Chapter 840

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
The sky of Bihai scenic spot is still cold and white. It seems that this is another ordinary day.

However, a strange atmosphere has already spread throughout the sky, and snow apes living in caves and underground have noticed it. Most snow apes are timid and dare not move. A few strong ones come out, some go to the blue sea and some go to the passage of heaven.

At this time, gengyang golden thunder array had already been launched. Under the control of Zhou Wanqing and Mo Zhai, they gave up most of the external protection and tried their best to suppress Qinchuan.

Chen Hai and Zuo Er stood there and silently watched the gengyang golden thunder array turn into a golden thunder sea, while Qin Chuan's figure had already been submerged in the golden thunder sea.

After a cup of tea, Chen Hai looked worried and said, "Zuo Shi, the array has been launched for so long. Why is the smell of Qinchuan so strong and not weakened much?"

The left ear sighed: "The heavenly king in the five realms of heaven has become immortal. How can it be so easy to kill his body? If the old ghost Zhubi is still there, or if Zhou Wanqing can fully control the gengyang golden thunder array, exert all the power of the gengyang golden thunder array and destroy Qinchuan, it is only a moment. At present, the core and powerful magic power of the gengyang golden thunder array is only in Qinchuan trying to escape the array It will only be launched when it is under control. For the time being, it is not under the control of Zhou Xianzi and Mo Jiao. Naturally, there is no way to take Qinchuan. Now it seems that it is necessary for you and me to do it. "

Chen Hai nodded. Since he confirmed that Qin Chuan had participated in the mutiny planning of Liuyang palace, he and Zuo Er would not be merciful. He was determined to destroy Qin Chuan in order to solve the future trouble, rather than suppressing Qin Chuan more firmly as previously discussed.

After the left ear said that, he also opened his mouth and sprayed. The yuxu Temple flashed out, and Chen Hai also offered the heaven tower.

In the distance, Zhou Wanqing and Mo Zhai also controlled the gengyang golden thunder array and removed the lightning cage.

At this time, if Qinchuan tries to rush out, it will touch the strongest forbidden magic power of gengyang Jinlei array. It is naturally the best. It can also save a lot of trouble and kill Qinchuan directly. If Qinchuan is not fooled, it is also convenient for Zuo ER and Chen hai to participate in the attack on Qinchuan.

Qinchuan has been held down by gengyang Jinlei array for thousands of years. Although he can't get out of trouble, he is very familiar with gengyang Jinlei array. Although gengyang Jinlei array has no Lei Shagang yuan in the snow field, he tries to escape before the thunder power transformed by the spirit of heaven and earth is consumed.

Of course, after the lightning cage is removed, it is also an unspeakable temptation for Qinchuan, which has been trapped for tens of thousands of years, to see that the Tianyu channel is two or three thousand miles away.

At this time, under the urging of the left ear, the jade virtual temple with a radius of thousands of feet was launched, hovered in mid air, and suddenly burst into thousands of lights. However, it was condensed in a light column as bright as the moon and blooming hundreds of millions of millimans. With the divine power of disintegrating the spirit, it shone head-on at Qinchuan.

"Yuxu temple! These losers have planned for so many years that you old man escaped. Unexpectedly, you took the yuxu temple with you." Qin Chuan, as the descendant of Xuanyuan upper hall, the branch of Liuyang palace, naturally knows what will happen to the spirit when the jade void Shenhua condensed in the jade void Temple shines on him. At present, he also dodges aside after drinking angrily, so that the Shenhua light column does not have the opportunity to shine directly on him.

At this time, Chen haicao also offered sacrifices to the imperial thunder tower and went to Qinchuan to suppress the past.

Even if Qin Chuan, who was constantly spurred by thousands of Geng Yang Jin Lei, was indifferent, at this moment he finally lost the calm he had always maintained. He was clear in his heart that his body shape must be suppressed for a few moments, making yuxu Shenhua add to his body. His yuan tire is absolutely difficult to support. How long it will be refined and destroyed.

As the most outstanding and dazzling disciple of the Xuanyuan upper hall, he once succeeded and made plans all over the world. However, before he fully bloomed, he was imprisoned in a foreign land by the immortal sect carelessly and could not get away for ten thousand years.

Seeing that he was relying on the supreme supernatural power, he was about to break the gengyang golden thunder array. At that time, with the understanding of more than 10000 years, once he returned to the Xingheng domain, he could immediately break into the heaven position. At this time, Qinchuan looked like crazy. The divine light emitted from his eyes was more than one meter long. He tried his best to break away from the shackles of the thunder whip, but the jade virtual Shenhua condensed in the jade virtual Temple seemed to be together The giant Optimus Prime, blooming hundreds of millions of cents, suppressed him head-on.

"Zuo Dharma protector, forgive me. I know all the secrets of Xuanyuan upper hall. As long as you keep me alive and return to Xingheng domain, I will help you eradicate Xuanyuan upper hall and restore the former glory of Liuyang palace."

Seeing the imminent destruction, Qin Chuan, who had always been arrogant, no longer ignored it and begged for mercy in his left ear.

Zuo er's mind is firm. It's easy to be confused by him. Even if he doesn't kill Qinchuan, his cultivation should be abolished first. Immediately, he doesn't hesitate to destroy the yuxu temple and condense a stronger yuxu Shenhua to shine on Qinchuan.

At this moment, Qin Chuan's immortal body was almost transparent. The yuan fetus in his body was clearly presented. Under the irradiation and refining of yuxu Shenhua, it disintegrated a little