Chapter 833

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su

At first hearing Jiang Yin's words, Ji Jiangye, the immortal leader of Wanxian mountain, was also surprised. At this moment, the projection of his yuan fetus over the Wanhua virtual world immediately complicated his facial expression, and arched his hand at Qin Hushan,

"But I want to congratulate Qin Zhenjun. Unexpectedly, there will be another Tianwei Zhenjun after 600 years of Yuanyang sect!"

Qin Hushan knew that Ji Jiangye didn't deliberately run him with words. It was a real misunderstanding, but his old face turned red. Qi Aiai didn't know how to explain to Ji Jiangye that he was their true disciple of Wanxian mountain. He touched the origin of the avenue in the competition just now, which almost led to the thunder robbery of the avenue.

Qin Hushan has an old heart and is going crazy with jealousy. Why didn't qian'er touch the origin of the avenue, and why didn't yuanyangzong have such dazzling disciples?

In recent years, Yu Cang has risen up in Wanxian mountain. Unexpectedly, there will be another Tianwei Zhenjun who is good at cultivating martial arts. How unfair this world treats Yuanyang sect!

Qin Hushan shouted depressed in his heart.

Chen Hai experienced this war thinned to the bone and blood, and the body was so bloated that the body of the robe was bloated, and there was no way to bring the strong character of the great thunder to the extreme. In contrast, although Qin Qian was finally suppressed by Chen Haishan's angry attack like a tsunami, with the help of the magic of zhundao baomu magic gun, he did not suffer a great loss of Qi and blood. In addition to a look of crying without tears, he was much more handsome than Chen Haifeng at this time.

However, Ji Jiangye's congratulations almost made Qin Qian cry.

Ji Jiangye was sneaking in the Tianyin Pavilion and was shocked by the thunder robbery suddenly launched over the Wanhua virtual realm, so he gathered the virtual shadow to ask.

However, the competition between Chen Hai and Qin Qian was conducted in the void of Wanhua. Ji Jiangye didn't know the details. Therefore, after listening to Jiang Yin's words, he naturally recognized that he was the direct grandson of Qin Hushan and that Qin Qian, who was regarded as the most promising to enter the heaven in the past 600 years of Yuanyang sect, touched the origin of the avenue in the competition, which triggered a thunder robbery.

At this moment, Qin Hushan and Qin Qian's reaction immediately made Ji Jiangye realize that he guessed wrong, and his eyes were surprised to sweep Chen Hai.

Jiang Yin accepted Chen Hai as his disciple. Although he did not hold a grand ceremony, Ji Jiangye knew it.

After all, there are more than 200 true disciples of the seven veins of Wanxian mountain. As a leader immortal, Ji Jiangye would be incompetent if he didn't even know about one more true disciple.

Moreover, although the pregnancy theft case did not set off a greater wave, it also caused Ji Jiangye a headache for several months. How could he have no knowledge of Chen Hai, the initiator of the pregnancy theft case?

Just as Jiang Jin has doubts about Chen Hai's identity, Ji Jiangye also feels that Chen Hai's origin is unknown, but Jiang Yin insists on bringing Chen Hai into the door. Ji Jiangye can't jump out and obstruct a true disciple, but he never thought that such a disciple who has just been a beginner for a few months should touch the origin of the avenue in all quite casual martial arts competitions with Qin Qian, Almost triggered a thunder robbery on the Avenue!!

Touching the origin of the road means that the understanding of the true meaning of the road has entered a previous and future realm, which is not essentially different from the true king of the heaven position realm. It also means that if you practice step by step, you will inevitably step into the heaven position realm as long as the physical body and the life magic weapon are strong enough to resist the thunder of the road one day.

Touching the origin of the Tao is even more qualified to be called the existence of the quasi heaven state than those who are strong at the peak of the Tao fetal state.

Yes, at this time, Wanxian mountain has more than 200 true disciples, and there are more strong people who have cultivated the Tao fetal environment, almost as many as 600 or 700. But how many people can really hope to break through?

Wanxian mountain rose from the third rate sect gate tens of thousands of years ago to the largest in the northwest region. In tens of thousands of years, less than 30 Tianwei exist around Wanxian mountain, including the fallen Tianwei Zhenjun.

That means that only after an average of three or four hundred years in Wanxian mountain can a disciple survive the thunder robbery and become a true king.

From this, we can see how important the existence of a quasi heaven environment that touches the origin of the avenue is to the significance of the zongmen.

Based on the details of Wanxian mountain at this time, it can almost ensure that Chen Hai will step into the heaven realm within 100 years and add another real king of heaven realm to Wanxian mountain. This is definitely a once-in-a-century event in Wanxian mountain, which already has 19 real kings.

"Good, good, good!" although the sky over Wanhua virtual land is only the projection of Ji Jiangye's spirit, it seems that his eyes contain the power of penetrating people's hearts. He is also happy that Wanxian mountain can have such a young disciple rising.

At this moment, several rainbow shadows flew towards the Wanhua virtual realm. When Jiang Jin and other Zhenjun saw the Tianyin Pavilion thousands of miles away, they directly projected it and came forward to salute Ji Jiangye.

