Chapter 348 Everyone Is Born For Himself

Name:Trapped In Lace Author:Goose
Jack had just finished drinking water when he saw Rachel rush into his ward. His eyes lit up instantly at the sight of her. "Why are you running?" he asked as soon as she was within hearing distance.

Each time he saw Rachel, it brought a different kind of happiness to his heart like nothing in the world mattered at all anymore.

Rachel briefly stared back at him as she took his medical record from the end of the bed. The longer she looked at it, the more she frowned. After she studied his medical record, she looked so mad that she almost gritted her teeth. "Jack, you have a very high fever. How can you not feel it at all? And you even went to the company for a meeting? Have you taken the medicine I gave you on time?" she asked in a worried tone.

She looked angry. Her eyes became watery and her lips slightly trembled. The sight of her made Jack's heart feel heavy. He forced himself into a sitting position and looked at her anxiously. "I took the medicine as you asked, but I really don't know how I got a high fever."

Austin stood on one side in silence. He covered his mouth while he snickered for a while. He quickly coughed and cleared his throat when Jack suddenly turned towards him. "I swear that Mr. Fu took his medicine on time," he said suddenly.

He immediately cursed himself for lying. Just that noon, he poured a glass of water for Jack and reminded him to take the medicine. But Jack did not even took heed of what he said and instead pointed at the corner of the table indicating to him to put it aside. He thought that it was because the water was too hot and Jack would take the medicine later. But he never expected that the glass of water was not even touched at all when he went back in at half past three in the after

anger, it made her feel like she was walking on coals.

Celia closely watched the changes on Rachel's face as Rachel stared blankly at nothingness. After some time of watching Rachel, Celia decided to wave her hand in front of Rachel's eyes several times until she could get a reaction from her. "Rachel, what's wrong with you? What were you thinking? Why are you acting like a silly girl?"

"Nothing," Rachel replied, dazed and confused. She touched her warm cheeks, and immediately excused herself to go and buy some breakfast to fill her stomach. She left instantly without saying another word.

However, her favorite sandwich that always tasted good for her, tasted like wax that morning. She forced herself to eat half of it, but eventually ended up losing her appetite. She eventually became dazed once more as she sat at the cafeteria.

She straightened out her relationship with Jack, but what about Bill?

At that very same moment, Andy brought a freshly brewed sober tea to Bill's bedroom. Bill was already up when Andy got into the room, but he had a dull look on his face. His pajamas looked like they were carelessly hung on a lifeless statue.

Although he felt angry, Andy still felt sorry for Bill. He sighed and shook his head as he stood at the door. He watched him and eventually handed him the sober up tea. "Bill, you will feel much better after drinking this. Always remember that no matter how frustrated you feel, you can't vent your anger and frustration on your own body," he reminded him.

"I understand," Bill replied weakly.

He gently massaged his temples with his thumb and middle finger. Last night, he felt very sad when he saw the empty seat next to him. He left in the middle of the performance and went to a bar.