54 Someone to Fear

Draig laid in place for awhile during this time he was analyzing his new system, King of Hell. It seemed pretty obvious from the name but there was so much more to be learned after he looked through it all.

He now knew why this was considered a forbidden system, he thought he was above the rest from the mere fact that he was a vampire but now it was different. He was destined to be at the top, with this system he could accomplish what Dracule had failed to do.

'I will unite the planes and return the world to it's origin' plotted Draig.

Smiling cruelly as the hole in his chest closed up an ethereal crown formed above his head formed from blue flames. The symbol of a king, but he wouldn't settle for just kingship.

"I will become a god" muttered Draig as he rose into the air.

Searching for his forces he spotted them rather quickly before he landed among them causing a stir, the group had been in battle with elementals from the high plane but now with his arrival the battle had paused.

Draig scanned his eyes through the crowd and found that many of his people had been decimated during this time he was gone. The disadvantage of mortals was clear just from this, narrowing his eyes he looked for his coven and felt a sense of pleasure seeing they were standing casually as the mortals were slaughtered.

"Who are you" demanded a being formed from ice but the words were caught in it's throat midway at the glare Draig threw him.

"Silence" ordered Draig his eyes flashing but the ice elemental found that it sincerely could not open its mouth after these words were spoken.

'What kind of power is this' wondered the being.

"Sylvie" called Draig twirling his cane causing a red shimmer to form.

"Yes Lord" answered Sylvie.

"I'm back" stated Draig smiling as he looked at his closest companion.

"Welcome back Lord" smiled Sylvie happily as she finally did the unexpected and embraced Draig causing a fiery sensation to run through Draig's body.

"I missed you Sylvie" said Draig as he wrapped his arms around the girl who had followed him from the very moment they met.

"Sylvie missed you too Lord" cried Sylvie with soft melodic voice.

"Good, now stand back" commented Draig as he stepped forward and a terrifying pressure was released. Draig was already beyond the scope of these lesser elementals. He was beyond a King vampire or Ancestor Vampire, he was an originator. If it was just that sole aspect then yes maybe there would still be a chance but now he had a system, a real one.

"Summon of the Dark, Asmeth" called Draig causing a ripple of energy to span across the area a soul trembling screech echoed through out the world forcing those who were incapable to be forced to their knees.

A black mirror appeared in the sky as a palm that seemed shriveled with a deathly aura around descended, this was something that Draig had gained from his System it was pieced together due to his assimilation of so many skills and their accumulated proficiency.

This allowed him access to five of the 72 summons of Hell, this was his first attempt at summoning and it turned out to be Asmeth. This was the Lord of the last pillar, the weakest but as his palm descended the area began to decay showing his might.

The other pagans who were a safe distance away were watching with frosty hearts as sweat began to form on their backs, this wasn't what they had expected when they had collaborated to take the Mortal plane. It was supposed to be a clean sweep but now they were dealing with something far more terrifying.

However elsewhere there was a single woman who was pleased with this development.

"Draig soon we will meet again, this time you will lead to my ascension" laughed the woman as she sent someone off to deliver a message.