Chapter 428 Get Out

Name:Trapped In Lace Author:Goose
A deep frown appeared on Rachel's face upon hearing Jonathan's words. All the while, she thought that he always cared about her relationship with Jack. But now, what he said seemed to be leading to their future divorce.

'Has he known the agreement I signed with Jack?' she thought.

But still, she smiled slightly and said, "Dad, we are good."

"I'm glad to hear that." Jonathan sighed. "If you feel that you are wronged, don't keep it to yourself. Tell me anytime. I know that you have always been a good girl. But most of the time, you don't like to talk. Maybe because when you were a child—"

"Don't worry. I will tell you everything at the right time."

Before Jonathan could finish his words, Rachel interrupted. Although she had already gradually let go of the memories of her childhood, she still felt a little uncomfortable when someone mentioned it.

Jonathan and Rachel chatted for a while before she said goodbye and went back home. On her way, a lot of things ran through her mind, but she still couldn't figure out why Jonathan came to talk to her. She already felt a dull pain in her temples, so she decided to give up in the end.

When she arrived home, Julie was busy preparing dinner. Although the kitchen door was closed, the aroma of the dishes still seeped through the gap, so she smelled it as soon as she entered the house.

Rachel went straight to her room to change her clothes. When she was about to close the door, someone suddenly grabbed her wrist tightly. In an instant, she was pressed against the wall. Jack held the

a sudden, Michael moved closer and put his arm around Jack's shoulder. He wanted to say something but stopped on second thought. After a while, with a trace of pity and sympathy in his eyes, he said, "Jack..."

Jack, who suddenly felt uncomfortable, slapped Michael's face. He then said disgustingly, "I'm not in the mood to talk nonsense with you today."

Michael clicked his tongue and shook his head. "Are you in a bad mood because Rachel is pregnant and you're unable to have sex with her?"

Rachel was currently pregnant, so Jack couldn't touch her. Since his desire wasn't quenched, he drove away and drowned himself in alcohol.

That was the scene that kept on playing in Michael's mind.

Of course, he didn't dare to say these words in front of Jack. But when he saw that Jack's face darkened, he shrank back and withdrew his hand immediately. Jack seemed to read what he was thinking.

Michael touched his nose and explained awkwardly, "This is only normal for husbands who will soon become fathers. Don't be too anxious. You just have to be patient and wait until Rachel gives birth."

Upon hearing Michael's words, Jack drank one glass after another again. With no expression on his face, he took out his phone and dialed a number. He then turned to Michael and said, "Do you think I have no way to satisfy my needs?"


Michael's face turned red all of a sudden. He grabbed Jack by the collar and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing. It's none of your business." Jack shook his hands off and stood up waveringly.