Chapter 849

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
Even those who are both strong in Tao and fetal environment are different from each other.

It can be said that there are many Taoist fetuses, such as dogs and Taoist elixirs. Even if there is one sect in Wanxian mountain, the small and medium-sized sects to which it belongs are counted. There are hundreds of strong Taoist fetuses such as Jiang Zhen and Jiang Mingchuan, but in the end, only Ji Chengyun and Lei Ting are qualified to be included in the qingluan list.

As a figure in the qingluan list, does Fu Shaoqun have a good relationship?

However, Chen Hai's promise to compete with Fu Shaoqun seems to be inspired by Fu Shaoqun's aggressive attitude, but in fact, in order to win Fu Shaoqun this time, he believes that with Fu Shaoqun's pride, he must find a way to supply millions of kilograms of xuanyang refined iron in Beiling fortress every month. Even if he loses to Fu Shaoqun this time, He planned to attack the magic soldiers in Tianluo Valley in the near future. He pushed the boat along the water to lure the magic soldiers out of Tianluo valley.

The so-called gambling about 2000 demon soldiers' heads per month is a joke at all.

Even if he kills less than 2000 magic soldiers every month and can't fulfill his bet, what can Fu Shaoqun do with him?

Originally, there were some children's games in this gambling agreement, and Jiang Yin sent a letter to denounce this gambling agreement as children's games and ordered that no troops should be sent here at will. Is it difficult that Jiang Mingchuan dared to openly violate Jiang Yin's will?

Moreover, it is inevitable to pay a heavy price and sacrifice to resist the demon clan, but Chen Hai can never make meaningless sacrifices with the lives of the children of beilingsai for his so-called face and pride.

Of course, Chen Hai had gained a lot from the war with Qin Qian. Now he can fight with the strong of Fu Shaoqun. Naturally, he will not miss such a good opportunity.

The wind and thunder are gathering, and the blood is rolling. Chen Hai knows that if his spirit is always suppressed by the bloody killing intention of Fu Shaoqun's fusion of killing troops and horses, he will still be defeated in the end.

Although he doesn't care about victory or defeat, if he is defeated by Fu Shaoqun before 20000 Heifeng soldiers, it will also hurt the morale of the generals.

Moreover, in order to reach the level of 30000 kg of xuanyang refined iron per day, the vein mining and smelting at the north foot of Dongdu mountain also needs to recruit 300000 or 400000 strong labor and cast a batch of smelting furnaces and rolling edge mining machines. It takes more than a year of preparation, so he still hopes to win this battle.

Seeing that Fu Shaoqun, relying on his winning ticket, urged him to give up and admit defeat, Chen Hai just smiled coldly. In his secret palace of the secret sea, the birth of Zijin Dao was slightly shocked, and a gloomy breath came out, condensed into a golden sword. He twisted the bloody killing intention that repressed his spirit and was red and blood cloud into pieces, and then integrated more of the true meaning of Tao into the halberd potential, Bring out thunder, light, halberd and awn, and sweep over the heavy hammer shadow of Fu Shaojun's bloody war hammer.


Fu Shaoqun didn't expect that after 20 years of enlightenment, he had entered the infinite, close to the third perfection, and was about to prove the true meaning of blood killing in the realm of the avenue. He couldn't suppress Chen Hai's spirit. Instead, he made his counterattack suddenly fierce, and his heart was also slightly surprised.

Chen Hai didn't intend the heaven and earth mountain and river sword to be visible outside his body, but it's not difficult for Fu Shaoqun to guess at this moment that Chen Hai must have realized the supreme truth, the Tao heart will be so indestructible, and protecting the spirit can be free from the invasion of bloody murder.

Of course, Fu Shaoqun had other magical means to continue to gain the upper hand, but he was also curious about Chen Hai's understanding of the supreme truth and how strong Chen Hai's Taoist heart was. He immediately turned his double hammer and his body was slightly frozen in the air with an extremely strange posture. He saw the blood cloud on the top of the five thousand fierce soldiers behind him, Immediately, he directly separated a wisp of blood into the bloody smell of the true meaning of blood killing and invaded Chen Haimei's heart.

Fish jump!

Chen Hai was shocked at this moment. It's not that the bloody killing intention from the invasion doubled, but that Fu Shaoqun borrowed the strange shape of killing soldiers, which is actually one of the five hundred body forms of tianwu.

Correspondingly, the standing posture of five thousand fierce soldiers behind Fu Shaojun is actually one of the basic standing postures of fish jumping.

There is a mysterious connection and resonance between the two, which makes the integrated Qi of killing and cutting soldiers separate.

Is the secret of killing soldiers based on the physical appearance of heaven and the secret form of martial arts?

Chen Hai suspects that Zuo Er already knew the secret of tianwu's physical appearance and killing soldiers, but it should be the secret of Liuyang palace. The upper Hall of Xuanyuan was once a vein of Liuyang palace, and Fu Shaoqun was also the direct disciple of the upper Hall of Xuanyuan. It's normal to master such magical means for the upper Hall of Xuanyuan these years, but if he exposes such magical means, Even if he can excuse that all this is his own enlightenment, it will inevitably attract the close attention of Xuanyuan Shangdian!

