Chapter 839

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
Deep in the sea area twenty or thirty thousand miles away from the southwest of Jiujun country, this moment is being shrouded by a thunder storm covering a thousand miles. The huge storm connects the sky and earth, rolling up hundreds of millions of tons of sea water, like a black giant pillar hovering between heaven and earth.

In the deep sea, fish, shrimp and sea animals are constantly sucked into the air by the wind column, torn to pieces, and then thrown out from the edge of the wind column and scattered on the surging sea surface.

Thunder pillars almost split the world.

The storm didn't know how long it lasted. Not only did it show no signs of dissipating, but its scope was even expanding. In the depths of the storm sea area, a huge ship with shining light was breaking the waves. Even if the thunder pillars that could blow out the whale fell on the gray light, they stood still.

At this time, several people standing in the bow of the giant boat are Chen Hai, Zhou Wanqing, Zuo Er, Chiyuan and the Red Army.

Chen Hai personally rushed to Shuyu palace to invite Zhou Wanqing. Zhou Wanqing just made a simple arrangement. Except that several people, including national leader Zhou Bin and Zhou Yunshan, knew that Zhou Wanqing was out (and didn't know what Zhou Wanqing was going to do), almost everyone in Shuyu palace thought that Zhou Wanqing was closed for latent cultivation.

Zhou Wanqing quietly sneaked out of Shuyu palace with Chen Hai and joined her left ear. After leaving the nine prefectures, she summoned a Bihai treasure boat and sailed to Zhubi reef.

About two thousand miles away from Zhubi reef, Zhou Wanqing reduced the Bihai treasure boat to three feet and put it into the storage ring.

When the Bihai treasure ship was completely restored to its original shape, it was almost tens of millions of kilograms heavy. Zhou Wanqing tried her best not to sacrifice the Bihai treasure ship as instructed by her arm, but it was strange to say that the Bihai treasure ship was collected as a three foot boat, but it could be directly loaded into the storage ring and taken away with her.

Chen Hai and his entourage arrived at Zhubi reef. Originally, they didn't need a boat. They flew directly close to the sea. Not only was it faster, but their whereabouts were also more hidden. However, considering that Chen Hai had to use this time to further sacrifice and refine the heaven tower, they took the Bihai treasure boat to go on their way.

Before they reached Zhubi reef, Chen Hai and his team dived into the seabed and touched the Bizhu legacy mansion under the boundless sea water of Zhubi reef, and then entered the Bihai scenic spot from the Tianyu channel in Bizhu legacy mansion.

Seeing that Chen Hai had only been away for three or four years, he returned to Bihai scenic spot again. There were two more strangers behind him. Mo Zhai was somewhat surprised.

However, if Chen Haizhen wants to have any conspiracy, as long as he uses the array to close the channel in the sky, so that the gengyang golden thunder array can't borrow the aura of heaven and earth from the Xingheng domain, the Mojiao family will have to be caught at a loss. There's really no need to spend more twists and turns.

So after seeing Chen Hai, Mo Zhai immediately released gengyang Jinlei array and let Chen Hai and others in.

Chen Hai left the Bihai scenic spot only a few years ago, and two ink Jiaos were bred in the Bihai scenic spot.

However, even though these Mojiao had the strength of Mingqiao territory at birth, they could not play any role in completely suppressing Qinchuan, just like Chiyuan and the Red Army.

Chen Hai and Mo Zhai discussed that they would arrange Chiyuan, the Red Army and the five Mojiao who had not even completed the demon pill to enter Zhubi cave first, master the Dharma array entering the Bihai scenic spot from the other end, and completely seal the passage of the heaven, so as not to make too much noise when they suppress Qinchuan, so that other exotic animals in bihaisheng have the opportunity to escape into the Xingheng domain.

In that case, the secret of bihaisheng may be leaked to Xingheng domain.

Although Mo Zhai hasn't left the Bihai scenic spot since he opened his wisdom, he has served zhubizhenjun for thousands of years. He also knows that the Zhou people on Jiujun island are actually the remnant children of Qunxian sect, and Zhou Wanqing can even be said to be the second disciple of zhubizhenjun.

So after knowing Zhou Wanqing's identity, Mo poked her very respectfully.

Zhou Wanqing recently learned all this from Chen Hai. When she entered the snow field and saw the blue sea, she was also very shocked. She didn't expect that there was such a place hidden so close to Jiujun island.

Entering the blue sea, the momentum of the left ear also soared.

He didn't say much, so he just followed his breath and flew to the eye of gengyang golden thunder array, where Qinchuan was reluctantly suppressed by the big array.

Looking at the thunder prison cages composed of golden thunder columns, Qinchuan's appearance seems to have changed little, but Chen Hai, who touched the origin of the avenue, can obviously feel that Qinchuan has a much stronger breath than a few years ago. It is obvious that Qinchuan has secretly accumulated some strength in the past few years.

Several people just stood still, and Qin Chuan opened his eyes.

As soon as Chen Hai touched his eyes, he felt a flutter in the soul, as if there was a bottomless black hole in his eyes, which could attract people's souls.

