Chapter 349 I Love You

Name:Trapped In Lace Author:Goose
Bill shook his head slightly and his blurry thoughts became clear. "Andy, how did I come back last night?" he asked.

"You drove yourself here! I don't know how you managed to drive in this condition."

Just the mere thought of it brought goose bumps onto Andy's body. He turned pale with fear.

He always waited for Bill before he went to sleep. Last night was no exception. He sat in the hall, waiting for Bill's arrival. On glancing at the clock, he realized it would be dawn in no time. Fearing something had happened to him, he stood up to make a call. Just then he heard the doorknob being twisted open. He caught sight of Bill staggering with car keys in his hand. Quickly, Andy went to support him. Bill was making some weird noises. Andy didn't know whether he was laughing or crying.

Seeing his condition, Andy asked him who had dropped him here.

Bill said he drove himself back. It seemed like he wasn't able to make sense of his surroundings.

Andy was taken aback. He carried Bill to his room. Once he was asleep, he hurriedly went to the garage. The car Bill drove today was parked there!

He couldn't imagine how Bill had managed to drive in this state.

After sleeping for a few hours, Bill felt much better. He drank the tea in one gulp and put the cup on the bedside table. His phone rang, and it was Rachel. "Bill, are you free this evening? I have something urgent to discuss with you."

For a second, he didn't know what to reply. After a while, he answered, "I'm kind of busy this ev

l raised her eyebrows, looked straight into his dark eyes and said, "I asked Bill out today to tell him that I won't be seeing him anymore. I told him I am getting back with you."

Jack, who normally had the upper hand, was at loss of words today. At this moment, he could only hear his own heartbeat. He slowly fixed his eyes on her face and asked, "What did you say just now?"

He thought his ears were playing some tricks on him. What he heard was too good to be true. He wanted her reassurance before he could be completely happy.

Rachel made a face at him and said, "Forget it. I won't repeat it." However, there was a smile on her face which didn't go unnoticed by him.

She seemed a bit shy as well. Jack was a man who never let his guard down, but today his face flushed with delight. Every sorrow he had felt in his life disappeared.

Even though she always looked beautiful, today her beauty was at its peak. She represented the definition of life and hope to him.

His deep eyes were glimmering with happiness. He slowly approached her and whispered, "Rachel, I love you."

She felt hot on her face. Just when she was about to speak, she was stopped his warm lips. It pressed against hers. Speaking was the last thing she wanted to do now.

"Mindy, where is Rachel?"

asked the director. He had been searching for Rachel but she was nowhere to be found. Disappearing during work hour was very unlikely of her. She was quite a punctual girl.

Mindy smiled and said, "She asked for leave today."