Chapter 831

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
Ji Chengyun, the beloved daughter of the leader of Zhenjun, has great talents, but she is not arrogant. She is very popular with the Zhenjun of Wanxian mountain. However, when they stand in Baiyun platform, they don't know that Ji Chengyun, who is always a dragon without seeing the end, suddenly runs to Wanhua virtual world on this stubble.

However, Chen Hai could detect that when Ji Chengyun's imperial sword entered the realm of Wanhua emptiness, Qin Qian raised his eyebrows unconsciously. He looked like he was in love with adultery. He thought to himself, is it possible that Ji Chengyun had an affair with Qin Qian?

Ji Chengyun set foot on the Baiyun platform, first saluted Qin Hushan, Jiang Yin and Yu Cang, and then said hello to Qin Qian: "elder martial brother Qin, why didn't you go to yuhengfeng to find me when you came to Wanxian mountain in your spare time today?"

Qin Qian said with a gentle smile: "my ancestors heard that Jiang Zhenjun had recently accepted a true disciple and came to celebrate. Everyone talked about speculation and wanted to have a competition. Younger martial sister came at the right time to witness the competition between me and younger martial brother Chen."

Jiang Han's words that day had left Chen Hai a preconceived bad impression in Ji Chengyun's heart. After coming over, she smiled with others, but turned a blind eye to Chen Hai.

After she left Xianfu that day, she didn't let Chen Hai go. She always sent someone to secretly stare at the movement of daozen peak.

Although Jiang He argued that Chen Hai was a bandit as a last resort, Sha Tianhe and Yang Yin were horse thieves and pirates who had killed people in mozhangling and fusanghai for decades or even centuries. Now both of them have taken refuge in Chen Hai, and Ji Chengyun doesn't believe that Chen Hai is innocent.

However, Sha Tianhe, Yang Yin, Zhu Mingwei, Wei and Han dynasties all received an amnesty for their meritorious service. Ji Chengyun did not take the blood case committed by Sha Tianhe and yang yin and hold Chen Hai.

Ji Chengyun rushed to the realm of Wanhua emptiness to meet Qin Qian. She heard that Qin Qian had a competition with Chen Hai. Zesi did not hide her disdain. She glanced at Chen Hai. It seemed that Chen Hai had been beaten by Qin Qian and looked for his teeth. She said to Qin Qian, "the younger martial sister is waiting to see elder martial brother Qin show his power."

Jiang Yin and Yu Cang smiled at each other and didn't say anything. They didn't know where to catch a long case and asked Ji Chengyun to sit down and watch the war.

When Qin Qian turned over with one hand, a blue war gun was in his hand. The length of the war gun and the anti thunder halberd seemed like gold, wood and wood. I didn't know what to make. The gun blade with a length of feet revealed the green color when the gun rod turned over in Qin Qian's hand, and finally condensed into a green dragon virtual shadow wrapped around the gun rod.

"This is the wooden magic gun Qin Qian became famous for. It's a quasi Taoist weapon level. It's a little better than your anti thunder halberd. Moreover, Qin Qian has practiced the green dragon Chen wooden formula of Yuanyang sect since he was a child. He used it in combination with the anti dragon gun formula and the wooden magic gun. Even if it's better than senior brother Lei Zhen, he was defeated by his gun. You should be careful!" although Jiang He was only in the middle of the cultivation of daodan territory, But he knows the strong of the younger generation in the northwest region like the back of his hand. At this time, he doesn't forget to remind Chen Hai.

Qin Qian stepped into the air, hovered over a hundred feet high, raised his hand to Chen Hai and said, "senior brother Chen, please."

"Don't be polite, younger martial brother Qin!" Chen Hai said with a smile.

With Ji Chengyun on his side, Qin Qian didn't argue with Chen Hai. As soon as his hands shook, the wooden magic gun in his hand stabbed at Chen Hai's door, and the surrounding atmosphere surged. At this moment, he was affected by the wooden magic gun in Jiang Qian's hand, turned into a ferocious roaring wind dragon, and rolled wildly towards Chen Hai.

Chen Hai Hung in the air, and his Taoist robe was rolled up to make a sound of hunting. Even if the wind dragon devoured people, the anti thunder halberd had turned into a overlapping halberd shadow in his hand, like a lonely tower left behind, which stood in front of the wind dragon, so that the wind dragon, which affected the clouds everywhere, could not destroy it.

Ji Chengyun was slightly moved. Unexpectedly, Chen Hai could still dissolve the wind and dragon power of Qin Qian's green dragon gun formula!

Jiang he stared nervously at the battlefield in the air. Since Qin Qian was born, he has practiced the top Xuangong true method of Yuanyang sect. He even quenched his body with secret medicine in his womb. It is said that his biological mother died of a violent illness when Qin Qian was born.

