8 Fully Fledged Vampire pt3

Draig looked at his surroundings before standing quickly and looking for a way to escape but felt a familiar pressure on his shoulder as he found gravity becoming null, he heard a widow break and saw a building with a broken window growing farther from him.

'Isn't that the farm house' thought Draig

He was brought from his thought by a sudden force causing his spine bend at an unnatural angle, hespat blood.

"Glad to see your up brat" came that chilling voice from behind.

Draig opened his eyes and swung around violently using his poisoned claws to swipe at Zarra viciously.

"Sighs* your system seems really stacked, why did it have to wind up in the hands of such and idiot brat with no talent" said Zarra using his staff to jab Draig in the stomach before twirling it to uppercut him using the skull on top sending him on another flight.

Draig stood up and glared at Zarra again, using his wasteland magic the area became a poisonous bog causing a bit of surprise for Zarra as he surveyed the environment but when he looked up Draig was gone.

Smirking to himself he jumped into the air before descending with one leg pointed towards the ground just as Draig rose from the soil swinging his claws only to realize Zarra hadn't remained in the same place. Feeling the crushing blow to his skull Draig latched onto the leg of Zarra before taking a bite his fangs ripping through the armored leggings easily.

"Your like a puppy chewing up my leggings, bad dog" stated Zarra swatting Draig awaywith a bit of his power.

Draig couldn't help but cough out a few mouthfuls of blood as his head swam and his vision began to fade.

"Now I think its time we had little talk, you see it was a bit of an oversight to think you would understand how the guild side of the world works without being told properly" said Zarra as he sat balanced on his staff.

"What do you mean Dark mage" stated Draig with frustration clear in his voice

"Do you realize that city of elves is nothing when you remember that is just a small part of the race as a whole, Liam proclaims himself a king but he is nothing more than a big fish in a small pond. If he had been a real king you wouldn't have been here now"said Zarra seriously

"Then explain Dark mage" said Draig

"Well simple, those small fry who live in tribes are nothing. Humanoid races and Dragonkin remain at the top of the food chain, then you got to worry about deities and lesser gods. The reason being is they have the intelligence equal to if not greater than us humans" explained Zarra leaning back and forth while balancing on his staff

"Why humanoids and Dragonkin rank higher than Deities and lesser gods" asked Draig curiously

"Simple, there are tons of Humanoids and Dragonkin but far less Deities and Lesser gods" answered Zarra

"What about gods of the major pantheons" asked Draig

"Well they don't really care to bother with us lower existance's, we are more like entertainment for them. You ever wonder why treasures and artifacts are still being found even after all this time, well let me tell you. The major gods send them down to see a good show, our battles are like the best television program available. So these so called undiscovered artifacts are just a little incentive to put on a good show" explained Zarra staring at the sky

"Then why do we still fight for them" asked Draig thinking of his anvil

"Simple if we didn't then there would be no reason for the gods to keep us around, look kid you may think your a big shot for being able to parade around the forbidden zone like you do but compared to someone like me your nothing. You have no skill when it comes to your attacks, your spells and other arts are lackluster at best. If you had been in a guild you would've been given a few skillbooks to give you something to train up and actually use in combat" said Zarra shaking his head

"I don't need skillbooks" said Draig to dispute Zarra before realizing his own words

"Oh and why is that little brat" asked Zarra leaning close to Draig

"No reason" said Draig backing away

"No lets talk, I have been quite curious about how your developing so quickly with the variety of abilities you have" said Zarra clutching him by the collar

Draig was feeling corner and instinctively bit the hand holding him but the taste caused him him to try and feed, Zarra feeling the drain pulled his hand away before narrowing his eyes and grinning.

"So that's what it was, quite the interesting little system you got there" said Zarra as his eyes lit up

Draig meanwhile couldn't believe the power contained in this bit of blood as he felt himself advance to middle layer full fledged vampire.

"Oh did you just advance, someone has been keeping secrets during the testing huh" stated Zarra as he jabbed Draig in the head with his staff.

"So it's time you get it all out in the open, what level are you brat. What skills do you have" asked Zarra staring down at Draig

"It's none of your business Dark mage" said Draig trying to push against the staff

"That's where your wrong kid, as far as I'm concerned it is my business. Today your gonna tell me everything I need to know to make you at least half decent to survive then for all I care you can go back to being the overlord of the forbidden zone" said Zarra with a patronizing smile

Draig stared at Zarra for a long time before relenting, he couldn't escape from this psycho even if he tried.

"Fine. Full Fledged Vampire, Level Twenty five. Skills Goblin's alchemy level maxed, Curses level 10/30, Dwarven Forging level 0/50, Runes level Maxed, Black w-wait. My Black magic is gone, now it says Dark magic" complained Draig

"Your better off with Dark magic, much more profound and what not. Now continue" said Zarra with a smirk

"Dark magic level 0/50, Toxic magic level 0/20, Bloodmancy level 1/30, Wasteland Magic level 0/10" said Draig finishing his explanation

"What about the skills that come with advancement" asked Zarra

"I don't know my system is rebooting so I didn't get to pick" answered Draig

"Very well brat, now that we have that all out in the open its time I take you to school" laughed Zarraas he swung his staff knocking Draig into the distance.