Chapter 848

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
When Chen Hai and Qin Qian fought, Li Chengyun, who was present, saw it with her own eyes, while Jiang Han learned the details from his father Jiang Jin. They all knew that Chen Hai was a quasi heavenly figure who had come into contact with the origin of the avenue. However, even so, when it comes to real strength, they all felt that Chen Hai still had to be inferior to the minority.

Chen Hai fought with Qin Qian. Although Chen Hai could almost trigger a thunder robbery on the avenue, seeing that Chen Hai was half a step away from the heaven made Qin Qian feel very bad, Qin Qian still had to win in the end.

Because even if Chen Hai can trigger the Da Dao thunder robbery in the end, it may not really kill Qin Qian, and Chen Hai himself will be blown to ashes by the endless Da Dao thunder robbery.

When it comes to the faces of Wanxian mountain and the Jiang family, Jiang Han and Ji Chengyun should dissuade the competition in front of them. At this moment, they just didn't say a word. They watched Chen Hai and Fu Shaoqun walk off the school field. From their respective perspectives, they all thought that Chen Hai had learned a lesson from Fu Shaoqun, which must be good.

On the school field, the three armed forces have retreated to one side to watch the war.

Holding an anti thunder halberd and a plain robe, Chen Hai slowly walked to the school yard.

On the battlefield, generals usually have spirit armor to protect themselves or activate body armor, spirit talisman and Taoist talisman, which makes it difficult for strong enemies to take advantage of it. However, if you want to have an ordinary martial arts competition, except for the soldiers who use it closely, body armor, magic talisman, spirit armor and pill are forbidden.

Moreover, whoever can't support under the strong advance of the other party, uses additional auxiliary means to protect, Dodge, or counter pressure the other party, must be judged to lose.

At this time, Fu Shaoqun also received the body armor, took out two bloody war hammers from the storage ring, flew into the air and stood opposite Chen Hai.

Although Fu Shaoqun is a general of the war, he is tall and straight. Unexpectedly, he takes two bloody war hammers as xuanbing. It seems that he is somewhat disharmonious.

At the moment when Fu Shaoqun pulled out the hammer, a strong bloody murderous spirit was revealed. It was even integrated with the red blood cloud condensed by the 5000 elite soldiers brought by Fu Shaoqun on the east side of the school field, like a heavy blood mountain and Blood Ridge, rolling over Chen Hai's heart.

What a killing machine! I don't know how many lives have been harvested under the bloody hammer of Fu Shaoqun, in order to temper such fierce and real bloody murderous Qi.

Although Fu Shaoqun didn't directly integrate the killing spirit of the tiger and wolf division behind him into his own breath at this time, Chen Hai guessed that Fu Shaoqun should master the magic power similar to the Xuanlong war to drive out the enemy and use the killing spirit to suppress the strong enemy, which also made Chen Hai feel bad at this moment. In the secret palace of Linghai, Zijin Taoist fetus suddenly opened her eyes and shot a golden brilliance, which scattered into a faint glow and filled the Linghai The whole body of Tao Tai was shrouded to resist the invasion of bloody breath.

At noon in early autumn, the sun was still very hot. There was no wind on the school field. Tens of thousands of people stood on one side, holding their breath, waiting for the earth shaking blow of two Tao tire experts.

Fu Shaoqun slightly pulled the corners of his mouth and said, "elder martial brother Chen, please!"

Chen Hai a horizontal battle halberd, nodded to show his commitment.

At the next moment, a wisp of bloody meaning came to Chen Hai, and then the hammer in Fu Shaoqun's hand was sent out.

Everyone didn't expect that Fu Shaoqun's offensive was so fierce. At the very moment when Chen Hai responded, Fu Shaoqun's bloody hammer was like two bloody lightning lights, blowing to Chen Hai.

On the commanding officer's stage, Jiang Xuan's cultivation was the lowest. Her eyes could not even catch the track of Fu Shaoqun's bloody hammer. She saw that two red lights were about to split on Chen Hai's head in an instant, making her heart jump out at this moment.

However, just before her charming voice was called out, Chen Hai lifted his hands and tilted up against the thunder halberd, like a black lightning, which collided with the blood hammer and hit a red and black evil awn.

Then Jiang Xuan saw an invisible shock wave, which twisted the air in an instant. At the center of the halberd hammer, he expanded rapidly outward. Three hundred meters away, he collided with the protective spirit shield condensed by the four pillar evil killing array, shaking the protective spirit shield.

In order to prevent Chen Hai from fighting with Fu Shaoqun and destroy the facilities in the Beiling fortress, it is natural to start the defensive array and isolate the fighting place from the facilities in the Beiling fortress. However, seeing that the remaining potential of Chen Hai's fight with Fu Shaoqun can fluctuate to the defensive array to such an extent, everyone secretly feels that Chen Hai and Fu Shaoqun really want to attack the defensive array, The defensive array of four pillars killing demons will not last much time.

Fu Shaoqun didn't expect to succeed at one blow. Then a pair of bloody war hammers turned into blood shadows, as if they were rolling over Chen Hai from all directions.

Trapped in the shadow of thousands of bloody hammers, Chen Hai danced the anti thunder and halberd without leakage, and lightning overflowed to resist the attack of Fu Shaoqun.

