Chapter 135 - 135 - Red House

Xia woke up to an empty bed. Feeling around, he could not feel the warmth in the sheets. "Where did this little dragon go again? Just yesterday he said that he won't leave me alone," he held his chin and pouted.

Truth be told, it was quite lonely without the little dragon accompanying him. Sighing, he gazed out at the rising sun. It was right above the horizon, creating a halo around the tall buildings nearby. "I guess I'm gonna have to search for my lover again. I hope this time he is not fighting with a primordial beast again," he mumbled and walked over to the restroom.

He washed his face with cold water and brushed his teeth with some herbs. Gazing at the empty tub, he sighed again. He really should have taken a bath yesterday itself. Today he felt too lazy to fill it all up with a small bucket.

"Meh, anyway i'll take a bath after finding that deceitful dragon," he neatly combed his hair tied it up in a ponytail. Wore his fresh clothes, and he was ready for the day.

His stomach rumbled. "Food first lover later," he decisively threw his thoughts about the little dragon behind his mind and focused on finding food.

He cheerfully walked out and almost ran into a server boy who was carrying a bowl of noodles. The noodles looked too soggy, and the broth was not thick at all. 'I should not judge a book by its cover, maybe it tastes really good,' he thought as he walked past the foyer. One of the guests stated vomiting after eating the said noodles. "I have to find some other place with good food,"

He dashed over to Felia's room. Jinjue opened the door. She had heavy dark circles under her eyes and they also looked puffed up. "Did you cry?"

Jinjue shook her head, but after some hesitation she nodded. "The pup…. he refuses to eat. My lady loves him. What to do when she wakes up and finds him skin and bones," she cried.

Xia Che walked in and rounded up near the door towards the little pup. "Puppy?.... No you are Raijin right?"

The pup's ears perked up. He slowly got up and walked over to him.

Xia offered a hand for him to sniff and to get familiar with. Usually dogs get spooked when someone with a strange scent enters their territory, so it was always better to get the pup used to him.

Raijin softly licked his hand. It was his young master's mate. Even though he was a guy, he was always kind to everyone. 'Young master Aotian is very lucky to have you as his mate,' he internally approved.

Meanwhile, Xia blankly gazed down at the little pup. He only knew that this was a wolf pup, not a dog. He gazed around at the bowls of raw bones, raw meat and a bowl of conge.

"You only gave him raw food?" he whispered to Jinjue.

She nodded.

Xia sighed as far as Long told him, this Raijin was not a real beast but a cultivator who had his spiritual energy stripped by some means.

He softly patted his bald head. "Do you want to eat pork belly with me? I heard that this place was famous for that," he whispered.

This cheered up the wolf pup instantly. He got up and jumped around Xia.

Nearby, Jinjue was shocked. When she fed the dog its food, he kept gazing at it with repulsion. Now when young master mentioned human food, he is jumping in excitement? Many questions filled her sleepless brain.

Xia cheerfully picked him up and carried him out. "Jinjue, well go eat some spicy food and come back. If Long asks, just let him know," He shouted and dashed out.

"Are pups even supposed to eat spicy food?" she said, but before she could finish he was out of the room.

She sighed and went back to her lady's bedside.

On the other hand, Xia cheerfully rushed out of the Inn. He finally had an eating companion who was equally passionate about food as him.

In actuality, Raijin had been eating too much of Dog food and when he was offered human food, he was ecstatic.

The poor crayfish did not know this. He cheerfully ran around shop to shop gazing at their menu. He found many spots that sold the trademark dish, but none of them had a tantalizing fragrance he expected.

"Maybe I overestimated their cooking talents." His mother Yukiya can cook so well she even learned so many the recipes just for him.

As he was walking in the busy street, a sudden fragrance hit his nostril. It was a spicy flavor mixed with the oily smell of pork. "Oh, my savior is here," he cheerfully followed the scent. It led him to a red house. It was decorated with many red satin screens hanging on the sides. In the middle, above the entry way, there was a huge banner saying, "Heavenly manor,"

He gulped his saliva and walked in, but a hand stopped him in his path.

Xia turned around and whispered, "Sir, you are blocking the way." To his surprise, it was the masked man who saved him near the cliff. His mask still looked terrifying, but his kindness could be seen in every one of his gestures.

"We meet again." He said.

The masked man nodded. Indeed… he met his son again. It was all because he was following him secretly all along the way.

"Yes, young man. The sun is out and, it is not proper to…. 'ahem' visit the red house*?" he said with a small blush. He peered down at his son and sighed. It looks like his son was playing around with that royal brat's feelings.

'Isn't breakfast eaten in the morning so why is he telling me it is improper? Maybe he doesn't like the color red,' he thought, gazing at the man up and down.

"When I'm hungry ill eat," he said with a small smile.


Red house – courtesan's house.