Chapter 6:Support Character System

[Level 1 Support Character System (0%)

Ability: Level 1 Adaptability ( 5%)

Contained Energy: Psyche Energy (100%)

Strength: 1.2 (1.7)

Endurance: 1.5 (2.0)

Intelligence: 3 (3.5)

Supported List: Empty (0/1)

Support Bonus: N/A

Number of Supported Individual: 0

Current Stats Bonus: 0% of the average stats of Supported Individuals


Psyche Boost (4 charges left)

Status: +0.5 Stats(System Bonus)]

Met with that System Window, I only thought of one thing: this system was somewhat trashy. Apart from  telling me the numerical value of my stats and the added bonuses, thanks to the system, there's nothing else.

The only feature of this system was the Supported List and the things below it.

Did I have to list Yuko's name as someone I was supporting? Let's see.

[Ding! Add Sugawara Yuko as a Supported Individual?]

I had just thought of it and this system immediately responded. At least it did not lag.


[Added Sugawara Yuko]

[Support Bonus Activated]

[Select type of Support:

A. Level 1 Physical Boost

B. Level 1 Psyche Boost

C. Level 1 Health Boost]


This sounded like a permanent effect boost as long as she's listed as one of my Supported Individual. So boosting her Psyche was a must for her Foresight.

[Chosen Level 1 Psyche Boost: Adding 0.2 Intelligence to Supported Individuals]

[Number of Supported Individual: 1]

[Current Stats Bonus: 5% of the average stats of the Supported Individuals]

I see. This was somewhat useful. Maybe it's not as trashy as it seems. And the experience percentage of the system started accumulating, albeit slowly. Maybe it would level up by itself as long as I am supporting someone? Ah no. It should be when the Supported Individual was near me. I had to test this later.

Maybe if my system leveled up, the number of Supported Individuals I can register would increase. That's probably how it was, right?

And then there's my own ability. It indicated 5%. Did that mean if it reaches 100% it will also level up? That was a huge possibility.

"Eh? What happened? You got a System?"

Yuko, who was startled, probably because of the sudden notification that I added her as a Supported Individual, asked.

"Yes. And I just tried it. Anyway, it's called Support Character System."

Hearing the name of my System, Yuko giggled cutely.

"That's funny Dai-kun. My System is called Advanced Hero System."

What the hell? This world was so unfair. You should at least give me the Support Hero System, you know? Err. Wait. Advanced, did that mean that it was an upgraded system?

Right, my system could level up but hers being advanced speaks the 3 years she was here. I wondered what her numerical stats were. Ah, I should ask. It would not be bad to ask, right? Or was it a form of invading her privacy?

"Even with my high clarity, I still feel overwhelmed."

"That's natural. The System corresponds to the inherent energy of this world. That's why I call it World Energy. Most people in this world will receive a corresponding System depending on their fates. It can be upgraded but the process is too hard or too long. The way it accumulates experience is still a mystery."

The air around Yuko became more dignified. She was like a beacon, shining brightly. Was this because of her System?

"Does that mean yours is already an upgraded version of your system?"

I voiced out my thoughts about her system to confirm it.

"Yes. It got upgraded twice already. What I initially got was Beginner Hero System."

She nodded and explained. But is this fine? Telling someone about your system. Ah. But we're the same world so I guess knowing each other's secret is fine.

"I see. I think I somewhat get it now. So what should we do?"

"Wait for someone to pick us up. I saw it with my Foresight. Someone will soon come."

Eh? Apparently, the portal did not have a fixed location? This world might still be in the process of developing. But now, it was being attacked by forces who wanted to destroy this world. Or maybe, all the worlds. What could they gain by destroying it though? What was their motive?

Ah. I realized there was no use thinking about that for now. Now, my top priority was to protect this Hero, right? She would surely save this world and, in turn, save our own from the threat of being destroyed.

Despite all this, I was still no Messiah. This was just a job. I might decide to run away once my life hangs in the brink of life and death. Well, if I could save this fiancee of mine then I would.

"Ah. Wait. I forgot something."

Yuko suddenly said. She then started to fumble something in front of her. Her system interface.

While she was doing that, I finally had the time to look around us. We were on top of a small hill. From a distance, I could see signs of civilizations. And further than that was something like a fortress.

This World of System looked like it was still in the medieval era. Just judging by what Yuko was wearing, a platinum chainmail and a pretty-looking sword hanging at her waist, it aligned perfectly with the atmosphere this world was giving. Meanwhile… What about me? Well, I sure did still wear our school uniform. Talking about being out of place.

[Ding! You have been added to Heroine Sugawara Yuko's Party.]

[Received Party Bonus of +0.8 Strength and Endurance]

"There. You're now a member of my Party."

