually planted on the cup soul.

"Since you are not a devil, why didn't you make it clear when you were in Tianluo Valley?" Jiang Yuwei still didn't believe Chen Li's words and asked.

"As I said, I lost all my accomplishments at that time, and the yuan God was locked into the ancestral orifice in the center of my eyebrows. I said I was a man but not a devil. Who would believe me?" Chen Hai asked, "In addition, I have worked hard to cultivate the green scale devil and mingle with the demon family. How can I easily expose my identity before Yanzhou's magic resistance fails? How can I not continue to think about looking for opportunities to infiltrate the demon family and spy on intelligence? So please don't expose all this in front of outsiders."

"Before, if you wanted to help the black headed devil kill me, didn't you successfully blend into the demon clan?" Jiang Yuwei asked.

"The Black Skull devil is really like the strong one of the Luocha devil family who joined the blood refining field, but before confirmation, who can know how the Black Skull devil entered the blood refining field, and who can know that the Black Skull devil will return to the Xingheng field?" Chen Hai said with a smile, "More importantly, I'm not a devil. How can I sit and watch the eldest lady face great difficulties?"