"Kain, you know Kyera as well as I do. There is little to no way she would let a mere guard that close to her. The scent is too intimate." Konner added circling Clovis who was suddenly under the impression this might be dangerous. Keenan watched his two brothers as they tried to puzzle it out, and Clovis who honestly looked about ready to defend himself from whatever the overprotective pair threw at him.
On one hand, Keenan liked watching the Prince sweat, just a warning in case he ever decided to do brother's Princess wrong. However, on the other perhaps there should be a limit. "Boys, come now we are all brother's here." Keenan offered and then smirked as he saw the light of realization in his younger brother's eyes.
"Wait, your Kyera's Mate?" Konner asked and Kendrick turned human beside his brother's, his black hair and green eyes flecked with gold stood out against his brother's paler colors. Kendrick's expression however, was far from welcoming compared to the other two.
"Do we have a niece yet? Maybe a nephew? Have you two even done it yet? Will we get a spirit orb to see the babies? Will you bring them to visit. COME NOW DETAILS DETAILS." Konner demanded when it finally sunk in. Kain seemed rather curious as well though the look on their eldest brother's face was filled with helplessness. He could have sworn he taught both of these boys better manners. Apparently not, which was a very sad thought considering the amount of time he spent raising them. Konner seemed to forget his boundaries as well, adding salt to his older brother's injured pride. The young tiger was nearly nose to nose with Clovis who looked as though he was completely lost in this question assault.
Kendrick walked pass, taking a moment to step down sharply and swiftly on Konnor's tail having the desired effect, though perhaps with a much more annoying side effect of a high pitched squeal. Konnor looked at his brother as though he had been wronged very badly. Kendrick pretended not to notice as he cleaned from under his claws with other claws.
"Well, you have a niece now, my daughter Raina… as far as visiting and such we will have to see how I get home." Clovis replied honestly uncertain that was even a possibility at the moment. The four brother's looked at him, but Kendrick seemed to regard him critically.
"Are you sure your fit to be mated to our Sister? Do you know anything about the shadow realm that her power hails from?" Kendrick demanded , catching Clovis a bit off guard. He had expected some sort of ridicule from this but at the same time he was a bit lost.
"Power?" Clovis asked, figuring it was best to be honest, but every fiber in his body decided not to like this brother. Who was he to question their marriage, their sacred union?