Li Taize took several of them to the street where the Li family used to live.

High rise buildings, high-grade apartments, high-grade office buildings, large shopping malls and so on have been built here.

Looking at the environment outside the window, Mrs. Wei felt strange and asked, "taizer, what's this place? How beautiful

"This is the old long street." Li Taize's expression was completely blank, and the memories of his childhood came to his heart.

Although I have let go of the past, as long as I come here, the sadness and melancholy will be born.

Mrs. Wei didn't say a word. She was staring out of the car window, as if searching for the trace she was familiar with.

"That... Gu Biao, slow down, slow down..." Mrs. Wei raised her hand to Gu Biao.

Gu Biao slowed down, and several people in the car enjoyed the scenery outside the window along the way.

"Tazer, is this really a long street? Why... I don't recognize it at all now. " Mrs. Wei said helplessly.

Indeed, let alone her, if this land was not developed by Li Taize, even if he was asked to recognize it, he would not recognize it. It has completely changed, even in the southeast and northwest.

"Yes, it's just changed." Li Taize did not say much, just let Gu Biao drive down the road.

At the end of the drive, I stopped near a group of villas.

"Come on, let's get out of the car." Li Taize took the lead to get out of the car and stood facing the villas.

Mrs. Wei came down, stood beside him, and looked at the villas along his eyes.

"Do you still remember the tall ancient tree in the middle of the villa group?" Li Taize reached out to a big tree far away.

"Oh! Isn't that... Isn't that the Millennium ginkgo tree at the end of the old street? " Mrs. Wei got excited and raised her voice, then pointed to the tree.

Her eyes still twinkled with tears. Yes, it was the ginkgo tree in front of her home. She grew up under that tree. Her mother's house is at the end of West Street.

The old street, six kilometers long, was the longest and most famous street in L City at that time. It is also called long street.

People living on the street don't know people in the middle and the end of the street. People living on the end of the street don't know people in the middle and the end of the street.

It was at the end of the street that Mrs. Wei's mother's family lived. She didn't know Li Jiasu in the middle of the street. Later, she never thought that she would marry the strange Li family. As a result, her life changed completely.

"Big brother, you are..." Williams has always admired Li Taize's ability and way of doing things, but now he doesn't know what the big brother is selling. Why did he bring his mother to her sad place?

"This villa group is called" Shuya villa ". There is the largest villa I gave you. It's right next to the ginkgo tree. When you open the door of the villa, you can see the ginkgo tree. It's growing in your yard now. In a sense, the tree belongs to you now."

Li Taize said and took out a bunch of keys from his bag and handed them to Mrs. Wei.

Indeed, when Li Taize built this villa group, he planned the tree and let the designer design it into Mrs. Wei's yard. In her enclosure, who can climb over the wall and move the ginkgo tree?

After hearing this, Mrs. Wei excitedly took over the keys, shaking her hands, and the keys gently collided to make a pleasant sound.

"Come on, show us." Li encouraged her.

Before Mrs. Wei left, Willis followed her and helped her. Li Taize and Gu Biao walked behind.

She picked up the key to open the iron door, and the old ginkgo tree that accompanied her grew up stood in the middle of the yard. The whole villa was cool under its shade.

"En en, in line with Feng Shui! Well, the gate is well done Mrs. Wei is very particular about geography and gossip. As soon as she enters the door, she will be flattered and boasted.

"Wow! Such a big cactus? Such a beautiful flower? I saw the cactus blooming for the first time. I didn't expect that the flowers from the ugly cactus were so beautiful! "

Mrs. Wei saw a large pot of cactus on the flower rack in the corner of the living room, with big pink flowers, and the fragrance overflowing.

Li Taize's mouth rose, showing a trace of pride. This cactus was raised in his Li family's old house for many years. Later, he moved it out. Seeing that Mrs. Wei likes flowers and plants, he contributed this beloved cactus.

Williams and Gu Biao are also admiring the big flower. They have seen the cactus blossom, but the color of the small flower is not so bright. What kind of cactus is it? How beautiful!

"However, Taize, this cactus is suitable to be put on the terrace or balcony, otherwise it is also very good to put in the yard." Mrs. Wei turned a corner and said.

"Why?" Three men asked together, such a beautiful flower, blooming for a long time, or a good helper to purify the air, why put it outside?

"Because plants with thorns are not suitable for indoor use, which will hurt money." Said Mrs. Wei slowly.

She is very particular about feng shui.

"Oh, well, I didn't think of that. Gu Biao, come on, move it to the hospital, find a good place and put it in a conspicuous place." Li Taize ordered Gu Biao.

"All right." Gu Biao went up and picked up the big cactus and walked out of the living room.

Mrs. Wei was very satisfied with the European style of the living room and dining room decoration, as if she had designed it herself.

"Go back to the backyard again." Li Taize led them to the backyard.

To the backyard, this small garden is unique, rockery, pavilions, pools, lush flowers and trees.

"Come and sit here." Li Taize pointed to a stone table and said.

It's a stone table. In fact, it's a big round stone grinding plate. The sink around the grinding plate becomes a groove for pouring tea when making tea. The grinding plate becomes a tea table. It's a wonderful work.

There are four antique stone benches around the stone table. Mrs. Wei has a familiar feeling: "this... These things look familiar. Have you seen them anywhere?"

"This big millstone was moved from your mother's old house. I've had it transformed to be a tea table for you. You can sit here in the afternoon to make tea and see the flowers in your leisure time." Li Taize is thoughtful.

"This is my stone mill?" Mrs. Wei's voice trembled and she shook her hands to touch it.

"It's really my family's. you see, there are inscriptions on the side of the millstone. This is my grandfather's name. When my grandfather was young, he opened a tofu shop, so he had such a large stone mill at home." Said Mrs. Wei excitedly.

The past came to mind.