Chapter 832

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
The competition on the Baiyun platform stirred up the clouds hundreds of miles around in the Wanhua virtual territory.

Ji Chengyun sat next to Jiang Yin and was stunned.

With her strength, we can naturally see that Qin Qian's strength is a little higher than Chen Hai, but we didn't expect that Chen Hai couldn't be knocked down in a short time, but was dragged into a hard struggle by Chen Hai.

In close combat, the consumption of Lingyuan mana is relatively small, and Chen Hai and Qin Qian are both in the state of Tao, and Lingyuan mana is extremely magnificent. On the one hand, on the other hand, they can quickly swallow the full aura in wanhuaxu to make up for the consumption. Therefore, Chen Hai and Qin Qian fought with spears and halberds for nearly three hours, and both sides were still fierce and did not feel tired.

Qin Hushan was also extremely shocked at this time. Unexpectedly, Chen Hai inspired his fighting instinct and was able to use some simple changes closer to the essence of martial arts to make up for the huge gap between the unique martial arts skills of daotaijing and Mingqiao.

However, Qin Hushan was shocked and calmly told Jiang Yin: "This disciple of yours is indeed beyond my expectation, but in the end, he still can not escape defeat. However, even if he finally wins, it will be a bit tricky. The wooden gun was made from a purple dragon mulberry tree planted in Yuanyang when he was in Yuanyang. After that, he was made into a gun, and the purple heart sang had been made into a gun, but he could swallow the essence of the sun and the moon and turn it into grass and essence. This gun has been over twenty years, and it has been a human gun. It is a close fight with the enemy. Every hour and moment, the blood and blood are nourished by the essence of the wood gun. Even if it is three days and three nights, it will not be enough to rest. If you can not support this pupil for three days and three nights, "

Qin Hushan competed with Jiang Yin for the benefit of words, but secretly, in addition to shaking Chen Hai's confidence, he also saw that Qin Qianzhan had been somewhat impetuous by this time. He said this to awaken Qin Qian.

After hearing this, Qin Qian also calmed his mind and restrained the overly wild offensive, and planned to fight with Chen Hai.

Although Jiang He is inferior to Qin Qian, he is the son of everyone and has practiced in front of Jiang Yin for several years. He also has some eyesight, so he secretly feels that Qin Hushan is too shameless.

However, Qin Hushan is the head of a sect. Although Jiang He is not ashamed of his words and deeds, he does not dare to be rude in front of Jiang Yin. He just anxiously looks at the battlefield in the air and thinks that if the battle really makes Qin Qian shamelessly delay, if Chen Hai refuses to take pills to make up for the consumption of Qi, blood and spirit yuan in the middle of the war, won't he be consumed by Qin Qian in the end?

Jiang Yin was indifferent, and seemed not to care about the victory or defeat of the competition. After all, sometimes a perfect match and a hearty battle would be of great benefit to the cultivation of both sides. What if he lost?

Can we compete for a small long history position in yantaiguan?

The people below have bright eyes, but the two sides in the sky are another feeling.

Qin Qian's cultivation of the anti dragon spear formula has entered the seventh level. Even if he meets the peerless strong man in the first level of heaven, he has the confidence to compete for men and women, but he didn't expect that three hours later, he had nothing to do with Chen Hai.

Qin Qian naturally listened to his grandfather Qin Hushan's words and restrained his mind of being too eager to win, but he was unwilling after all.

After all, just as his grandfather Qin Hushan said, even if he won in the end, he won by virtue of the miraculous wooden magic gun.

Chen Hai turned a deaf ear to Qin Hushan's words.

Don't mention the unique martial arts in Taijing. Chen Hai hasn't practiced even the unique martial arts in the middle and later stages of daodan territory.

The halberd formula of splitting the sky and the twelve cuts against the tide were all created by Chen Hai's unique martial arts skills born under the daodan territory of Yanzhou. Although it can also be said that he won the talents of many families, Chen Hai failed to create a unique martial arts skill that really surpassed the daodan territory, which is indeed his biggest disadvantage.

