Chapter 7:Party Members and Systems

Like in most Medieval Era movies, Yuko and I were sent to a large hall where most nobles were sitting around a long table. At the end of the table was supposedly the current King of the kingdom we were in. His presence here very much confirmed Yuko's status as a hero. He specifically left his Royal Palace just to come here. On the other hand, the other end of the table was reserved for Yuko, the Heroine from Another World.

From what I gathered, after three years of fighting for this world, she was now recognized by everyone. Some even made statues of her, glorifying her name. But despite all of that fame, Yuko took none to heart. For her, the real purpose as to why she was fighting here was because of our own world. It just so happens that saving this world would be equal to saving ours.

Her strength was currently unrivalled. No one knew her actual stats in numerical value but the kind of system 'The World' has bestowed to her was a common knowledge for everyone.

Seeing her arrival, everyone from the hall, except the king, rose up from their seats and greeted her.

"We welcome you, Hero!" After their greeting, the king, who remained seated, just nodded at her.

Ah. So even with her fame, a king still would not lower his head. Him showing up in this region was probably his bottomline.

But still, for fighting for their world, I expected more from him. His little princess has that kind of attitude did it run from their blood? Without meeting the brother she often mentioned, I guess I couldn't draw a conclusion yet.

"I was told that there's a situation on the Western Border."

Yuko started straight on point. All of the nobles got a bit nervous except the king. He remained calm at his seat to somehow show that everything's under control even when his subjects were already nervous at their situation.

"Hero. You came at the right moment. Our Western Border is currently under siege of those who seek destruction upon our world."

It was the King's aide at his side who spoke. 

"The situation?"

"Five Great Knights and five Great Wizards were sent but no one reported back. It's suspected that they died."

"I see. I will head there and see."

"Do you need our support?"

Would they support her? Just looking at that king's attitude, I had a hunch that he's thingking along the lines of it's a matter of course for the Hero to help their world. She was a great help to his kingdom while not being always in this world.

If this is what every king thinks, will this world ever be saved? They have to change this kind of mindset. True, they have to show the dignity of a king but will it save them from destruction? Maybe if it's not Yuko who was sent here, they'll give up on this world.

However, I've only met one, there might be someone with a different line of thought among them.

"No. Just my party. I already have a Support. Call them here."

"Right away!"

Her party? Right, it has been three years, she should already have some trusted individuals who helped her in her endeavours.

I need to learn more about this world. This system did not provide enough support for now. How could I even level this up? Let's see. This was the time to use this high intelligence stat of mine. If I started thinking along the lines about how Yuko upgraded hers, it should conform along the name of the System bestowed. She acted as a hero for three years. I'm gonna test this theory. Since my system was called like that, I should do some real supporting.

Yuko and I left the hall and were met by the Princess again, the knights earlier were nowhere to be seen. But something was different from her, she was wearing a different outfit than her princess attire earlier. On her hand was a staff with a shining gem on its tip.

"Reinys di Deran, at your service, Hero."

Eh? So she was actually one of her party members. Then after that, two more showed up and all of them were girls. One is a Great Knight named Caila, the other is a Great Priest named Noelle.

"Dai-kun, Reinys is the Princess but she's also a part of my Party. She's a Great Wizard."

"I heard something like Great Knight earlier, could it be about their system's trait?"

"Yes. It's like that. When people in this world take up occupation, The World will send a corresponding system that can help them. Reinys wanted to learn magic so the system gave her the Wizard System. And Great Wizard is just a title for when they can cast a Level 3 spell. Same for the Great Knights and Great Priests, but instead of spells it should be skills and blessings. All of it was fueled by the World Energy."

I see. It only looked complicated but it was somehow simple for me now. Not every system 'The World' gave out was unique.

Maybe the King also got his own exclusive system or  just a normal King System. It depended on the person itself. Either way, I was sure of one thing, and that is to learn about the different systems and how they differ from each other. It could even be that my Support Character System was also a unique one, same as Yuko's Hero System.

But Wizard, Knight and Priest, they seemed to be Occupational systems that will be granted to anyone walking down that path.

I wondered to myself whether I could learn a spell, a skill, or a blessing. It was surely worth asking. But I should always keep in mind that I was just a support. And a good support was someone who could conceal his true worth among the eyes of others so one can provide an unexpected help at an unexpected time.

"Yuko, can you learn any of the three with your system?"

"Yes, I have no restrictions about that. Only, it has limited slots."

"Where can we get those? Or will it only be bestowed by the system?"

"No, there are scrolls and skill books where you can learn it from. Blessings are kind of unique, you can only learn it in the Church."

Church? It appeared that religion was also existing here. So that Noelle was probably someone sent by them to support the hero.

"I see. Do you have some with you?"

"I knew you would ask. Reinys, can you let him browse through Level 1 scrolls? And you too Caila."

"Huh? What is he exactly?"

"Like I said, he's my Support."

Yuko answered in a matter-of-fact manner. This princess was curious about me but she did not even want to bother getting to know me better through asking me myself.

On the other hand, was Yuko seriously trusting me so much that she didn't even ask if I could learn it or not. Or could it be her Foresight? I did a mental nod. Possible.

Reinys, the princess, reluctantly handed me the scrolls. Caila did the same as well.

Since these things needed the world energy to be activated, could it be it was drawing it from their system itself?

Let's see.

I opened one of the scrolls. It was called Level 1 Firebolt.

Just looking at it, there are too many complex symbols arranged into a magic circle. Then after a bit a sound rang in my head.

[Ding! Detected a Level 1 Magic Scroll]

[Spell Slot Unlocked]

[Spell Slot (0/2) (Level 1 Spell only)]

[Imprint Level 1 Firebolt?]

So my instinct was right, there were hidden details in my system that I could unlock. It was great that I asked. Maybe I should pick something better. Firebolt was a bit meh. It was obviously the basic of the basics.

After looking through the scrolls I picked one and imprinted it. Then I looked through the skill books and imprinted one as well.

"How was it Dai-kun?"

"It worked Yuko!"

I returned the scrolls to the bitchy princess and Caila. I only imprinted one of each, to create an illusion that I can only imprint one spell. But personally witnessing that I could imprint both spell and skill got their attention, especially that princess. I should find the time to look for another and if possible, a blessing as well 

Yuko could imprint a maximum of five each of Level 3 spell, skill and blessing.

The Great Wizards could imprint a maximum of three Level 3 Spell. Probably that's also the restriction of Great Knights and Great Priests.

So, my System was really a bit of a higher tier than theirs but since I only just got it, I was still restricted to Level 1. It was better than nothing, however. All I needed to do was to slowly rise up to be a proper support to this lone hero of this world.

The King provided us a carriage that would send us to the Western Border. Along with a few Adept Soldiers of mixed occupation, we were to provide reinforcement and possibly push back the Invading Forces.

The other nobles insisted on sending some of their troops, maybe to carry favor from the hero. Well, as long as they were our allies, I was good with it. I just needed to always watch out for possible threats on Yuko.

I was, indeed,  a total newbie in battles but somehow, it was not actually getting into me. Was this because of my Adaptability? I mentally nodded. That definitely was a huge possibility.