Chen Hai knew that this was the embodiment of Qin Chuan's practice of disillusionment to the extreme. He was not busy and resolved Qin Chuan's charm to his divine soul with nine yuan.

Qin Chuan didn't succeed, but he didn't think so. He snorted coldly and said slowly: "You bastard, in just a few years, you were lucky enough to become a Yuantai, which is also a genius of Tianzong. However, do you think you can defeat me by taking two places in the first place? I have carefully calculated that the gengyang golden thunder array can withstand two animal tide attacks at most, and will collapse completely at that time. After I go out of Qinchuan, I will train your Yuantai into a magic puppet, Put it into the nine day demon flame to burn all ages, so that you can't live or die. Don't worry, I have enough means to continue your consciousness. Then you will find that death is the best punishment. "

Qin Chuan said it firmly and insidiously. Naturally, he thought that Zhou Wanqing and left ear couldn't help him, but unfortunately, he didn't recognize left ear at first.

After Qin Chuan finished, his left ear said with a smile: "even if Zhiyun Zhenjun has been besieged for tens of thousands of years, his determination is still the same as that of that year. If he is really worthy of being the candidate who was most expected to take over Zong Zhenjun in Xuanyuan Shangdian that year."

Chen Hai, who practiced the secret of Liuyang sect that day, finally went back to help the demons, which made Qin Chuan guess that earth shaking changes had taken place in Xingheng domain and that Liuyang Palace should no longer exist. This made the true dharma and mysterious formula of Liuyang palace spread, and Chen Hai was not a disciple of Liuyang palace.

However, as soon as Chen Hai left for several years, he reappeared, and there was an old old man around him. He even seemed to know his details. This made Qin Chuan frown for a moment, and his dark pupil was shining faintly, looking at his left ear.

Seeing Qin Chuan's face serious, his left ear sneered and said, "Qin Chuan, you don't have to look at it more. I'm the Dharma protector of Liuyang palace. I want to come to Qin Chuan. Even if you've been imprisoned here for thousands of years, you should still have some impression on me."

As soon as he heard the name of his left ear, Qin Chuan's pupil Mou ran contracted. He couldn't stop and improved his strength. Although it was only a slight fluctuation, it still caused the counterattack of gengyang golden thunder array. In a moment, thousands of lightning whip condensed by lightning beat Qin Chuan.

The dense thunder and lightning completely shrouded Qinchuan's body.

After tea, gengyang golden thunder array calmed down, and Qin Chuan was completely blackened. At the same time, the light of gengyang golden thunder array was also dimmed by two points.

"Zuo Dharma protector, how did you find me? Is this boy your disciple?" Qin Chuan's eyes narrowed slightly and stared at his left ear's face.

"When the Liuyang palace was destroyed, you were imprisoned here for a long time. You should have no idea about the rebellion of Xuanyuan Shangdian. But you seem to be very surprised that I am still alive. There is no joy or even fear about me. It seems that I guessed wrong. It seems that the rebellion of Xuanyuan Shangdian is not a temporary idea, but your Xuanyuan Shangdian planned for a long time Startling conspiracy, "said the left ear, staring at Qin Chuan's face, word by word," Qin Chuan, do you think I'm right? "

Qin Chuan didn't expect that he would ask his left ear to catch the flaw in a few words, but he didn't think so. He laughed and said: "I vaguely remember that before I was trapped, you were also the existence of the five realms of heaven. I didn't expect you to shrink back more and more, and there was only the cultivation of the first realm of heaven. Even if everything was an amazing conspiracy planned by the Xuanyuan temple for thousands of years, what can you do? Don't think I can play less than 30% of my strength at the peak, but after all, I have the success of the xuanjing holy body You losers, even if you can completely master gengyang golden thunder array, you may not be able to hurt my flesh and foundation! "

Chen Hai and Zuo Er have planned all the things. At this time, naturally, they won't compete with Qinchuan for the benefit of words. Zuo Er needs to take a look before solving Qinchuan. It's just that he wants to see his old friend.

At this time, it was confirmed that the rebellion in the upper Hall of Xuanyuan was not a temporary intention, and Qin Chuan had long been involved in it. Naturally, Zuo Er would not think about the old feelings any more, so he went straight to the main array of gengyang Jinlei array with Chen Hai, Zhou Wanqing and Mo Zhai.

If you want to solve Qinchuan once and for all, you must open gengyang golden thunder array so that Zuo ER and Chen Hai can directly attack Qinchuan.

Although the spirit of Mo Zhai has a natural connection with the array, it is still weak. It can only control the outer normal array at a lower level, and can not control the changes of the inner large array at all.

Gengyang golden thunder array is the third and fourth class of heaven and earth array. Only Zhou Wanqing or left ear can barely control the Taoist level main array, which is the core of the inner Dharma array.

The way Chen Hai and Zuo Er discussed was very simple. Zhou Wanqing and Mo Zhai presided over the real gengyang golden thunder array. Chen Hai offered the imperial tower and Zuo Er offered the yuxu temple to completely suppress or kill Qinchuan, so as to eliminate future troubles