Jiang Jin and other Zhenjun's cave is around. They also feel that there is another avenue thunder robbery in Wanhua virtual realm, but they can't guess who is on the edge of breakthrough in the sect. They disappear when they see that the avenue thunder robbery hasn't finally formed. They can't help but be curious and come to Wanhua virtual realm to ask what happened. Unexpectedly, it was a martial arts competition between two disciples in the early stage of the Tao fetal realm, It almost caused a thunderstorm on the avenue.

"...." Jiang Jin looked into Chen Hai's eyes and revealed his hesitation, but now there was a quasi heaven in the Jade Emperor peak. He just stood there quietly and accepted the congratulations of other real kings.

"..." Qin Hushan looked at Chen Hai with a complicated look, and said to Ji Jiangye and Jiang Yin, "it's not early, so I won't bother several Taoist friends today......" he stretched out his hand to attract qingluan, took Qin Qian and several other accompanying disciples, stepped into qingluan's broad back, and flew to the southwest and beyond Wanxian mountain.

"Why did Chen Hai and Qin Qian fight and finally make such a big noise?" Ji Jiangye asked about the details of today's fight without Qin Hushan, an outsider.

"At first, I planned to recommend Chen hai to serve in Yantai pass army. I didn't want Qin Hushan to have a hard time with me. I made an appointment for this competition to decide whether to give up the post of Yantai pass director Shi." speaking of this reason, Jiang Yin can't cry or laugh.

"..." Ji Jiangye was quite speechless and said, "since you stopped the competition, it's our side that conceded defeat. Qin Qian wants to take the post of Yantai Customs Commissioner Shi, so let them go. Chen Hai's top priority is to sneak in the door of the Pope, strive to break through the Tao tire as soon as possible and add another real tiger general to Wanxian mountain!"

Ji Jiangye made such an arrangement. Other people were afraid that they would run forward to thank Ji Jiangye with gratitude, but Chen Hai thought that he would really listen to Ji Jiangye's arrangement. From then on, he would shut down and repair in Wanxian mountain. After a hundred years, when he stepped into heaven and came out, the Yellow cauliflower in Yanzhou would be completely cool.

"Chen Hai has been wandering outside his place for years and has nothing to rely on. He has also formed the habit of struggling to sharpen his heart and understand the meaning of Tao," Chen Hai, regardless of whether Ji Jiangye likes it or not, went forward to salute Ji Jiangye, "Chen Haiming feels the love of the leader Zhenjun, but if Chen Hai from now on, close the door of his sect and enjoy the worship of thousands of disciples, there will be no repeated honing on the edge of life and death, and there will be no record of the sadness and joy of the world. Even if he can touch the origin of the Tao again one day and lead thunder to rob and quench the foetus, it will be only a small way, not the road in Chen Hai's heart..."

On other occasions, Jiang Jin would have denounced Chen Hai's arrogance in front of the real leader, but Chen Hai had just become a Taoist child, and had already touched the origin of the road and become a quasi heaven. They were far above them in those years, and they were indeed qualified for arrogance.

There is a quasi heaven environment less than 100 years old. For thousands of years in the northwest region, it may not be able to gather enough hands!

Ji Jiangye was slightly stunned. Unexpectedly, Chen Hai didn't want to stay in zongmen for latent cultivation and make every effort to prepare for the breakthrough of Tianwei state.

You should know that to add another true monarch to the sect, he plans to give Chen Hai a Taoist instrument to be sacrificed as his life magic weapon, so that he can successfully cross the road thunder robbery in a hundred years.

Ji Jiangye looked at Jiang Yin. Since Chen Hai is Jiang Yin's new disciple, how to arrange it finally depends on Jiang Yin's meaning.

"Apart from the vacancy of long history, yantaiguan also lacks a Sima to join the army. Chen Hai lost the post of long history to Qin Qian, but I believe Qin Hushan is embarrassed to send another disciple of yuanyangzong to compete with Chen Hai for the post of Sima to join the army," Jiang Yin said to Ji Jiangye, "Chen Haiwu's way has the charm of golden iron horse. Let him experience in the army and help him understand a higher level of road!"

"OK," Ji Jiangye also respected Jiang Yin's opinion, no longer insisted on leaving Chen Hai for latent cultivation in the sect, and then said to the people, "Qin Hushan loves falsehood and reality, has a good face, and should not take the initiative to tell about today's competition. You should also remember not to publicize it, so as not to fall into the ears of the demons..."

Wanxian mountain, yuanyangzong and xuanhuang hall have jointly supported the military and political pattern in the northwest region. Although they have also fought fiercely openly and secretly, they have generally been able to live in peace over the years.

When it comes to the sharp opposition and hatred between the human and demon races in this continent for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years, as long as there is a chance, there is no need to fight.

Therefore, Chen Hai is determined to work in the army. Ji Jiangye can't let people deliberately highlight Chen Hai's position, otherwise these fall into the eyes of the powerful demons, which may be more unfavorable to Chen Hai!