Chapter 257

Name:The best little cook Author:老肥
This noodles!

Wen Xiuyuan was surprised to see the noodles he picked up with his chopsticks. He couldn't believe the amazing elasticity.

How is this dough kneaded and how can the elasticity of gluten be brought into full play.

He can't wait to use chopsticks to roll a few noodles again and send them to the mouth, even ignoring the hot temperature.

With the teeth gently biting open the noodles, the extremely thin noodles came back to Wen Xiuyuan's mind with amazing elasticity.

Although the noodles are very thin, they are moderate in hardness and elasticity.

What is particularly valuable is that with his chewing, the wheat flavor and sweetness of the noodles themselves have been gradually volatilized, and mixed with the light taste of seafood in the auxiliary soup, becoming a supreme delicacy.

The more delicious you eat, the more unsatisfied you are.

Wen Xiuyuan seems to be possessed. He quickly instigates the noodles into his mouth. Until there are still half of the soup and some thin almost transparent wontons left in the bowl, he finally stops.


He sat on the chair with dull eyes, and could not remember when he had never eaten so much.

This feeling is really missed.

Wen Xiuyuan sighed in his heart that he didn't move those same coveted wonton for the time being, instead, he focused on the white chopping chicken.

After gargling with warm water, Wen Xiuyuan finally picked up a piece of light yellow chicken and couldn't help looking at it carefully.

This is a piece of preserved meat, which is also the most difficult part of chicken, because the meat in this place is not only firewood, but also very difficult to taste.

But in front of this piece of preserved meat is not the same, off white preserved meat is delicate, it seems to look very fresh, and the light yellow chicken skin with oily light, it is a great increase in appetite.

The most valuable is the jelly like jelly in the middle of the skin and meat, which makes people want to swallow it.

Wen Xiuyuan looked at this piece of preserved meat, his mind can not help a little illusion, as if this piece of preserved meat in the warm invitation to taste.

The chicken was finally sent into the mouth, and Wen Xiuyuan's taste bud cells, which had been mobilized just now, were instantly excited.

The delicious, smooth and tender preserved meat has a perfect moistening and silent feeling in Zhang Ye's special ginger garlic dip.

This feeling is like a lover's whisper, not fierce, but let him be conquered unconsciously.

Wen Xiuyuan closed his eyes and tasted it slowly. Every change of the preserved meat didn't escape his taste buds.


He can't help roaring at last, otherwise it's really hard for him to let off his excitement about this delicious food.

After eating a few pieces, Wen Xiuyuan finally stopped his chopsticks, and he finally remembered his job as a food editor.

Gargle with clean water again, he put the target on the plum dish meat.

By this time, Wen Xiuyuan has been completely conquered by Zhang Ye's cooking skills. Now his heart is full of expectations. He hopes that this plum dish of braised pork can give him more surprises.

Surprise is absolutely there, and it comes very fast.

When he ate a mouthful of preserved pork with plum vegetables, the taste buds were completely crazy. It was like stretching out a small hand in his mouth and tearing at the supreme delicacy.

There is no more delicious dish than the sweet plum and glutinous pork.

Wen Xiuyuan's body is trembling gently, and his sweat is exploding. He closes his eyes and savors the taste of several dishes carefully.

Gradually, a tear came out of the corner of his eye.

This is the taste of hometown.

He sighed in his heart that he had not returned to his hometown for ten years, but he tasted the flavor of nostalgia again in this humble shop in the north.

How much he missed the taste, and how much he missed his hometown.

Wen Xiuyuan didn't move the last wonton, and he didn't dare to taste it any more. He was afraid that he would never be able to eat any other food in the future.

Even now Wen Xiuyuan has an irresistible impulse. He doesn't want to report the store, even if he doesn't want to report it at all.

Even if he only came to Weixiang for less than an hour, he has already regarded this ordinary shop as the holy land of delicious food in his heart.

He selfishly wants to keep everything in this small shop, and doesn't want it to expand, because although many of the expanded shops have better business, they have lost their original taste forever.

It's just It's a pity that he is a professional food editor after all, and he has great respect for this profession.

So he must write this report, which is also the most tangled part of Wen Xiuyuan.


Wen Xiuyuan took a long breath, finally opened his eyes slowly, but saw the beautiful waiter standing in front of him.

"Sir, are you satisfied with these dishes?" Feng Yan is smiling faintly. There seems to be no expectation in her eyes.For Feng Yan, Zhang Ye's cooking skills are enough to conquer the taste buds of all people in the world, even the picky food editors.

Since there is no suspense, what else to look forward to?

"Very satisfied, beautiful lady. I don't know if I can invite this cook out. I'd like to see him." Wen Xiuyuan said with a polite smile.

"All right."

Feng Yan nodded and turned to the kitchen.

After a few minutes, Zhang ye came out of the kitchen and saw Wen Xiuyuan at a glance.

After all, his eccentric dining style is too unique to be conspicuous.

Zhang Ye walked up to him and asked with a smile, "Mr. Wen, are you still used to the dishes we provide for you?"

"Do you know me?"

Wenxiu foresight Zhang Ye directly said his surname, can't help some surprise.

Many restaurants can guess his career when they see him, but few people can guess his identity because he never gives interviews to the media.

Zhang Ye nodded: "brother Chang and I have said several times, and you are a food editor, then your identity is self-evident."

"Ha ha, it turns out that Wen Yuan is really quick witted. Our friendship is really good. He also recommended your shop to me."

When Wen Xiuyuan said this, he hesitated, and then said:

"boss Zhang, to be honest, I really hope I am an incompetent food editor now, so that I can choose not to report your store without any burden in my heart."


Zhang Ye a Leng, isn't his cooking skill got the recognition of this gourmet industry bigwig?

"I'd like to ask why?"

"Maybe it's because of my selfishness. I don't want your store to lose its soul because of its expansion. If so, then my report is undoubtedly killing a holy land in the hearts of eaters. " Wen Xiuyuan said with a bitter smile.


That's OK.

Zhang Ye shook his head a little speechless and said, "Mr. Wen, in fact, your idea is not right. I think in fact, without your report, it will be sooner or later for Weixiang to expand its scale with its current business. "

Wen Xiuyuan was stunned for a moment, then nodded.