Jiang He believes that Chen Hai will never be weaker than Qin Qian over time. However, Chen Haigang has just joined the master for a few months, and the top martial arts and unique skills of Wanxian mountain have not had the opportunity to practice. At this time, it seems that Chen Hai and Qin Qian are in the early stage of Taoism, but the foundation of Taoism is much worse than Qin Qian.

Jiang Yin, Qin Hushan and Yu Cang are three real kings, but they are all light hearted.

Even Qin Hushan is not impatient. He knows that since Jiang Yin asked Chen hai to fight, he must have expectations for Chen Hai. Where can he be easily defeated?

However, Qin Hushan believes that the victory must finally belong to qian'er: no matter how talented Chen Hai is, Jiang Yin can also be called a great master, but Chen Hai has only been under Jiang Yin's door for a few months, and how many true stories can he get from Jiang Yin?

In the past, in order to control the overall situation, Chen Hai can no longer be as selfless as he was at the beginning, so that he is cultivating. However, in this level of melee fighting, the basic halberd style has no power at all. In front of Qin Qian's offensive with the momentum of destroying the sky and the earth, Chen Hai is like a lonely cliff that will be destroyed at any time, Just barely stood in fury for a while.

However, Chen Hai completely aroused his fighting instinct, and the speed of improvisation was too fast. Qin Qian just caught a flaw, but before he spread the offensive completely, Chen Hai often had unexpected means to turn the crisis into safety, curb Qin Qian's offensive and delay the war.

"You disciple can hold on until now. It's a pity that he has just joined Wanxian mountain and hasn't had the opportunity to practice the strongest halberd technique of Wanxian mountain. It's doomed that he won't be qian'er's enemy!" Qin Hushan said after the war.

Yu Cang knew the meaning of Qin Hushan. The realm of cultivation is one thing, and the majestic and vigorous magic power of Lingyuan is the same thing. Even the true meaning of the Tao is strong, but in the end, whether it is sword, martial arts or martial arts, it needs the corresponding magic skills to be displayed in order to turn into real combat power.

Not to mention the true meaning of the Tao, Qin Qian's cultivation of Qinglong chenmu Jue and inverse dragon spear Jue since he was a child is a unique true dharma Jue that has entered the list of mysterious secrets of the country. As long as he can control, or even just cultivate the inverse dragon spear to the level of six or seven, he can almost stimulate all the combat potential that should be in the early stage of the Tao embryo.

Seeing Chen Hai's moves, Yu Cang obviously hasn't practiced the unique martial arts matching the Taoist fetal environment. How can he win Qin Qian?

Although the battle seemed to be just a battle to guard the position of long history under the general's house, it was also another challenge to Jiang Yin's authority.

If Jiang Yin can't plan for a small long history position guarding the general's house, why should others continue to support Jiang Yin's power in the general's house of Zhu state in the northwest region?

Yu Cang looked worried.

Jiang Yin's face was still as calm as water, which seemed to have nothing to do with the outcome of the competition. He smiled and said to Yu Cang and Jiang He behind him:

"All Chen Hai's moves at this time are unique martial arts skills that can be cultivated and mastered by the disciples of daodan realm and even Mingqiao realm, but when you see him changing, he is closer to pure martial arts. In particular, you see that he sometimes has a great contrast between the front and back potential. According to ordinary martial arts, this is a great flaw. However, you see that Chen Hai can often use one or two extremely simple changes of potential, which makes him very angry Qin qian can't catch the flaw. This change is closer to the pure martial arts... "

Jiang Yin knows that with the power of Qin Hushan, even if he can't see it at this time, he can understand the mystery afterwards. Therefore, he also directly comments on the competition between Chen Hai and Qin Qian, hoping that Jiang He can understand more from it.

At that time, in the underground Yan Lake Cave of the blood refining field, Jiang He and his disciples had no spiritual power to consume. They were forced to practice martial arts with Jiang Qing and practiced hard on the first floor of the Yan Lake God tower for two or three years, so that they finally got out of trouble.

However, after they got out of trouble and returned to the sect, they all tried their best to attack the Taoist pill, and then practiced the Xuanfa and true formula in the sect that matched the Taoist pill realm, leaving behind the simple martial arts taught by Jiang Qing, which seemed to be practiced by low-level disciples below the spirit realm.

Jiang He didn't expect that the secret form of basic martial arts taught to them by Jiang Qing was the part closer to pure martial arts commented by master Jiang Yin at this time!

Qin Hushan didn't care about Jiang Yin's words at first. He thought that Jiang Yin's words were just to disturb qian'er's mind, but the fight lasted three hours. Qin Qian couldn't beat Chen Hai down. Qin Hushan's eyes stared in the air and never turned away for a moment