Outsiders looked at Chen Hai quite relaxed, but he was quite laborious in the field, and it was more and more laborious. They secretly felt that Fu Shaoqun was worthy of being ranked before Qin Qian in the qingluan list. He had just launched an offensive and had such strength, which really shouldn't be underestimated by him.

Chen Hai's flesh body is a puppet demon body of Shenwei. A drop of Xianyuan spirit's blood refined in his left ear is transformed into form, and constantly leads the power of thunder to refine his flesh. If he purely competes with the strength and speed of the flesh, he will never be afraid of Fu Shaoqun. However, Fu Shaoqun doesn't know how many bloody battles he has experienced in his life. In addition to completely integrating his bloody killing intention into the hammer, The red blood cloud gathered by the Qi of five thousand soldiers behind him was also transformed into the heavy hammer shadow, and rolled over to Chen Hai's Tao tire in the Linghai like the essence.

Even with the cultivation of Fu Shaoqun, without the help of specific magic weapons, we can only borrow a little fighting spirit, but is it easy to match the fighting spirit and red blood cloud condensed by the will of thousands of tiger and wolf soldiers to kill?

Just a little bit of rolling will also make the Tao fetus in Chen Hailing's Secret Palace lose its previous flexibility if it is crushed by Mount Tai, and many Tao meanings are also suppressed, making the war halberd in Chen Hai's hand lose its Tao rhyme and spirit.

This makes Chen Hai look like a boat under the fierce attack of Fu Shaoqun, which may be scattered by strong winds and waves at any time.

Fu Shaoqun sneered at the hammer in his hand.

He borrowed the spirit of killing and defeating soldiers. Even for the strong who really stepped into the heaven and got the road, the spirits of some people would inevitably be suppressed by him, and it would be difficult to give full play to their real strength, so they would be defeated. He didn't believe that the cultivation of this upright in front of him could be stronger than these peerless strong people in the first and second heaven.

When Mo Zhai, Sha Tianhe, Jiang Yuwei and others stood on the general's stage, they all saw that Chen Hai's situation was wrong.

Sha Tianhe said to Jiang Yuwei in secret: "immortal Chen is not right. It seems that in the hands of Fu Shaoqun, they can't play their due combat power..."

Although Sha Tianhe didn't witness the battle between Chen Hai and Qin Qian, he knew that Chen Hai's strength was not limited to this. At this time, he played up to 50% of his strength under Fu Shaoqun. However, looking at Chen Hai's appearance, he didn't seem to want to suppress himself. He secretly felt that Fu Shaoqun might have some magic power, which made it difficult for Chen hai to play his real strength.

Jiang Yuwei's strength at this time was even worse than Sha Tianhe and Mo Jiao. She shook her head and said that she didn't know what happened to Chen Hai at this time.

Although Jiang Han wanted to take care of Wanxian mountain's face on the surface and couldn't be happy, he couldn't wait to see Chen Hai killed by Fu Shaoqun on the spot, so that he could spit out his depression.

The people on the stage had different thoughts for a time, but at this time, Chen Hai had been forced to the extreme, full of dangers.

At this time, in Chen Hai's spiritual sea, Zijin Tao was born like a negative blood mountain. Even if it was not directly crushed, the power of wind and thunder in the past no longer existed.

Fortunately, even if Chen Haidao's fetus is suppressed, it is difficult to integrate the true meaning of all kinds of Tao into the halberd potential and enhance the prestige of the battle halberd. However, the battle with Qin Qian has brought Chen Hai's understanding of martial arts to a higher level.

There are 469 kinds of secret forms of martial arts, each of which seems to be burned into the soul of God. At this time, it looks dangerous, but he turns all kinds of secret forms into a war halberd. At the same time, Chen Hai's body is strong enough, and it is also the fierce attack made by the blood red hammer. No matter how strong the attack is and the bloody storm is, it is difficult to break up his boat in a short time.

More time, Chen Hai just secretly observed how Fu Shaoqun borrowed the Qi of killing soldiers.

Although the Xuanlong chariot introduced by Zuo Er into Yanzhou can condense the Qi of killing troops to resist the enemy, this Xuanlong chariot is a military magic weapon that existed in the era of Prince Shang deficiency. Zuo Er is not good at the method of military warfare. Therefore, there is a lack of sufficient research on the refining of Xuanlong chariot and the internal unique array prohibition.

However, Chen Hai has been fighting demons in Yanzhou for many years. Even in Xingheng area, he can be regarded as a master of military skills. He was able to "observe" the form of killing soldiers' Qi and command military warfare when the rebellion of the Western Qiang state was in Pingxi. He can even introduce the killing soldiers' Qi into the human body and impact the orifices. However, all this does not mean that he has a more in-depth study of killing soldiers' Qi, Nor can Fu Shaoqun directly use the Qi of killing troops to defeat the enemy like this. Unexpectedly, it is a good opportunity for him to observe and learn to use the Qi of killing troops.

"If elder martial brother Chen had only this means, I think it would be better to admit defeat earlier!" Fu Shaoqun could not openly kill Chen Hai, who is the general of the same town as him, in front of 20000 generals in Beiling. At this time, he just urged Chen hai to admit defeat as soon as possible, so that he would not use more fierce martial arts skills to hurt Chen Hai, but make it difficult for him to gain a foothold in Yantai pass