Chapter 666

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
The ancestral clan of Xingheng domain has a long history. There are a large number of people who can compare with the level of gods and Demons and touch the origin of the avenue. Xuanxiu of the ancestral clan knew that since the ancient times, Xingheng domain is not the only domain, but even Wanxian mountain controls several secret places and provides a considerable part of resources for Wanxian mountain,

It's what Chen Hai said. It's not unimaginable for Jiang Yuwei.

Chen Hai tells Jiang Yuwei about her origin. After her initial shock, Jiang Yuwei's spirit is more or less gone. Seeing that her face is getting whiter and whiter, Chen Hai stops her words and asks Jiang Yuwei to rest first.

Jiang Yuwei's spirit has been badly hurt and needs a long time of cultivation to recover. Fortunately, Jiang Yuwei's knowledge of the sea has not been broken. Otherwise, it will take several years to re-enter the Mingqiao.

Chen Haixin wanted to let her rest for a period of time. It was difficult for her to gather together first at this time. Even if she taught her the true solution of nine yuan to God, she had no way to practice for the time being.

In the following days, Jiang Yuwei knelt in the depths of the cave and warmed up her soul.

Chen Hai devotes himself to practicing the spirit of the puppet. He strives to refine the green scale devil puppet as soon as possible, so that they can at least fight when they are attacked by a large group of demons.

The puppet spirit is the center to control the puppet. The stronger the puppet's body, the higher the requirements for the puppet spirit.

However, in order to achieve the purpose of secretly controlling Chen Hai, Wen Boyuan used Gu soul pill to plant Jiao shaped Gu soul into the depths of Chen Hai's soul. Later, he personally went out of the body of yuan God and invaded Chen Hai's body in guining Hou house. Finally, even yuan God was imprisoned by Chen Hai.

Chen Hai didn't want to destroy Wen Boyuan's original God. At first, he wanted to find his left ear and take the other six bottles of Shenwei puppets out of the temple. As long as Wen Boyuan can serve him, he can give Wen Boyuan a body. Who ever thought that he would enter the passage of heaven from the blood cloud wasteland, and his left ear would let him undergo the test of space storm, so that his meridians were destroyed and his knowledge of the sea was broken, For a long time, there was no way to detect the state of the divine soul level.

It was not until this time that Chen Hai suddenly realized that Wen Boyuan's divine knowledge had been destroyed, but the Jiaoxing Gu soul had become more than ten times stronger than before, comparable to the Yuanshen at the peak of the Taoist realm.

The green scale devil of the divine guard has not been rebuilt into the spirit sea, let alone the knowledge sea. The yuan God of Chen Hai can not return to the green scale devil of the divine guard, so he can only cultivate the green scale devil of the divine guard as a physical puppet for the time being. The Jiao shaped Gu soul is just the best material for cultivating the spirit of the puppet.

Don't mention that it takes a long time to cultivate the body puppet to the state of unity of spirit and flesh. However, it can't manage too much at this time. When things come to an end, we always have to do it step by step.

I don't know how long time passed. Jiang Yuwei was surprised from her nightmare. Since she was injured, nightmares have become the norm.

Before she opened her eyes, a smell came straight to her mouth and nose.

Slowly opened his eyes, Chen Hai was roasting an unknown piece of meat on the fire with a broken moon halberd as a pole. The meat was Zizi and oily under the fire, which was particularly attractive; The spirit tiger, who had almost recovered, was lying on the ground and drooling at the big meat.

I don't know how Chen Hai communicated with or subdued the spirit tiger. The spirit tiger lay next to the giant feet of the Black Skull devil and swept his tail on the scale feet of the Black Skull devil from time to time.

Jiang Yuwei's cultivation decreased greatly after she was injured, so she couldn't maintain the state of Pigu. She ate some Pigu pills for a living all day, and her mouth was too weak. At this time, when she smelled the meat fragrance, she unconsciously gave a thump and swallowed a big mouthful of saliva.

