"If you have good wine and good meat, you can eat at ease. Your son has plenty of money, which is given to you by his filial piety. If you are alive in heaven, you should protect the Taize family in peace and health!"

With these words, Mrs. Wei burned all the paper money in her hand. She stood up, patted the dust on her hands, and said to several people not far away, "come here."

Li Taize, Gu Biao, and Willis heard Mrs. Wei's cry and immediately went to her.

"Come on, you guys, since you're here, let's bow and salute to the detached grandfather!" Mrs. Wei lit incense for them.

Then they were given three sticks each and asked to stand side by side.

"You give a toast to the detached grandfather. After all, he is a dead man. All the past has disappeared. The more we live, the better we will be!" Said Mrs. Wei, standing by.

I watched them finish their incense and put it in the small censer in front of the tomb.

"Mom, are you going back now?" Williams didn't like the atmosphere of the place very much.

"Don't worry. Come back here. This is my mother's tomb. The Li family set it up for my mother. Come and have a look." Mrs. Wei pointed to a tomb beside her father.

A few of them walked over and saw the inscription on the tombstone: the tomb of Xianhe Shuya.

The following is: Li Taize Jingli.

This is because the people are very particular about the inscription of the tombstone. If the deceased has descendants, no matter how old the descendants are, their spouses will erect the tombstone for them in the name of later generations, and the future generations will worship them.

Therefore, although Li Taize's father's ex-wife Shu Ya erected the monument, it can only be erected in the name of his son Li Taize.

This tombstone is a little more comfortable for Mrs. Wei.

If she had to set up a monument for her, she would only let her sons set it up for her, whether in the Li family or the Wei family.

"If you don't feel comfortable, I'll call someone to remove the tomb tomorrow." Li Taize stood aside and saw that Mrs. Wei's expression was extremely dignified. He thought that she was worried about the tomb.

"No, no, tazer, don't tear it down. I said, keep it. To tell you the truth, one hundred years in the future, I will enter the Wei family's grave, which has nothing to do with the Li family. So now it seems that this clothing tomb is still well established to give our detached descendants an old grandmother to worship. " Said Mrs. Wei with a sigh.

Li Taize looked at her in surprise. She could think that this mother is not a simple person. How broad-minded she is!

"Mom, but..." Willis was very upset when he saw the tomb. How could anyone in the world set up a tomb for the living? Isn't that bad luck?

"No, Liz, I finally understand today that taizer's father didn't mean any harm or curse me when he set up my burial mound. Judging from the exquisite tombstone and inscription, he asked you to inscribe the words, which shows that he was very attentive."

"Besides, you can see that this tomb is better than his own. With his economic conditions at that time, if he hated me, he would not have built this tomb for me so carefully."

"It can be seen that at that time, he just thought that if he could be buried next to me in the future, it would be a joint burial. And he must also think that there will be a place for future generations to worship their grandmother. "

As Mrs. Wei finished, a layer of tears welled up in her eyes.

Once upon a time, when she heard that Li Taize's father told his son that she was dead in order to build a burial mound, she hated her very much.

But now he doesn't hate at all. Instead, he sympathizes with the man who was once resented by himself in the tomb next door.

"But... Mom, you are still alive and well. It's too..." isn't it decent? The Li family is insulting people!

At this time, Willis could not care about his love for Li Taize's mother and brother, which was a matter of principle. He thought it was not only a curse, but also an insult.

Li Taize stood aside, calm and silent. In this topic, he has the least voice, because his father did it. Now he can only follow the wishes of the Wei family and their children. They say to tear it down, and they will tear it down; They say stay, stay!

"Liz, don't fool around. You are no longer a child. You have the ability to distinguish right from wrong. Isn't what your mother said enough to prove the sincerity of the Li family?" Mrs. Wei was displeased and began to speak harshly.

"But..." Williams wanted to argue.

Mrs. Wei interrupted him: "Liz, I don't want to blame you. I know you are also good for your mother, but my mother hopes you can digest what my mother just said and think about it carefully."

"The attitude of Taize and Lulu is that before I come here, they want to tear down my clothes to make me feel better."

"But I thought of it. I told them in advance that they were not allowed to tear it down and keep it. What was buried in it was not only the clothes, shoes and hats I used to wear, but also my past in the Li family. It was my past when I was young."

"I think it's good. The Li family buried the past for me. I don't have a past. I only have a new future, and you two excellent sons! I should be happy, right? "

With that, Mrs. Williams looked into his eyes with a smile.

Willis finally understood, because his mother's sentence "buried in it is not only the clothes, shoes and hats I used to wear, but also my past in the Li family, the past when I was young and not sensible."

There is also the sentence "the Li family buried the past for me..." this is just speaking of the heart of Williams, he hopes that everything is new to his mother, except for having a big brother, all the past has passed.

"Mom, I understand you. OK, let it be preserved. In the future, the detached sons, grandsons and great grandsons will come to sweep the grave, and there will be grandmothers' grave to sweep." Williams finally understood that.

Because he knew that his mother would be buried with his father, Wei liming, in the Wei family's graveyard.

It's not an ordinary embarrassment that the detached descendants can't go across the sea after many generations to sweep the grave of a former grandmother who was buried with other people's ancestors several generations ago.

"Brother, don't mind what I said just now. It wasn't aimed at you and your Li family at all. It was just aimed at mom..." after thinking about it, Williams immediately turned around and apologized to Li Taier.

"Thank you for your understanding! Thank you for your understanding! On behalf of my whole Li family, thank you, Wei family Li Taize said sincerely.

Although it was his mother who was abducted by the Wei family in the neighborhood, he now understands that his mother was originally a couple with Wei Liming. Later, because of several adults, his mother was forced to marry her father.

In that short marriage, not only his mother was the victim, but also his father, Li Taize.

There is no right or wrong in his feelings. Everything has passed. What can he tangle with as a son?

"Come on, let's go back to the city. I'll take you to a place!" Li Taize took the lead in the original road.