Chapter 429 The News About Jack

Name:Trapped In Lace Author:Goose
Scarlett was worried about Jack's sudden discharge from the hospital. She couldn't think of a reason that would allow her to stay with him. Thinking hard, she tried to find a plausible solution to her dilemma. The more she thought, the more frustrated she became. Just when she was dwelling on these thoughts, she received a call. Looking at her phone, she saw Jack's name on the screen. This was quite unexpected and took her by surprise.

Without giving it a second thought, she changed her clothes and set forth to meet him. Once she was there, she caught sight of Jack standing outside a club. His head was lowered and he was smoking. The cigarette butt in his hand flickered in the dark night.

She couldn't hide her excitement and trotted forward. "Jack, I'm here!" she announced.

Jack threw the cigarette on the ground and pulled her into his arms. In a distasteful tone, he announced, "Let's go home!"

Scarlett looked up at him and was flooded with elation. She asked, "Where? Whose home are you talking about?"

Jack hooked her chin and smiled wickedly. "What do you think?" he asked.

A blush of shyness spread across Scarlett's face. She carefully helped Jack into the car, and then drove the car to her house. Deep down, she was glad that her mother wasn't home tonight. Exciting thoughts occupied her mind.

The next morning, Scarlett was awakened by the alarm clock she had set last night. There was nothing but resentment on her face. She couldn't forget the injustice she had experienced.

Last night didn't go as she had imagined. She had thought that Jack had finally accepted her. The way he hugged her deluded her into believing he l

w voice, "Have you taken away the newspaper from my office?"

Every morning, a newspaper would be sent to her office. Sometimes it would be thrown on the floor, other times it would be laid on her desk. Either way, it was always here.

However, today it wasn't around. At first, she had assumed they must have forgotten to send it. But realizing Celia's oddness had something to do with news, she understood this was her doing.

She looked firmly into Celia's eyes. Sure enough, she put her hand inside her purse and took out a newspaper. "Rachel, it's very likely that this news is nonsense. You know that these paparazzi tend to make up crazy stuff."

Rachel opened the newspaper and continued to read, paying no heed to Celia's warning. It was indeed related to Jack.

When she first saw him with this model, she was in pain. But with time, she had learnt to accept the truth. Rachel smiled calmly, put the newspaper on the table and said in a flat voice, "This is his business. He can be with whoever he wants. I shouldn't bother myself."

"But how is this possible, Rachel?" Celia asked, clenching her fists. Her voice was brimming with resentment. "He is the father of your baby. Is it morally right for him to hook up with another woman?"

Having had no breakfast, Rachel felt fatigue overtake her. She walked towards a chair and sat down. She looked up at Celia and asked in a low voice, "Then, what do you recommend? Should I confront that woman and perhaps fight with her? Should I slap her for stealing my child's father?"

"No, that's not what I meant,"

Celia replied immediately. The truth was, she herself didn't know what she meant.