Chen Haixun went to see Jiang Yuwei, smiled and tore off a piece of roasted animal meat and handed it over.

Although Jiang Yuwei is young, she has also experienced many times in the sect. Some tasks are difficult and dangerous. Naturally, she doesn't care much about red tape. She grabs the palm sized barbecue and bites it hard.

Originally, Jiang Yuwei was ready to bear the greasy smell when she looked at the roast meat. Unexpectedly, she didn't feel greasy when she took a bite. There was a sweet smell of herbs at the entrance.

After swallowing hard, a wisp of hot medicine spread out from the lower abdomen. It was warm, which made Jiang Yuwei's injury extremely hot.

She chewed and smiled at Chen Hai. In an instant, she showed her youth. Even Chen Hai, who was used to her peerless appearance, was stunned by it.

Jiang Yuwei sent two pieces of meat of the same size into her abdomen, which stopped the greedy insect. She habitually flicked her fingers and a group of blisters gathered in the air. After cleaning, she reacted and said with a smile: "after all, she has recovered some accomplishments!"

At present, Chen Hai can only seize the body of the Black Skull devil and cultivate the body of the Black Skull devil as a flesh body. The magic pupil opens, and two Lavender fine awns sweep towards the eyebrows and hearts of Jiang Yuwei. He probes the condition of Jiang Yuwei's body at this time, nods and says: "There was nothing wrong with the body that day, but the spirit was badly hurt. At this time, it has gathered to read. Then I will teach you a set of divine cultivation skills, which may speed up the recovery of the spirit."

Jiang Yuwei was very happy. As a disciple of Wanxian mountain, she wanted to cultivate divine knowledge at the peak of the spirit realm. Naturally, she also practiced quite a lot of true formula Xuangong. However, she was only an external disciple at that time, and the level of true formula was relatively low. After that, she didn't save enough sect achievements to exchange for higher true formula of spiritual cultivation. She thought that it would take at least three or two years for the divine soul injury to recover, In a short time, it was impossible for Chen hai to become a true disciple. Unexpectedly, Chen Hai was born in a small domain sect and even had a more advanced true formula for cultivating God.

No matter what Jiang Yuwei thought, Chen Hai directly entered her knowledge of the sea by returning the nine yuan to the primary chapter of the true solution of God.

After Jiang Yuwei was full, she sat cross legged back to a corner of the cave and understood the true solution of nine yuan to God given by Chen Hai. Only two days later, she realized that the true solution of nine yuan to God was really much better than the true formula of spiritual cultivation she had been in contact with before. Even she could vaguely feel the existence of three souls and six souls among the bones and lungs.

We should know that this perception and induction is the prerequisite for cultivating the yuan God.

Chen Hai looked at Jiang Yuwei. In addition to the transformation of the root bone by the real dragon's saliva breath, her understanding was also quite good, so she stopped caring about her, and he practiced patiently.

The green scale devil, the divine guard, is extra powerful because of refining the spirit of the puppet. Although it has only been half a month, it can be said that it has reached the point of being like an arm and a finger, but there is no way to use it to show such exquisite skills as twelve cuts against the tide and magic steps of wind and thunder, not to mention cultivating the finger of intercepting the devil.

Chen Hai wanted to cultivate the God guard green scale devil and the Black Skull devil into an external separation, but he only needed the God guard green scale devil to open up the spirit sea and know the sea first, so as to get twice the result with half the effort. Otherwise, even if he reluctantly divided the yuan God and half the yuan God entered the body of the God guard green scale devil, he would decompose into incomplete three souls and six souls and integrate them into the bones and viscera, Next, we still have to practice the spiritual sea and know the sea step by step.

Compared with this, the most important thing for Chen Hai at present is to cultivate the body shed of the Black Skull devil and strive to achieve the unity of soul and flesh as soon as possible. Otherwise, both ends may not be able to get good. Although it is difficult to cultivate the separation of the Black Skull devil and achieve the unity of soul and flesh, the twelve spirit veins, the secret palace of the spirit sea and the sea are existing, and there is no need to practice again, As long as Chen Hai fully grasps the separation of the Black Skull devil, he may directly go to the cultivation pill.