However, just like this, Chen Hai can more deeply understand the subtle essence of the secret form of martial arts, which is closer to the origin of martial arts. He just wantonly and majestically incorporated what he had learned and realized into the battle halberd.

The sword meaning of heaven and earth mountains and rivers, the true meaning of great destruction, the true meaning of wind and thunder, the true meaning of angry tide, the true meaning of wind and cloud, and the true meaning of burning the prairie were overlapped in his mind and rushed into a selfless state. The true meaning of Tao was induced by the yuan Sha of heaven and earth. The faint thunder light, the wind and cloud like the raging tide, and clusters of flames like the red lotus of annihilation were frequently driven by the anti thunder war halberd, which made some of his moves seem extremely powerful The simple halberd move showed a frightening momentum. At least Qin Qian had no way to suppress Chen Hai with his anti dragon gun.

Qin Hushan seems calm, but the waves are surging in his heart. Yu Cangzhen is also secretly surprised.

In their realm, it is normal to understand the true meaning of a variety of Tao. For example, Qin Qian, who can become the favorite of Yuanyang sect, must also master a variety of true meanings. Among them, there must be the supreme true meaning of the top three products, so that he can be juxtaposed with Lei Zhen, Ji Chengyun and others and become one of the top ten young people in the northwest region.

Although Yu Cangzhen can only guess the true meaning of the Tao mastered by Chen Hai from the various manifestations, and can not directly enter the sea to see the true meaning of Chen Hai, he is also shocked by the complexity and depth of the true meaning mastered by Chen Hai.

Ji Chengyun's pretty face is slightly cold. She can feel Qin Qian's reluctance.

By this time, everyone present could see that if Qin Qian didn't rely on the wooden magic gun, and if he didn't have other unique skills at the bottom of the box to directly beat Chen Hai down, he would not be able to last in this martial arts competition.

Even if Qin Qian could win in the end, he would be invincible.

However, even if it is invincible, Ji Chengyun hopes Qin qian can win and firmly believes that Qin qian can win.

After all, anyone who can see it can see that in the past four hours, the essence of blood in Chen Hai has been consumed too much. The cheeks are thinner than when they are fighting, and the green veins on their arms are more ferocious. Ji Yun Yun believes that the one or two time should be tested. Jiang Yin should stop the test. Otherwise, Chen Hai will last until the end. A powerless end.

Qin Qian absorbed the plant essence continuously bred by the wood magic gun, which was equivalent to refining the medicine power of the essence pill all the time. It was even a hundred times higher than the efficiency of directly taking it to make up for the consumption of Qi and blood, so that he looked radiant and handsome at this time.

"Stop..." Yu Cangzhen couldn't bear it. If Chen Hai consumed too much blood, he might hurt his life yuan and Daoji. At this time, he couldn't help but make a voice to persuade Jiang Yin to stop the competition.

At this time, although Chen Hai was defeated, he was still glorious. At least among the young generation in the northwest region, no one can stop paying attention to Chen Hai.

Yu Cangzhen could see that the fierce battle lasted for four hours. The halberd in Chen Hai's hand revealed more and more strong Taoist rhyme, indicating that Chen Hai benefited greatly from the close battle; Even Yu Cangzhen can see that he is constantly integrating the sword idea of heaven and earth, mountains and rivers into the battle halberd, making the battle halberd in his hand have a momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers. If he didn't need a wooden magic gun, Chen Hai would definitely turn defeat into victory in the end.

"Thank you, martial uncle, but Chen Hai can fight!" Chen Hai shouted in mid air.

It is rare for him to have such a chance to play so well. Only a close battle can fully stimulate his combat potential. Moreover, he is so close to understanding the mysterious golden puppet's amazing magic opportunity. How can he be willing to stop?