At this time, Chen Hai also felt that he should have realized the secret when he was in Yanzhou. After all, he trained various armies in Yanzhou, and taught the basic footwork, halberd method, leg method and palm method that coincide with the secret form of martial arts very early. He also promoted the halberd formula of split sky war among elite soldiers very early.

In theory, as long as the elite halberds and soldiers compiled in the army are large enough to condense the spirit of killing and cutting troops, and then the war leader will also resist the enemy with the formula of splitting the heaven halberd and resonate with the elite halberds and soldiers under his command, it is not difficult for him to see the changes of the spirit of killing and cutting troops.

It's a pity that in the last period of Yanzhou, he focused more on coordinating the overall military and political situation, and rarely had the opportunity to lead his troops and horses to rush into battle. The elite of cultivating the halberd formula of split sky war was more the direct followers of the generals on a small scale, so he never had the opportunity to understand the secret.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the Xuanbao of strategists such as Xuanlong Battle Chariot, it is so simple to directly borrow the secret of killing soldiers. Chen Hai is also very excited. He wants to drive Fu Shaoqun away now to verify his guess.

Chen Hai has no reservation at this moment. In the face of the fierce attack of the true meaning of blood killing, in his Linghai secret palace, the golden sword and the black evil spirit transformed by the great destruction of the true meaning revolve around the Zijin Taoist fetus, and constantly twist the red blood cloud transformed by the true meaning of blood killing into pieces.

Without being suppressed by the true meaning of blood killing, Chen Hai's mind is filled with surging war spirit. The true meaning of anger, wind and cloud, wind and thunder, burning sun and so on are integrated into the halberd potential. All kinds of different phases, either empty or phase, draw the yuan Sha of heaven and earth, turn into thunder, whirlwind, frost, flame, water waves and ice edges, sweep away to Fu Shaoqun, and immediately press Fu Shaoqun down to the ground

At this time, in the spirit mask of the four pillar devil killing array, people with low accomplishments could not see the figure of Chen Hai and Fu Shaoqun. They could only see a group of blue thunder light mixed with hybrid alien and a group of blood mountain constantly colliding together, which made the blood mountain constantly collapse and crack.

At this moment, everyone knows that Chen Hai has the upper hand. Under the strong pressure of Chen Hai's offensive, Fu Shaoqun has constantly revealed flaws.

Seeing that Chen Hai pulled back his disadvantage, Sha Tianhe, Jiang Yuwei and Mo Zhai on the stage looked excited, and the generals and soldiers on the school field cheered loudly.

Although there was a large array of isolation, the sound was deafening.

The morale of the black wind army's soldiers is greatly boosted. Chen Hai can also see that the soldiers behind him condense the spirit of killing soldiers. It's a pity that he can't verify his guess in front of Fu Shaoqun.

When Fu Shaoqun saw that the true meaning of blood killing could not suppress Chen Hai's spirit, he naturally would not admit defeat. When he rolled the double hammer, he saw that his blood hammer was about to be covered with a layer of faint blood light. In an instant, the strength of the blood hammer hit again more than doubled, and suddenly broke the halberd shadow of Chen Hai's heavy mountain invasion.

Fu Shaoqun then split with one palm, gathered a palm like a huge cliff in mid air, and took a head shot at Chen Hai.

Seeing that Fu Shaoqun had a stronger means of killing soldiers, Chen Hai just took away the war halberd, withdrew dozens of feet later, took the war halberd behind his back and looked coldly at Fu Shaoqun.

"Elder martial brother Chen, why don't you fight?" Fu Shaoqun asked in surprise without thinking that Chen Hai would retreat.

Jiang Han and Ji Chengyun thought that Chen Hai was also a person who didn't easily admit defeat. How could he just be broken by Fu Shaoqun and stop fighting.

"Elder martial brother Fu, you have lost. What else is there to fight?" Chen Hai sneered.

"How did I lose?" Fu Shaoqun asked hard.

Jiang Han, Ji Chengyun, Jiang Yuwei, Sha Tianhe and other countless people are confused. It is clear that Chen Hai's offensive was broken by Fu Shaoqun. How can Fu Shaoqun lose?

"Elder martial brother Fu thinks that the world can't see through the secret of killing soldiers and refuses to admit defeat. I can't help it, but I can't beat the five thousand elite soldiers behind elder martial brother Fu alone." Chen Hai said coldly.

Although Chen Hai's discovery of the secret of killing troops may attract extra attention from Xuanyuan Shangdian, he can't be afraid of this risk, so he can't hold his hands and feet, and don't wantonly promote the split halberd array in the Heifeng army, and don't let Wei Han, Zhu Mingwei, Jiang Ze, Zhou Tong and sun Dai use the killing troops to resist the enemy!

"..." Fu Shaoqun was slightly surprised. Unexpectedly, Chen Hai could see through his secret of vaporizing the killing soldiers into the Warhammer.

In addition, Fu Shaoqun has more magical means to vaporize the killing soldiers into the hammer. He just wants to beat Chen Hai down more quickly and establish his invincible image under the heaven in Ji Chengyun's mind. However, after being pointed out by Chen Hai, he has his pride and has no face to deny