Chen Hai sank into the spirit sea secret palace of the Black Skull devil.

In the spirit sea secret palace of the Black Skull devil, although the original life God of the Black Skull devil was not completely broken, it was also imprisoned by Chen Li. At this moment, Chen Hai's original life God hung in the spirit sea and waved to pop up purple lightning and thunder. The red true yuan sea in the spirit sea secret palace was quickly stained with a layer of bright purple, Then Zhenyuan in the body acupoints, orifices and spirit veins quickly surged up and rushed to the secret palace of Linghai.

Every day of the week, the bright purple is thick, which means that Chen Hai has more control over the body.

I don't know how many weeks it has been running, Chen Hai slowly opened his eyes. The original blood red eyes have been stained with a lot of wind and thunder.

Chen Hai sighed. Because the cave is too narrow, he can't show the secret form of martial arts. It's too early to achieve the unity of spirit and flesh. At present, he can only give full play to all the combat power of this demon body. It's impossible to continue his practice. He still has to find a way to return to the puppet separation in the future.

He looked at Jiang Yuwei in the corner of the cave and saw that Jiang Yuwei was sitting in danger. A milky fog puffed through her mouth and nose. She also recovered some accomplishments.

Bored, the yuan God moved and pulled the fragmented yuan God of the Black Skull devil to his eyes.

The power of breaking the secret phase of the devil is not so terrible. To be more accurate, the Black Skull devil is scared to death. At this time, although the yuan God of the Black Skull devil still has some divine knowledge fluctuations, he is not much better than an idiot. His memory is fragmented and can't find any useful information, but a large number of memory fragments point out that there is something strange underground in Beiling valley.

Chen Hai and nearly ten thousand blood refining disciples held Beiling Valley for more than a month last year, but they didn't find anything different. This information really puzzled Chen Hai.

While he was meditating, he suddenly found a chill coming from a distance. Chen Hai said it was bad. With a wave of his hand, a silent wave quickly spread out, covering him, Jiang Yuwei and Linghu.

Fortunately, the evil magic knowledge is only a large-scale search and is not limited to one point. Otherwise, even if Chen Hai recovers to the level of yuan God, it is difficult to hide the exploration of the existence of the demon marquis.

Jiang Yuwei soon woke up after her magic knowledge was swept away, but she saw her eyes open and a divine light hidden in her eyes.

Chen Hai explored with her divine sense. Jiang Yuwei's injury at the divine soul level has recovered 70% or 80%. It seems that the nine yuan return to God is really not weak.

Jiang Yuwei was unaware of what had just happened. She just said to Chen Hai happily, "Yanzhou is a small region. There is such a powerful true formula for cultivating God. Dare you ask, elder, what is the name of this true formula for cultivating God?"

"Nine yuan belongs to God!"

As soon as the six words came out of Chen Hai's mouth, Jiang Yuwei was also shocked: "the elder faxed the nine yuan of Liuyang palace to God?"

When Chen Haide Cangyi taught the true solution of nine yuan to God, he didn't say much. At this time, seeing Jiang Yuwei's appearance, it seems that the true solution of nine yuan to God is not simple. He asked, "what's the matter?"

"Unexpectedly, the inheritance of Liuyang palace has not been cut off..." Jiang Yuwei said with emotion.

Chen Haimei frowned and said: "I don't know what Liuyang palace is. The nine yuan belongs to God. It's just a true formula for cultivating God that I passed down from taiweizong in Yanzhou Shichuan for thousands of years. Listen to you, it may have been passed down from Xingheng domain in ancient times. Anyway, I'm forced by the situation to teach the secret method of the school to outsiders. It's against the laws and regulations of the school. Your cultivation is. Remember not to tell it to a third person I know. "

"Yuwei save it." Jiang Yuwei nodded.