If you want to stop, you should also seize the magic opportunity of the Xuanjin puppet's stab. It's not too late to stop again.

Next, Chen Hai integrated more stab fighting potential into the halberd and tried more changes, which also made Chen Hai's previously convergent offensive suddenly violent. The halberd shadow rolled forward layer by layer like a raging tide, causing Qin Qian to retreat step by step.

Qin Hushan was also slightly shocked when he saw this scene. Unexpectedly, at this time, Chen Hai could seize the offensive and put Qin Qian at a disadvantage, but he would only think that Chen Hai was the end of a powerful crossbow, but he just fought again at the end to force Qin Qian to reveal his flaws.

However, as the competition continued, Qin Hushan gradually saw that something was wrong.

Chen Hai more and more integrates the simplest Zan stab into the attack like landslide and tsunami, and even eliminates other changes in the end, that is, simply Zan stab attack and integrate into the true meaning of different Tao, so that the simple Zan stab has hundreds of mysterious and subtle changes and tastes in Chen Hai's hands.

Thorn, roll the wind and cloud.

Thorns, like a raging tide.

Stab, affect thunder and light.

Stab, tear down the sky and break the earth.

Thorn, red lotus flame shadow.

Thorn, vibrant.

Thorn, wind rolling wilderness.

Thorns, such as pouring rain.

Qin Hushan's face was shocked. Jiang Yin said that the halberd in Chen Hai's hand was closer to pure martial arts. He didn't care at first, but he didn't think that the simple stab could change so much in the hands of martial arts rookies below the heaven level.

Is this really Jiang Yingang's disciple?

Qin Hushan would not be surprised if Chen Hai had great talent and had been practicing under Jiang Yin's door all the time. However, he got the news that Jiang Yin had been a disciple of the door and had only been a scattered practitioner before. All this would be amazing in front of him.

Is it true that there are mountains outside the mountain, there are days outside the sky, and there are geniuses outside the genius?

No matter what Qin Hushan thinks, Chen Hai's fighting spirit is more and more majestic and happy. The anti thunder halberd seems to be completely turned into a part of his body, which makes him feel that even the simple stabbing also contains the most essential truth of the road, and makes him crazy to present the most essential side of the road in front of the world.

He completely entered the realm of selflessness. There was nothing else in his heart and eyes except fighting, saving thorns, fighting and saving thorns. He even didn't notice that the sky outside the Wanhua virtual realm was changing quietly.

"...." Yu Cangzhen looked at the thunder clouds gathering and tore open the protective array of Wanhua virtual environment. He was so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

"Boulevard thunder robbery! How could it be that a competition should trigger Boulevard thunder robbery!" Ji Chengyun stood up and opened Da Tan's lips, which could almost fill a whole egg, and muttered to herself in disbelief.

"Fool, wake up soon, you're making a big noise!" Jiang Yin saw this scene and shot a dark light at the back of Chen Hai's head. At this time, he had to stop the competition. Otherwise, let Chen Hai stab out the stab in his mind, and the avenue thunder robbery will be completely formed. With Chen Hai's cultivation at this time, he will be blown to ashes by the avenue thunder robbery, There is no possibility of stepping into the space.

Chen Hai suddenly woke up and retreated madly. He saw Qin Qian still hanging in the air, looking like he was going to be beaten and crying. He turned back and asked Jiang Yin, "master, I lost?"

"You lost, come down!" Jiang Yin interrupted the competition. Of course, he lost.

"Jiang Yin, who was robbing in the Wanhua virtual world, and how did he end up halfway?" at this time, a figure in blue was condensed out of thin air over the Wanhua virtual world, and asked Jiang Yin.

Although the figure is condensed out of thin air, the eyes are bright and bright, just like the real person here.

"I'm the new disciple to teach immortal Zhang. The competition with Qin Qian, Qin Zhenjun's direct grandson, almost triggered a thunder robbery. I don't want to disturb immortal Zhang's Qingxiu." Jiang Yin Yili replied.