She declared when she saw my confused face upon seeing the new system messages.

"Err. The boost I got from you is huge."

"That's because my system is already at Advanced grade, that will also increase further when your system levels up. But you know, yours is more valuable. Didn't you notice? I can only give a bonus on Strength and Endurance"

Ah. She's right. While I could only choose one, having Psyche among the choices was a big difference. It seemed like the stat in which I excel at was more important than the other two.

"You're right. I'll do my best to support you, Yuko. Just tell me what to do."

That's the only thing I could do for now. This is a foreign world and the Principal even told me to train with her.

She smiled at me and nodded.

A little while later, a luxurious horse-drawn carriage appeared from a distance and from inside it, a little figure was waving her hands to Yuko.

Surrounding it were a number of Full-plated Horse Riders, Knights? Ah. So that was really a bigshot.

The Princess? So we were being picked up by the Princess of a Kingdom.

When the carriage stopped, Yuko immediately went near it. She didn't forget to pull me along with her.

"You're finally back, Hero."

The little figure smiled at Yuko as if seeing an old friend.

"Yes, Princess. And I brought someone else."

Yuko answered then she turned to me.

"Who is he? Is he from your world?"

The Princess gave me a curious glance before asking Yuko again.

"Yes. He's Kuramoto Daisuke. My Support and fiance."

When the girl she called Princess heard Yuko's last word, she almost fainted from surprise.

"Hero's fiance. Is that true?!"

The Princess exclaimed. I wonder what's wrong about what she said?

"I'm not someone that jokes, Princess."

Still with a smile on her face, Yuko confirmed it again.

"But brother…"

"Princess. There's nothing between us."

Ah. I thought I was going off to an adventure but what was this sudden development? I got excited with the system, waited here with Yuko, and then now, a sudden love rival appeared in the form of a Prince?

What the hell? Where were the monsters? Where was the one who would be responsible for Yuko's doom? What was I supposed to do here? My veins were asking for some action--

Ah, wait. Hold on... This might be just the plight of having high clarity. I now tend to think too deeply about things.

"R-right, we have to go now. Something is happening at the Western Border."

This Princess. I was preventing myself from scoffing and rolling my eyes. It seemed that for her, only Yuko was special. Even when she introduced me, the Princess didn't even  bother to acknowledge my presence. Well, if that's how it will be, I had no right to say anything at all. After all, I was no hero, I was just her measly support.

Meanwhile, Yuko noticed the attitude of the Princess towards me. As an act of kindness, she held my hand and pulled me up with her to enter the carriage.

The Princess was about to say something but she held back. Yuko and the princess seemed to be really friendly with each other. But when the princess ignored me, it immediately put Yuko in a bad mood.

This just added more to my curiosity as to why Yuko was good to me. It might sound weird but, did she seriously love me? Is what I did from the past really enough to earn her love? Maybe I could find a way to restore that memory somewhere among the thirty worlds that I would be visiting soon. At this time, I decided to be just loyal to this girl who was so nice to me.

"Don't worry about it, Yuko. I don't mind. I'm your Support. It doesn't matter what they think of me."

She only pressed my hand tightly as an answer. The Princess heard that but she still decided not to bother about me.

For me, it was fine if the princess would give me the cold shoulder. As long as she would never hinder my purpose of being here, I would not see them as hostile.

I remembered the Principal said that anyone could be the reason to your doom. It might not always be the enemy that would lead them to their deaths but their very allies could bring them their doom as well.

I figured that as a Support, I needed to clean her surroundings so that she can move freely with the least possible worries.

Oh, damn, right. I realized I was really getting into this support role I just took.  My mindset was now completely geared towards supporting this girl.

The horse-drawn carriage continued its journey until we reached a walled city. The soldiers guarding the gate immediately opened it when they saw us from a distance.

When we entered the city, cheers from people suddenly filled every corner. I could see both Yuko and the princess waving at the crowd.

Celebrating the hero's return eh? Very predictable, cliche, indeed.

I wondered how much change Yuko had already brought to this world. She was being sent here since their first year in middle school. She's probably just at the same age as this Princess. It must be hard for them but she persisted. All for the goal of preventing this world from destruction and in turn protecting our world.

This beautiful girl was truly admirable. I did a few glances on her while her attention was still on the crowd of people. It hit me that she and I were truly far from each other. A girl like her, who was obviously heroic, stood her ground to fight for this world. Meanwhile, I was already thinking of running away if things were to go south.

I decided that I needed to improve myself further and make this mediocre ability bloom to its fullest potential.

A measly support character? I would do what I must to change that. And maybe, with that, I could really change the impending doom of the thirty Isekai Heroes of my class.